The Apothecary Diaries (Light Novel): Volume 3 (2024)


3,621 reviews71 followers

January 11, 2022

"The frog or the testicl*s" scene: it's like Romeo and Juliet's "the lark or the nightingale" scene, but 100% more uncomfortable.

So right on course for a book whose last quarter can be summed up by "poor Jinshi."

    inner-palace-fantasy light-novels


578 reviews7 followers

June 2, 2022

- the former emperor gets out right called a pedo instead of how they merely alluded to it in previous books. While framed complexly it is in no way sympathetic and as the majority of the details (which are not graphically described) come from one of the survivors, it feels more cathartic than forgiving.

- the "mystery" that is Jinshi is solved for the audience

- for a brief glorious moment this almost became a very different kind of book. I'm just saying Jinshi can show me how his frog is more than decent any time.

- the vignette style before was engaging because each mini mystery built up to the meta mystery, this time is was more disconnected. It did feel like it was filling in gaps and building up the series though so it didn't feel like a waste.


255 reviews21 followers

February 17, 2022

Unlike the previous two volumes, the third book of The Apothecary Diaries is mainly building up tension for political movements. There are envoys from foreign lands who seem to have their eyes on the emperor, and the objective of Consort Loulan's father remains a mystery. Maomao is still working for Gyokuyou, who is currently pregnant… but she's not the only one, and it opens up the way for all sorts of trouble in the rear palace. There's a lot of small incidents and peculiar things happening, including a school built inside the rear palace and also the introduction of Shisui, a serving woman who seems to spend her days chasing bugs.

Where these seemingly small things lead, however, does not lie in this volume. Instead, the highlight of the book is given to Maomao and Jinshi's relationship. It's clear enough that he's interested in her, but she finally gives him a reaction that isn't disgust or indifference. Maomao spends a good portion of the book away from Jinshi as she deals with various issues in the real palace, so it's nice to see them having some development despite not getting too many scenes together. Jinshi's real identity is also revealed, answering some of the questions from the previous books.

Oh, and Maomao touched the frog.

Jinshi's frog.

While I really enjoy Maomao's detective work and medicine analysis, I'm also looking forward to see how the main plot is going to unfold from here on out.

    crime-and-mystery historical weeb-escapades


270 reviews27 followers

November 23, 2022

At last all the foreshadowing about Jinshi comes to light! I’m highly satisfied and excited to see where things go now that this knowledge is out.

For some reason, to me, it seems like the vignette story style moved the pace along quickly but also very little happened in the middle concerning the 2 big plot points hinted at in the blurb.

I still can’t get enough of Maomao skilfully solving riddles and mysteries.

There was a scene towards the end that kind of confused me. I think I was getting what NH was putting down but it was all very vague.

Also that frog scene towards the very very end with Maomao and Jinshi in the cave? BAYBAY!!!

I already have volume 4 loaded on my Kobo, it’s not about “if” I’ll read the next volume it’s about “when”.


958 reviews39 followers

November 8, 2023

I think this might be the best manga I’ve read in quite a while.

    graphic heroine-held-against-her-will humor

Selya Heldt

61 reviews1 follower

March 27, 2024

Le passage de la grenouille je m'en remet pas, les illustrations à la fin c'est pour m'achever je pense.

Artemissia G

1,054 reviews24 followers

March 5, 2024

Je suis fan de cette histoire, sous toutes ses formes, et j’ai été conquise par ce deuxième tome (qui est le 3e en version japonaise) et qui amène très bien le côté intrigue de cour et politique. Si vous lisez la version manga de chez Ki-oon, sachez que cette suite va jusqu’au tome 12. Du coup, hormis quelques détails, je connaissais déjà l’histoire. Mais, autant le dire, ça reste un grand plaisir de pouvoir lire la version en roman. En plus le livre est tellement beau !

Mao Mao est toujours aussi attachante, rigolote et passionnante à suivre dans ses différentes enquêtes à la Cour Intérieure et elle a aussi un petit côté naïf. Elle est devenue une figure importante dans le Hougong du fait de ses incroyables capacités d’apothicaire, mais aussi pour son esprit de déduction… enfin presque !

