The San Bernardino County Sun from San Bernardino, California (2024)

1 THI (UN Oct. 2. 1980 freshwater fish report college football al standings nfl nl standings DC )( Comoaed Rod trvxe NATIONAL LEAGUE UTTL NCAA Team DHense Lealrs RusNng 0ense KANSAS C'TY torn N4hen Foetval League individual Leaders Leao Passers At Come. Yards Avg, TO 1 5 0 0 2 0 0 3 fc a 2 3 10 I 4 3 3 3 3 2 3' 4 3 i EST I Pel GB -'5 DODGERS 2 "a' li A-a'-a 5 vc f-a- C-v. i8 442 EAST Vy-M 1- 3 53 a 46 '3 1' 8 Lo'i 4i; 17 Nm 4 23 C'ta-o ti 2r- tVIKINiMUE DETROIT TOOXT0 IST rtrk it'O I PC 4 I i i rj 4 0 1 vi i i i i ''i'.

I 2 i 2 i i -4 ANGiii ii i i i i i'l It iH) a ST H' ft, I I i i 3 Ni I 6 I 4 4 0 's i 'i Tom 441 ii tm iwi Orrtit 04 50' MO-It 41' Tgfontl l'J 041 0'0 7 05 9 ')S S'' 'H "C3 'C 'if 1' 1" 2 '9 7ii 'H li 9 86 46 726 14 4 SO 21 t-4 9 21 4 145 9' lu'S 7 00 7 6 1C 5 22 4 van A- te Da B'aJs'a A' Soe Darrf-'SOn Dt Ferr-jg LA DeBerg SF Gr ese a iOrkhi 5 2 4 0 5 3 10 5 3 3 2 i 4 4 0 3 0 10 3 0 I 0 0 OOOO 10 0 0 3 3 0 0 10 3 0 0 0 3 0 05 115 4 1 3 4 0 15 13 3 0 2 3 10 Hi ft YORK 44) hoi QVorr 'J 4 2 3 0 2D Fo ss 1W0 Evaai rt 1 Bin-o 0 1 1 4 4 I 3 S-0's- 4'ac: 3d 2 1 0 2s 2 0 0 3 T'e. -c BRrrs" It 5 0 3 i A -0' ss 4 0 11 B.r-so 2b 5 1 1 0 Ov- a Boev 2 110 pe 10 0 0 N'COS a 2M0 jV yv or Peao Totat 39 10 li 9 Tout Pittsburgh 200 211 Ne York 201 000 2 0 2 i u- 1 0 i 5 O'i 2 3 3 5 0 3 A' 2 0 0 3 '33 2 0 0 0 10 3 3 2t I B-'-ij Ai Vf.f 'J it p' i 11 K'ul 26 Tom Leading Pass Receivers No. Yards Avg, TD 0 3 3 1 a 0 '000 0 0 0 5 I 5 I Tom 4 DODGERS 8 o- a 5 Car Yds Yds PG Mam, Fa s3 M'ssou' 30 3 P.D.-j' '3: 34 3 Bj'je-s NtKaa 7T3 5' 2 NC S' 4 20' F'oroaS' 's- Bav'or 236 75 3 Navy 328 74 3 ss S' lit 3i0 77 5 Passing Defense All Como Yds Yds PG Kent S' 31 12 120 40 0 Tennessee St 34 122 Varsnai' 50 '8 70 7 Apoa acn'ar S' 70 33 30; H2 Miami 14 2j6 78 7 isansasS' 59 27 213 810 Tj'sa 43 24 241 3 Naw 22 250 83 3 Virg.ria Teci 78 28 336 91 0 Dartmouth 34 11 171 84 5 Total Defense Pfavs Yds Yds PG Naw 175 17S hi 3 PiftsDurgn 133 hi 3 Virginia Tech 279 463 165 7 Fionda St 2'1 (-58 172 0 Miami, Fla 243 707 1'6 7 Bavior 223 540 180 0 Rutgers 17 7 5 74 19 1 3 NeDraska 176 594 198 0 Tennessee SI 128 408 204 0 Iowa SI 199 634 211.3 MO-10 002- 32 3 0 aj 0 i a'. 2 751 193 331 3'? l'7 1C7 179 Ga nes Molr SF Coooer SF iiev, S'L Montgor'ery P-. jptterson SD Gray.

rtj Jensen. Den Amsicw SD Gaiorea'h NO ij 28 S- 33 32 27 21 22 2' -i 2' 20 19 19 11 7 1 P9 70 15 I '3 7 56 154 94 82 100- 1 00- HOUS' Kanui Citv 100 210 0 i 'v ANGILJ a ii it, '-'v. 2 ion i -e I II I I 1 Crt" v-0 'v 4 Today'j Gamts UVUljtK) UO 2 a' E-Bjms. Air-or vLa DP-Nw Yxk 1 8 New Yo'k 10 Ya.gD'OOd BRiD'nson HR-Par'e' '17; Romo (I! Aashmg'on (10i SB Bacman Aasnmg-lon, OMoreno S-Foli OMoreno IP ER BB iO An' 'y 1 LGb-'V': 2 B(Kh'e iM B'p" yVaiion 'h ib-A 156 Carpenter, Hou DP- a-ws a' S-ii 'y 6 28 2 hR-b'I 24', ER BB SO 8 4 3 2) Leading Rushers IP ER BB SO iAa I07i 4 15 (T, B'w n-i a' Mou4'8" 'Niwo 18 12 5 35 o-i IP No. Yards Avg.