J’ai adoré sa relation toujours aussi hilarante avec ce pauvre Jinshi ! D’ailleurs un truc qui m’a fait sourire, c’est la redondance du terme, sublime eunuque pour le désigner dans l’histoire. Si ce personnage reste un mystère pour Mao Mao, et pour nous, le dernier tiers du roman ainsi que la conclusion de ce tome ne laissent plus trop de doute sur qui il est vraiment ! Ça fait très cliffhanger, je trouve.

D’un côté, j’étais contente qu’un pan du voile entourant Jinshi se relève, mais de l’autre, j’étais également frustrée par la réaction de Mao Mao. J’admets aussi que le moment épique avec LA grenouille, je l’ai préféré dans le manga, je la trouvais bien plus drôle. Ici, même si c’est relaté avec force détails, ça reste assez… convenu. Enfin à mes yeux !

Dans l’ensemble, j’ai passé un super moment avec ce light novel ! Parce qu’en plus d’avoir une histoire bien amenée et prenante, elle est sublimée par de très jolies illustrations noir et blanc… Et que dire des quelques couleurs en fin du livre ?

Bref, je suis conquise, mais avec cette série, ce n’est pas compliqué ! Vivement la suite qui du coup, devrait être inédite.

    fantasy historique light-novels

Velta Gūtmane

141 reviews5 followers

April 10, 2024

Interesanti vai attiecību dinamika tagad mainīsīs starp Jinshi un Maomao pēc notikuma, kas notika grāmatas beigās. Varbūt arī Maomao turpinās izlikties neko neredzot un nesaprotot.


37 reviews

March 22, 2024

Jak na razie ta część podobała mi się najbardziej. Wiele niewiadomych zostało wyjaśnionych i cała akcja była intrygująca. Nie muszę chyba dodawać, że scena z ,,żabą" jest moją ulubioną😭😭

Yudi Lee

134 reviews1 follower

October 11, 2021

This one better than second volume for me


22 reviews

February 25, 2024

La scène de la grenouille je hurle


16 reviews4 followers

April 12, 2024


Si mantiene sullo stesso livello del precedente, c'è un miglioramento a livello narrativo ma un intreccio più debole.
Sa più di volume "di passaggio", infatti troviamo molto spazio per il worldbuilding - sia per quanto riguarda la Corte Interna che per l'Impero e stati confinanti - e complotti politici, oltre che un approfondimento dei personaggi già presentati prima.
Ne escono più scarsi i casi, che restano abbastanza slegati tra loro ed episodici ma che, visto il precedente, potrebbero (e sono abbastanza certa lo saranno) essere tasselli di uno schema che capiremo più avanti.

Un paio di capitoli hanno un narratore diverso da Maomao e Jinshi, in particolare mi ha colpito quella di

Ci sono ancora misteri aperti al volume prima e altri aperti proprio sul finale, quindi la curiosità per il prossimo resta al massimo.



11 reviews10 followers

November 9, 2023

The frog scene was just *chef's kiss*. Can't wait so see it animated; sadly it's going to be a while. I love to see what Maomao is going to do with the new information she has. *opens next volume*

Adriana Valenzuela

3 reviews

February 1, 2024

Solo puedo decir una cosa, la escena de la rana me ha matado 😂😂😂


12 reviews3 followers

April 2, 2024

Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. This was such a good addition to the story.


199 reviews3 followers


May 12, 2024

The girlies will lose it when this is animated

January 9, 2024

I've been waiting for the reveal of who Jinshi is. It finally happens!!!!

This series has quickly become one of my favorites - I'm a sucker for whodunit type mysteries which The Apothecary Diaries is full of. The Jinshi and Maomao push and pull dynamic is really fun to watch... Jinshi gets absolutely destroyed by Maomao over and over (but likes it? I can practically hear Gaoshun's heavy sigh in the background)

Lots of politics in this volume which is welcome just for the overall worldbuilding. Yes it's fun and games between Jinshi and Maomao, but there still is the whole emperor's brother / will there be a next prince / struggle for power happening here as well. Looking forward to see where things go from here now that Jinshi's secret is slightly more out in the open.

But really...
How big is a frog?

Poor Jinshi.

    favorites light-novel

Anupama Bhaskaran

79 reviews1 follower

March 12, 2024

It keeps getting better and better and betterrrr

And obviously the famous frog 🐸 scene was 🤣🤣🤣


791 reviews148 followers

January 20, 2024

Poor Jinshi. His ahem, turned to a decent sized frog🤪🤣


1,240 reviews

March 15, 2023

Maomao is both curious and detached at the same time. It's hard to decide if that's the author being inconsistent, or if she's an unreliable narrator. She seems to have inherited her father’s indifference toward people in many ways - while at the same time being observant. But weirdly unobservant in that there are so many major clues or oddities that she just ignores. Like the obvious fact that the scary story telling session was probably intended to result in her death…though maybe she wasn’t the target, since I’m not sure anyone knew she’d be there.

The story is inconsistent IMO. There are a lot of things that sound very clever but don’t entirely make sense or get contradicted shortly after. For example, seizing all the perfumed oils even though they previously said the amounts needed to affect pregnancy were unlikely to work unless ingested in large amounts. The scent itself should be fine, especially if you generally ban it around the pregnant concubines. Maomao is perpetually poor, but in theory she gets paid, and probably decently since Jinshi is generous. Why did the madam get paid for Maomao when she wasn’t under contract to her? That kind of thing. Then there's Jinshi playing the part of the moon goddess, despite being told before that he couldn’t or disaster would happen (perhaps that’s why they added the vanishing bit?). I didn’t understand why the envoy was so subdued after seeing the beautiful "woman" either. It feels like the author is trying to weave a complex plot underlying all the odd incidents, but it’s too clumsy and not consistent. Much of the possible plot is pure speculation from Maomao putting together incidents that don't seem all that related.

The story of the previous emperor…it sounds as if he were actually developmentally challenged and under strict control of his mother. That doesn’t exactly add up with what we know, that he periodically emptied villages of women (was it only super young ones?) and was a pedophile - here he is portrayed as being terrified of adult women, but that shouldn’t necessarily translate to being attracted to young ones...and somehow the current dowager empress got him to sleep with her again as an adult (why? Because she was angry at him for passing her up for little girls??) by playing on his guilt…? If he’s terrified of her, I don’t know how that could work. It's a little baffling why they didn't just find women that appeared very young, but were physically adults. As long as they didn't scare him, that would be a better solution if you want more children that are successfully brought to term. The empress regnant was said to have "died old and full of years" and then it said "the former emperor hadn't quite reached the same age" - of course not, he died right after her and was her youngest son, so presumably at least 20-30 years younger. This whole vignette was a little odd, because the current dowager empress randomly asked Maomao if the former emperor had cursed her, but it gave no reason why she thought so, besides his preserved body from years ago. There's a mute servant that is still too terrified to confirm that the former emperor painted (why was that a problem???) and the dowager empress is reflecting on how he once painted her, and how she cherished it (why??) and how cruel she was to Jinshi, who supposedly has a child's heart (they keep saying this, but I don't really see it). There's just a lot going on that I found confusing or out of place.

There’s also quite a lot of Maomao showing off her eccentricities very inappropriately (she’d probably be beheaded with her attitude) like tearing clothes off of the ladies to sniff them. Could she not simply sniff the clothes at the laundry? Shin should have been severely punished, as it was clear she was attempting to cause a miscarriage/murder of an imperial member. Being from a noble family doesn’t get you out of that. I don’t know if it’s a translation issue, but there were a couple of incorrect words as well.

Now that the *frog* is out of the bag, it will be interesting to see how things develop.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


456 reviews26 followers

December 5, 2020














1. 從壬氏的夢境跟OS來看,這個人應該從小是真的作為皇弟身分被養大的,但是他自己本人似乎並不知道自己其實是被調換身分的皇太子。但皇太后跟阿多妃似乎都知道的樣子。

2. 子翠這個角色到底什麼身分?書裡一直強調子翠長得高大但是臉卻長的很年幼,皇太后年輕的時候也是說初潮很早就來了,但是臉長的很年幼,覺得這兩個人應該有點關係……是我想太多嗎?