TD 91 539 4 ToronH 15 1 I I 6a" I 3 2 jrr 3 3 Lf 3 115 HBP-O BdO 'PT4 12 424 SatV Dfssf 4 10 Ktrtut Citv One Pai'm A 4 0 DODGERS SAN FRANCbCO 2 1 3 2 T-2 54 Pittsburgh B'bbv 19-6 RomoS 11 New York Burns 13 Glynn larkson Pare'ia 3 2 5 0 4 0 WP- Sims. Del Mong'omerv Phi Anderson S'L PavWi C'ti Dorset'. Dal CnbDs, But Andrews, Atl Peaco*ck, LA King. Oak 5 2 3 10 1-3 0 2 6 1 0 100 366 347 305 29 278 267 239 254 72 74 77 76 78 52 66 53 50 2 0 1 I 0 DDv. T-211 A IS 604 OAKLAND HBP-bv Bjrr (Maoiock).

3 03 NCAA Individual Leaders Leading Rushers Car Yds Avg Yds PG Hofer. SF Pe'cnnt 2D Jonrisin rt 'US 54 Bae' it Girvey Id Cey 3D Hairtxjr 3o f-eguw DTnmi is Hooior Thmv1 on Castillo Today's Gnt hv -id I 'vil- C' i II 10 IHii "'V 'i 18 i'J A 'v 5 2 ai tens Vatan 10 9 and Jfnn II) 2 3 10 Wo 13 14 j' B.s't" Tuijy 4 (0 ot Kk-h I'j 14 Jl Nc Vfjrti 'GjiOrv 10' i Bws'er jf iy 9 I0i 4i4 Only WW vtieOi.iea 4 NOELS a' Ovo 111 e-r ly'li 4' BoVOf1 II i- Kt-va a' Ba-'-r 4 )C a' io" a' Hrvis C'' 51i V-i a' SJ4 o-i ST. LOUIS MONTREAL Leading Punters pennant races No. Yards 1105 CHICAGO ibrhbi 2 110 3 0 2 1 4 110 Vtj lt 4 112 Ba mrt 5 2 3 1 af 4 2 2 1 lt 2 10 1 Vcn" 20 4 112 Foiey 4 10 0 Bo' ab 4 0 11 Venae ct 4 0 10 Honand 0 1 0 0 0 on 5 12 0 B'p nmg 5 0 10 He'ran on 1110 Nas'u 3 110 Wnitt a if 2 2 2 0 Cm ft 4 2 2 6 Dtvans 3D 4 111 Way 3 0 10 Murrav ID 10 0 0 Suia'i 2D 0 0 0 0 2D Pp'tm, ss Wntra Levv ss AnilSfjr H'yshmr Ronyiand ct 32 1 13 1 Total ab bt 2 10 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 oooo 10 0 0 oooo 5 12 0 4 112 3 0 2 1 5 0 11 5 0 0 0 10 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 oooo oooo 2 110 16 4 4 MfllWi It Goniaij W'l'ony cf Klut'4 lb It) Evar OiV'f Am Kay 2b 23 17 2) 18 3ennings. NYG Guv.

Oak Partridge. SD Corral. LA ibrnb) 4 0 1 ii 10 0 0 5 2 2 0 4 111 3 0 11 4 0 10 4 0 10 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 10 11 3 746 908 ra 943 ab bi 4 12 0 4 112 4 110 4 2 3 2 3 0 11 4 0 11 4 110 3M1 3 10 0 2: Prestndge Den Redwme, Nebraska 63 521 8 3 173 7 Morris. Svracuse 78 492 6 3 164.0 Allen, Southern Cal 12 155 4 1 1517 Lawrence Va Tech 113 568 5 0 142 0 Mitchell. Citadel 99 562 5 7 140 5 Jones.

Texas 74 418 5.6 139 3 Rogers. S. Carolina 85 544 6 4 136 0 Alexander. Va 81 513 63, 128 2 Tucker, Central Men 76 505 66 126 2 Glenn, Furman 55 372 6 8 124 0 Leading Passers Rating Art Com Yds TdS Pts Leading Punt Returners Pmnant Rac At A GUnct By Th Assxiatfd Preii NATIONAL LEAGUE WEST Pet GB ab bi 4 0 2 0 White If 4 0 10 RScolf 2D 0 0 0 0 Office rf 4 0 10 Dawson 4 0 0 0 Carter 4 0 2 0 Cromrt ID 4 0 0 0 Pamsn 30 4 0 0 0 Soe'er ss 3 0 0 0 Palmer 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 34 0 6 0 Total Yards No. ODerkfl 2D Tmpltn ss Fraiier KHrnd! ID Simmons lorg rt Durham If TScoM Cf ReMi 3D Rincon Little Littie'iio Herr ss Total 4 112 3D K'ui ss II 12 10 Total Tot Avg.

480 43.9 43 2 43 2 429 Avg. 16 8 16 7 15 1 13 8 13 7 Avg. 30 0 28 2 27 6 26 8 26 8 Fuller. SD NYG Nelms, Was Ben, Pil 67 100 106 83 164 91 6' 526 -89 69 563 2 HOME 1 CV 2 OakUnd CHK490 023 00 1 050- 11 000 002 010- 1 17 3 4 5 a' lus Smith, A'l 3 Ot MO'jS'On DODGERS MOUS'ON 4 AAAY DODGERS 4 HOuV'Jl A AAV 0 Total Leading Kickoft Returners ANGELS MILWAUKEE at) ft 33 8 11 7 Yards HOVE i ft' I i ys IX' 2 a- Sar- F-a'f-s 5." 'sn is ed i- a'necs t's ic -'ic oencs ose-a''s a-d is we a-, arae 'sf sn.d no' us so nc c''" ur 'W LAKE SILVER WOOO s1" "-9 sw ie Ca''' O' es 1" -g wen Mis' a'e -ear so on rrac.e'ei ear'v Ja uav out jt Ra 'o had a day nasi ne Droug-' ca'1 si a'ges' 9 oou-os "Ou' a-d 'wo bass joe Co'v of Sa" Be'ia'd-'o fauteo 'wo casr a' 8 5 oou-as Surdav morning a s'r per was taken Dv Tom a'e S'ar' ng tp Dn'k jo in at'inn fjs. ceese arc nitecawiers working pes' oH snore dam is still under repair causes) 'he wa'er level 'o be De'ow normai LAKE PERRIS Wa'er rjemg -eieased into me 'ae commg ou' o' La-e ve'-wood 'his week has Drought a change the feed'ng haO'ts of the dsn is Des' at the north end of me dam are being caught in the daV'ght nours on anything from miecrawiers to minnows.

Ai and Darrei C3usev of aito ouiied seven cats weaning a lo'ai of 10 pounds out of a boat and using mackerel. The exoenenced fisherman can hook us with some nice Dass wth a little eort out for the novice fish are very scarce. Biuegill are coming in on red and meal worms. LAKE SKINNER Fishing has slowed due to extreme heat however. Dass and catfish can still De snagged in the deeper water.

LAKE HENSHAW-C'SOOie and Channel cat are providing all ot the action here Bass are slow LAKE ELSINORE The lake was slocked with catfish this oast week and fishing is very good. Bass are fair and biuegill are super. Fishmg is best out of a boat the camosi'e area VAIL LAKE Limtis of caft'sn con'inue to come Biuegill and craooie hshing fair to good SAN DIEGO LAKES-O'av fair to good for al' species Biuegill is excellent a' Soiitherland ail o'hers soeues are slow Hodges commas to De good 'or and Wueuiii Miramar 's s'ow EASTERN SIERRA (ce'n 'sjbe area Cattish and oiueg'ii are leading 'he action. Catfish are coming of Rocky Point biuegill along the Drushv areas Crapoie are starting 'o bite wlh conS'Sian-cy. Bass are slow Troul can be taken ou' ot me river Deicw the dam BishOO.

Trolling and shore fishing d'e both working well in South Lake imae 2 is very good for rainbows on cheese and eggs. Limits of stockers are being oui ot Sabrina on worms and eggs. The water level is down 6 feet. Mammoth: A 3 2-pound brown was hauled out of the mouth of the Owens River. Fishing there is excellent, olive matukas and nitecrawlers working best.

Fly fishing on the Upper Owens and on Hot Creek is very good. Streamers during the day and Light Cahills in the morning and evenings. All of Ihe Mammoth lakes are doing well. Eggs and trolling with a Dave Davis picking up the most action. June lakes are also good both Ironing and shore tishing.

Bridgeport area: On the Upper Twin trolling with a nitecrawier is best. Flies are also well Kokanee are still being brought in trolling out Ot the Lover Twin along with a number of 'rout Rainbows be'ween 1 and 1 oounds are being hawed out of the Bridgeport Reservior and the Walker River on sinking cheese and ntia'ed nitecrawiers COLORADO RIVER Trout a'e shli hitting well trolling aiong the dam Occasional striper continue to pop jo. Fishing lor cats is very good an me river Cu'ba's are working best Havasu ow 'h me exxeo'ion of a 'ew Cd'liSh coming or shrimo The Mart'nez Lae area is oickmg up but is still considereflsiow SALTON SEA-Large jmounls 0' taldoia and croaker are being snagged along the beach areas Sargo are bemg taken around the sunken Corvina tishing is improving Dut is st'll rated on the siow side MOUNTAIN LAKES-Ac'ion is s'owng down at B'g Bear Lake Trout a-e orovrl ing the only bile limits can be taken oft the dock al Gray's Landing or trolling Ar rowhead is good for troul. Ironing is the best bel Bass and catfish remain slow Green Vallev lake is being stocked along with Lake Gregory. Both loca'ions will be good lor stockers.

rV 2D 041 001 030 020 DODGERS San Francisco 000 8 001- 4 -Sii'-cs 6 Cf'iato 8 2 IC'ji 38 -MtM'" t- HHnfJt'rson, Vtirf'W I.GB Oa-3-f tss SB -Snji'es 5-Nc St. Louis Montreal 000 ooo 000 012 000- 0 50x- 8 No. 5 9 9 10 6 150 254 218 268 161 Ivorv NE Wnght Ge Hill. LA Green, S'L Carson, KC Gentry. Nv.

Vgs 61 33 540 8 164 1 Mi.Mann B'g Yng 13' 77 1196 13 '63 6 MrMichaei Ru'grs 56 39 491 4 156 I Clifford Indiana 65 34 622 7 155 9 SIOCksMI Fla St 64 14 464 5 U2 Flick. Washingion 60 39 2 148 9 Luck, Va 88 54 752 6 143 8 Holly Princeton 44 3' 297 2 142 2 Campbell Cai'fomi 128 93 1023 3 141 3 Kramork, Ricnmnd 92 57 754 4 138 6 EAST 89 89 man Sf-Esva" I juris ER BB SO Wircai 20 juC '0 552 IP Fcgiisu'1 DT nomas 2 Hoo'on. Ha'cher UP Dodge's 1. Sa'i sco 1 LOB-Didgers 6 San Franc sco 2B-Amttpd 3B-Fe'guson, Louis 7, Mont-Dawson. Par-Dawson 44 IIK'' Iti 't 1 r' Oanlw 3D Mmjrt; E-Cromartie LOB-St real 5 7B Oberkfeli lorg, rish, Speier.

3B Car'er. Pa'mer 3 3 2 2 ab tx 4 111 4 111 4 12 0 0 0 3 0 4 2 11 5 0 3 5 0 10 5 12 0 5M0 2 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 4i 5 2 4 2 4 12 1 T' i- Si oooo en' id 4 111 4 I 4 I I a' V'O 3D 5 0 0 0 L' -4t 4 0 11 O'f 2D 4 1 1 0 a-k 4 12 0 Hul)S ft 5 3 4 4 agus Jl'ami on yVh.lrir Ihwr ID 4 10 It 9 Total SB yfit- DThomas HR Fe'gusu" treid Perconte Ha'cner Oakland A 22 9 Chicago Bamyrtn 2 i2 Proly Wortham IP Total Offense ER BB SO golf SF -DE vans ER BB SO 2 i-l 32 3 Yds PG Yds Avg Campbell, California 962 68 320.7 I 1-3 12 3 3 Cont'eras 283 5 2780 1- 3 2- 3 St. Louis Rincon L.3-1 Little Uttiefield Fraiier Montreal Palmer VUNfWf At. 3' HOVE i Ot' 3 i 5 PfiMji'if a PHILADELPHIA .4 HOVE 1 CV 2 ys Ctiictgo A A AY 3' Or 3 4 5 at AAdnireai AMERICAN LEAGUE EAST Pel. GB Ne Yor 100 38 633 Baltimore 98 61 616 2 i BALTIMORE i3); Home (3) Oct.

3, 4, 5 vs. Cleveland NEW YORK (4): Home (4) Oct. 2, 3, 4, 5, vs. Detroit. 273.2 AP-VNorri4 I T-2 37 BALTIMORE BOSTON Total DODGERS Hooton W.

14-8 Castillo San Francisco Wnitson L. 11-12 Hargesneimer Rowland Holland Breining Nastu 2690 257 0 9 6 0 0 0 10 McMahon, Brig Young 1134 Brown, Appalachian SI 1112 Elway, Stanford 109J Fairchild, Colo St 1076 Fourcade, Miss. 1028 Clarkson, S. Jose SI 764 Bennett, Army 703 Hall, Tulane 925 Carbone, Brown 460 110 301 130-10 020- 1 Milwauke ANGELS Rincon pitched to three batters in the seventh. Balk Rincon.

2:25. A 20,063. 254 7 234.3 231.2 230.0 E-Younl I. VHaTis, Dononue, Lanslord, Volitor DP-Miiwaukee 1. Angels 1 L06-Miiwaukee 8 Anvels 10 2B Yount, Downing, CMoore, Ganfef, Care 2.

K'iDsm 3B-CMoore HR Moiitor (9), CVoore i2l Oynyie i40 SB Cooper, CMooro 2 Mohtor. Gflniner ab It bt ab bt 3 2 10 Bjnesn S4 4 0 0 1 Sill S'apitn 2D 4 0 0 1 5 2 4 4 Rice It 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 Perei ID 3 12 2 5 12 2 Fisk 5 12 1 3 2 2 0 Eyans rt 4 110 0 0 0 0 Aiiensn dti 2 110 0 0 0 0 Hancck Sf 3 0 2 1 4 2 13 Hoftmn 36 5 1 1 1 4 12 1 Nichoii ct 4 13 0 1000 4 111 oooo .4010 31 12 IS 12 Total 38 I 14 8 Bumbry ct Dauer 2b Smgleln rt Corey rt Wurray lb PKelly It KGarci 2b Stone dti Crowly dti Grariam Dempsy DeCnc 3D RoemU It Beiangr 44 Total Whilson pitched fo Iwo Dalters in third. Hargesheimer pitched to three batters in fifth WP Hargesheimer. T-2 52. A 11,307.

SAN DIEGO CINCINNATI ab bi ab bi tennis Receiving 6ms Ct Yds CtPG Burrell, Purdue 3 20 285 6.7 Palmer, California 3 20 121 4 7 Beaslev, Apaiachin St 4 25 577 6 2 Harp. Western Caro 4 24 341 6.0 Fahnestock, Army 3 18 32) 6.0 NAIA Division II Top Twenty By The Associated Press The Tod Twenty teams in the Na'ionai IP ER BB SO ATLANTA Harper If Ramiri ss Mtlhws rf Horner 3b ChmDIs lb MurDhv cf HuDbrd 2D Benedict PNiekro POCOrD Oh Camp Total HOUSTON ab ft bi 4 0 0 0 Morgan 2D 4 0 2 0 Lnds'ov 2b 4 0 0 0 Cabell 3D 4 0 0 0 Puhl rf 4 110 JCruz If 2 0 0 0 Cedeno c' 3 111 AHowe ID 3 0 2 1 Bergmn ID 2 0 0 0 AshDv 10 0 0 Revnids ss 0 0 0 0 Ruhie 31 2 6 2 Total ab bi 4 110 0 0 0 0 3 12 0 4 12 3 4 0 11 3 110 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 110 4 0 11 4 0 10 33 5 10 5 Milwauke LaPomi Castro A 3 4 Cleyeund Sorenspn I ANGELS HalicKi KnappL.2 12 Si huler Bd'r I 3 42 3 3 I 1 I 3 22 3 2 13 12 3 I 4 10 0 Collins cf 4 0 2 0 3 0 2 0 Griffey rf 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 Cncocn ss 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 JKenov 2D 1110 3 0 0 0 Foster If 3 112 4 0 10 Driessn ID 3 0 10 3 0 0 0 Knignt 3b 3 0 0 0 2 0 10 Oesier 2D 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Corren 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 Seaver 0 2 0 0 0 or 10 0 0 31 I 4 I Total 29 2 5 2 Richrds If OSmith ss Muohrv cf Winf-etd rt Perkins ID Saiaiar 3b Fi'nnry 26 Fahev Dade or Shirley Total Baltimore Boston 303 122 ISO 000- 12 003 000 8 WPGT Tournament RIVERSIDE Scores after Wednesday's final round of the 54-hole, Women's Professional Golf Tour 512,000 Micheiob Classic at the 4 845-vard, par-73 Victoria Golf Club course la-denotes amateur). Kellv Fuiks, SI, 833.50 69-215 Pam Miller, $1,462 50 70-215 Lee Burke, 11.208.50 73-216 Rise Lakowske. 51,000 74-220 Sally Austin, $650 72-222 Sarah LeVeoue, 5650 7-222 Susie Conklin, $425 73-223 Mina Rodriguez, 5425 75-723 Sheri Turner, $425 74-2233 Brenoa Goldsmith $425 76-223 Kerry Scanlon, $262.50 72 22 5 LeAnn Cassadav. 4262.50 73-225 Sue Ertl.

$262.50 733-225 226, $200: Ba'b Berry. 227, $19150: Cmdv Flone, Svdnev Cunningham 228, $18250: Deannie Brown, c.a Comstock, 229, $175: Jan Raoo 230, $160: Paula Wagaskv, Judv Whitehouse Lon West 231, $142.50: Laura Hur'Dut. BarD Riedl 232, $115: Nancv Maurder 233, $89: Julie Coie Ann Pearson Denise Bebemes Karen Permeze' Baroara Charles. 234: Dawn Banow. 235: Meredith Marshal'.

Deoote Skinner, BarDara Easlick, Valerie Pacetti. 237: Sue Bennett, BarD Pendergasl, Davna Benson. 238: Judy Avers, Marcia Bai'ev Mei'ssa Whitmire. Lisa Baxter 239: Marge McDamel, Cathy Schneck. Ca'hy Olmsieari.

Deboie Goos, Kenv Soooner, Shelia Daly, Irene Zuniya. 240: CArcvn Felix, Lisa Goedecke. Mary McNaDb 241: Karen Graviev, Amy Hvslop, Suiv Shullz 241 Patty Robinson, Andrea Hodel Pam Moore. 243: Jane Reynolds, Mary Kennedy, Laurence Blandin. 246: Cheryl Thomas.

Atlanta Houston 020 OOO 040 000 000 2 Olx- 5 2 Bus'on 2 "LOB Baltimore 6. Boston 9 2B Bomorv, Sng'e'O" 2 PKeHy. Rie. Evans Huttman HS-w-ray (32). C'oiev 1 2 Dauer ,7 Pure; (251 SB-PKey S-Beianger Bumbrv SF Stanieton.

IP ER BB SO O'Tned io 'o ninth inning WP Hanrk, A 70 81 E-Ruhie PNiek-o 2 LOB-Atianta 3, Houston 8 2B-CnamDliss. Benedict, AshDv Puhr S3 OOO 000 000 000 San Oieqo Cincinnati AHowe ER BB SO 21 3 3 1-3 3 1-3 Association of Intercollegiate Aihie'ics Division II football poll, wn this season records and points 1. Pacific Lutheran 2-0 0 320 2. Ausim, Texas 4-0-0 293 3. Be'hanv.

Kan 3 0-0 264 (del Lmfieid. Ore 2-0-0 264 5 McMurry, Texas 1 0 0 242 6 William Jewell 4-0-0 222 7 Cal Lutheran 3-0-1 214 8 Wilmington, Ohio 2-0-0 208 9 Peru NeD 3 0-0 186 10. III. Wesievan 2-0-0 174 11 Bake'. Kan 3-0-0 134 12 Anderson, Ind 2-0-0 175 13.

Hanover. Ind 2 0 0 113 14 Fmdlav Ohio 4-1-0 110 15 Mo. Valley 3-1 0 98 16. Ottawa, Kan. 4-0-0 72 17.

Hastings, NeD 3-0-0 71 18 Guslavus Adolohus 3-1-0, 62 19. Vallev City SI. 3-1-0 51 20. Panhandle 3-0-0 34 sports log: I radio-tv 1 100,000 women's indoor tourney At BloomtnsTton, Mmn. Singles, 4econd round: Tracy Aus'n Siena Mcliierney 6-1 6 0 Anne Sm 'n a Ros.e Casals, 6-0 6-0 Renee Rlcra'ds Ann Kivomura.

2 6 7-6. 6 2 Fromholl; Sherry Aiker 4 6, 6-4 6-4 Doubles: Wendy TjrnDu'i Rosie Casals Lut'a Romanov Dane Morrison 6-2 6 2 Roiy International Tournament At Leidschendam, Neltterlands Men's sinoles: John Sanr- a Eddie 0 DOS. 6-4 1-6, 7 4, Gene Maver d. lorn Oker 6 3. 61 Hie Nastjse and Vae' iead 'tie with two ooints eacn, loowed ov Sailri and Victor Pecci w'h one ooml each DiDDs and Okner have no ooints The 150 000 tournament with a first oriie of 465,000 ends Sunday 4125,000 men's tournament At Madridi Spain Similes: Guillermo Vilas Thierry Tulasne, 6 4 6-2, Ivan Lendl d.

Woitgang Popd, 6-2, 6-1: Jose Luis Clerc d. Rick fa*gel, 6-1, 6-4: John James d. Tony Giammalva, 5-7, 6-3, 6-4: Ross Case d. GaDriel Urpi, 6-3, 6-3; Hans Gildemeister d. Alvaro Befancourt, 6-3, 6-1.

Hubbard, Morgan IP Atlanta PNiekro 15 17 7 Camo 1 Houston Ruhle 12 4 9 A 35,600 1 1 Baltimore McGregor Stewart 6 -7 DMartinei S.I Boston EcKrsly L.I2 14 Campbell Aponte Hursl 2 1 No out when winning run scored. LOB-San Diego 9 Cincinnati 5 2B-Fahev HP-Foster '24i SB OSmith 2 Flannery. Richards. Collins IP ER BB SO San Diego Shiriev 1 1- 12 8 5 2 2 2 3 Cincinnati Seaver 8 3 116,5 Hume 9-10 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 11 32 3 1-3 4 1 Campbell pilitied 10 lour bailers in fifth NEW YORK CLEVELAND ab It bi ab bt Rndluti 2b 3 2 11 ABanjir rt 5 0 11 Dovie 2b 1 0 0 0 Manrng ct 5 110 Vurcer dti 5 2 2 0 Hargrv Id 4 2 3 2 B'ant oh 1 0 0 0 Aie.ndr It 5 12 2 Gamble It 5 3 3 4 Harran 3b 3 0 11 Lclt'bvr It 10 0 0 DvDiKi 3D 2 0 10 ReJcksn rt 6 13 4 Dial 5 0 0 0 Wilborn rt 0 0 0 0 Gray dh 3 0 0 0 Walson lb 2 2 10 Ruseiio 2b 3 0 0 0 Soencer lb 2 0 0 0 Charbn oh 10 10 Cerone 4 3 2 3 Alston or 0 10 0 Oales 2 0 0 0 Vervier ss 3 2 2 0 Denl ss 3 0 0 1 Stanly ss 0 0 0 0 Rodrigi 3b 5 2 3 2 transactions 0 nba exhibition Brown rt 5 3 4 1 45 18 If 16 Total 39 7 12 6 Total 2:16 A-1 1.764 CHICAGO PHILADELPHIA ab bi ab bi DeJesus ss 4 0 0 0 Rose ID 4 0 0 0 Dillard 3D 4 0 0 0 McBrid rt 4 0 0 0 Bucknr lb 4 0 10 Schmdl 3b 4 12 1 Martin rf 4 0 0 0 Luzinski If 4 1 1 1 Vail If 3 0 10 Gross If 0 0 0 0 Lezcano 1 0 0 0 Unser cf 3 110 Tyson 2b 3 0 0 0 Trillq 2b 4 110 OBerry 2 0 0 0 Bowa ss 4 12 1 CJohnsn 1 0 0 0 Boone 4 0 2 1 Lamo 2 0 0 0 Carlton 3 0 2 1 Tidrow 0 0 0 0 Kngmn ph I 0 0 0 LeSmith 0 0 0 0 Total 29 0 2 0 Total 34 5 11 5 New Yort ClevHand 156 032 001-11 000 110 002 7 cross country 0 National Basketball Association Exhibitions Wednesday's Games Philadelphia 104, LAKERS 98 Cleveland 101, Detroit 100, OT Seattle 86, Portland 79 Phoenix 119, San Diego 92 Washington 97, Dallas 91 Houston 117, San Antonio H4 Milwaukee 124. New York 102 Boston 113, Chicago 103 trout plants The following is partial list of lakes streams, bv county, which will be stocked with catchable-size rainbow Irouf bv the DFG this week SAN BERNARDINO-Big Beai ate Green Valley Lake, Lae Gregory San'a Ana River, Santa Ana ver (south Forkl This list is complete for the San Bernardino and Riverside counties.

For froul plants throughout Southern Caiitomi and the Eastern Siena call (213 435-2200 tor the DFG recording notor racing HARRISBURG, NC. (AP) Here are the top 15 qualifiers, with their times, for Sunday 's National 500 stock car race af the Charlotte Motor Speedway. 1. Buddy Baker, Charlotte, Buick, 165.635 mph. 2, Ricky Rudd, Chesapeake, va, Chevrolet, 164 8 56 mph.

3. Caie YarDorough, Tlmmonsville Chevrolet, 164309 moh. 4. Dale Earnhardt. Kan-napolis, Chevrolet.

164 132 moh. 5. Darrell Wallrip, Franklin. Chevrolet 164 114 mph, 6. Harry Gant, Tayiorsvilie NC, Chevrolet, 163.970 moh.

7. BoDDv Allison, Huevtown, Ford, 163 756 mph. I. Neil BonneM, Huevtown. Aia Mercury.

163.696 mph. f. Benny Parsons EnerDe C-Chevrolet l63 503 mDh 10. Terry LaDome Corpus Chnsti. Tex.

Cnevroiet 162985 moh II. Donny Allison. Huevtown Aia Chevrolet 162.416 mph 12. Rick Wilson Bartow, Cnevroie' 161 595 moh. 13.

Mike Miller, Wisconsin Raoids, Wis. Ford 161 402 mph 14. Chuck B'own Portland Chevrolet. 161 349 moh 15. Dick May Charlotte Dodge 161 315 moh Rosello, ABannisler.

DP-Cleveland 1. LOB New York 6, Cleveland 8. 2B-Cerone, ReJackson. Manning. Hargrove, Gamble, Vervier, Harrah.

HR Rodnguei 131, Gamble (13), Brown (14), Cerone (141, ReJackson (39). SB-Brown Denl SF-Dent. IP ER BB SO FOOTBALL National Football League DENVER BRONCOS-Piace Joe Rnzo linebacker, on the injured reserve lis' KANSAS CITY CHiEFS-Waived Tony Samuels, tight end, and Frankv Smith, offensive tackle. Signed Al Dixon, fight end. MIAMI DOLPHINS-Piaced Tim Foley, safely, on the injured reserve list.

Signed Doug Beaudoin, safety. MINNESOTA VIKINGS-Waived Derrel Luce, linebacker. NEW YORK JETS-Placed Sha'er Suggs, safety, on the iniured reserve list. Signed Tim Moresco safely BASKETBALL Nat oral Basketball Association ATLANTA HAWKS-Cul Tim Cax'on, guard BOSTON CELTICS-Announced the retirement of Dave Cowens center SEATTLE SUPERSONiCS-Waiveo Carl Ervin. guard UTAH JAZZ-Traded Duck Wmiams guard to the Cleveland C3vaiiers for future considerations BOXING Muhammad All vs.

Larrv Holmes, no free home TV or radio. BASEBALL Dodgers at San FrancLsoo, 7:30 p.m., Channel 11, warmup at 7:15 p.m. on KMEN (1290), KQLH-FM (95 II, KTOT-FM (101.7), KWRM (1370), KCiLiD (14901. KABC (7901. HOCKEY A.

KinHs vs Van couver. 7:30 K(Xi() ifiooi. HORSE RAClNti L.A. County Fair first post at Pomona one Appaloosa race, two quarter horse and nine thor outihbred races. KNX H()7()i gives calls Hollywood Park harness first post 7.KI p.m., KNX UOTOi gives calls.

Chicago Philadelphia 000 000 000- 000 004 Olx- volleyball 4 2-3 4 13 LOB Chicago 4. Philadelphia 7 2B-Schmidt Bowa 3B Unser. HR Schmidt (45). Luzinski (19i SF-Camon At Eisenhower Eisenhower IS, Cotton 45 Bovs' results Assumma (E) IB'37, Hams (E) 1904 tie Lester (E) and Brekeimanns (E) 19 28, Nelson (E) 19 45. Ike is 3-1 overall.

1-0 in the Citrus Belt League and is host to Pacific Wednesday Conon is 0 1 in CBL Girls' results Eisenhower IS, Cotton 45 Tie. Onega (E). Zanone (E) and Harvev (E) 16.07, Olague (E) 16:44, Gasoer (E) 17 16. Ike is 2-2 overall, and 1-0 in league Cotton is 0-1 in league New York John Perry W.I0-13 Cleveland Barker L. 19 11 Grimsiev Stanton VCruI IP ER BB SO 12 3 6 6 6 1 0 I 5 6 0 10 3 13 6 5 i 2 3 .1 2 110 6 5 1-3 1 2-3 1 Jau trade Williams SALT LAKE CiTY tAPj Gua-d Doug Williams ras oeen traded Dv 'he Na''Oi-a' Baselball Association's Ulan iazi to 'hp Cleveland Cavaliers for "future consider f'Ons." the Jail announce) Wedresdav Chicago Lamp L.10-14 Tidrow LeSmith PtiNadelDhia Canton W.24-9 (VP lamp 1 At Victor vatiey Victor Valley def.

SBVC 15-9, 3 15, 15-12, 15-11 SBVC is now I 3 in non league and Degms Mission Conference oiav at 3 10 Friday when Ihe Indians host Sadrneback HBP-Dv Perrv 1 Vervier 1 WP BarKer Perry PB-Oiai 2 -3 13 A-19 037 9 -2 13 2 0 0 2 10 A--2S 658 AUTO CENTER 164 W. HIGHLAND AVE. 883-8677 z' mm. 1 1 i -v Presents their 4th flnnuol 1 17 1 1 r2J 'UUU CT. Come on down and sell those old skis or VYX ES XWiffiWrX BELTED RADIALS I 7 FULL 4 PLY POLYESTER WHITEWALLS WHITEWALLS 20,000 MILE PRO RATED otKK .000 MILE PRO-RATED GUARANTEE GUARANTEE NORMAL WEAR 2 TIRE T.RI PRICE 2 TIRE PRICED 4 TIRE PRICE TT ll78Xu jmoo $21iOO A78X13 $82.00 $153.00 ER78X14 117.00 226.00 178X14 87.00 164.00 I 878X14 123.00 "9.00 F78X14 89.00 168.00 CI78X14 127.00 248.00 1 C78X14 92.00 173.00 HR78X14 134.00 252.00 I H78x14 94.00 177.00 165X15 113.00 215.00 I C78X15 92.00 173.00 6178X15 127.00 249.00 I H78X15 96.00 180.00 A HR78X15 136.00 255.00 I L78X15 100.00 188.00 A JR78X15 140.00 266.00 LI IR78X15 144.00 269.00 I II 1 1.

II I III. 1 IA.a!'' iU Plui.i.TSI.r7-S3.44 'Ov mlvWK GLASS BELTED shop at -J 1 iiiU-f JNGItj WHITEWALLS TIRES "21 1 mm boots or for that matter anything ski oriented. If you were involved with our swap meet last year, you know how easy it is to sell your used equipment, and for those of you looking for a bargain this is your chance to pick up good used equipment and clothing at great prices. There will also be factory representatives from many of our ski companies, both Alpine and Nordic, including K-2, Lange, Pre, Fischer, Salomon, and many others. They will be on hand to answer any questions you might have in selecting your new ski equipment.

Make it on down to the Sports Country Swap Meet and see for (WJmm sj 30,000 mill pro-rated guakaniii nil fly tiXi normal wear Vypto 2 TIRE PRICED 4 TIRE PRICE Or I A78X13 $96.00 $183.00 E78X14 101.00 192.00 iStrrfxmT I F78X14 103.00 198.00 1 tftVl Wlj i'ffS. C78X14 105.00 200.00 1 'Wf i N78X14 107.00 207.00 I czril wins 105.00 200.00 I ri 'hiMilrn 1 H78X15 108.00 208.00 I ltt' ftt 4al J78X15 110.00 210.00 jXSSlXZ, I7SX1S 112-00 212.00 ri li AMCIE'S AUTO CENTER The Sale Will be held in Sports Country's parking lot on Saturday, October the 4th and Sunday the 5th from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. both days Equipment For Sale May Be Brought In Starting Today We were the first Inland Empire Ski Swap and we're still the bestl NO CHECKS ACCEPTED AND ALL SALES FINAL! 884-1273 For mora information call or com by Sports Country Ltd. San Bernardino, CA 92401 (714) 222 North St.


The San Bernardino County Sun from San Bernardino, California (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.