3. 先帝畫中的女人到底是誰???話說先帝害怕女性的原因是不是有受到女帝的虐待啊?雖然目前並沒也看到這方面的伏筆,單純因為母親太過強勢而導致害怕女性之類的,總覺得有點牽強。

4. 樓蘭妃到目前完全沒有任何的動作,但故事裡卻一直提到他背後的勢力(父親),總覺得讓人很在意。

5. 高順看起來似乎也不是宦官的樣子,而是表面上被視為因為得罪女帝而被去勢懲罰的人,但到底是為了什麼目的,讓壬氏跟高順去管理後宮呢?

6. 咦?原來壬氏完全沒叫過貓貓名字嗎?(回想)

7. 不管是市集還是辦學校,這個後宮感覺比我想像中的自由很多耶。




    少女心 日本語 輕小說


323 reviews1 follower

December 31, 2023

Strinse gli occhi, doveva dirgli almeno questo.
«Se non nascondi le tue favorite, qualcun altro te le nasconderà.»
Decise di tornare nelle sue stanze.

Il volume più complesso dei tre usciti fino ad ora. In ogni capitolo viene seminato un piccolo mistero che lascia ogni volta una o più domande senza risposta, fomentando la curiosità del lettore in un crescendo costante, dal criptico prologo fino al stupefacente epilogo.

Maomao, suo malgrado, questa volta viene coinvolta in diversi grattacapi politici del presente e del passato legati allo stesso Imperatore e all'Imperatrice Vedova. Gli attentati ai regnanti sono dietro l'angolo, e chi detiene il potere, o si trova molto in alto, è consapevole di essere costantemente in pericolo.

Capisco la reticenza della nostra speziale, non sapere a volte è molto meglio che sapere, ma negare in questo modo l'evidenza dei fatti sotto i suoi occhi (anzi, mani) non impedirà che le venga fatta saltare via la testa in caso di complicazioni o scandali. Ormai ci è dentro con tutte le scarpe.

Menzione d'onore alla rana, vera e indiscussa protagonista di questo volume. Durante la lettura degli ultimi capitoli, ho sudato freddo tanto e forse più di Maomao. Far finire il volume così è da criminali! Meno male che il quarto volume esce a fine gennaio, stringerò i denti per un mese.

    light-novel mystery romance

Emma (littledollreads)

772 reviews17 followers

September 21, 2022

I just finished this and you guys remember my review for The Kings Beast Vol.7,

Yeah that review also applies to this book. Like word for word.

I just. I just.

The hints in this series are so good. Like I think I know where things are going but at the same time I keep being surprised by how complex things are.

I am still holding out for one thing to be true and it being an even bigger revelation later on.

I’ll add more to this review tomorrow. It is super late and I need to collect my thoughts.

It's tomorrow.


You guys, you guys, YOU GUYS! This volume. This volume was just the most AHHH thing. I loved it! Like I was not expecting any of that. Like so much happened in here. No one warned me that so many emotional things, would happen within like 10 pages. I just need the next volume asap.

    favorites light-novel reviews


1,369 reviews59 followers

May 7, 2024

La scena della rana è sempre spassosa, in qualsiasi versione la si legga 😂 povero Renshi. Questo terzo volume della novel, peraltro, ci regala parecchie informazioni sul conto del nostro eunuco preferito. A partire dal fatto che NON è un eunuco, come scoprirà con sua somma sorpresa Maomao. Né lui, né Gaoshun. Il poverino è anche pronto a raccontarle tutto, il problema è che lei si rifiuta di starlo a sentire, un po' perché a) ha paura di rimetterci la testa nel caso in cui la cosa dovesse arrivare alle orecchie dell'imperatore (imperatore che probabilmente sa tutto e ha approvato la cosa, visto che si sta parlando del fratello minore, ma questo Maomao non può saperlo) e perché b) si è presa via per i fantomatici bezoar che Renshi le aveva promesso in precedenza. Insomma, da un lato è puro e semplice istinto di sopravvivenza, dall'altro è esaltazione per aver ricevuto un oggetto molto prezioso. In mezzo a tutto questo delirio, c'è una cosa certa: qualcuno vuole proprio vedere il nostro male lead morto. Infatti, lui e Maomao si trovano in pericolo durante una battuta di caccia organizzato dal padre di una delle consorti - battuta di caccia a cui Renshi partecipa sotto "mentite spoglie", in quanto fratello minore dell'imperatore, tutto mascherato e bardato in modo da non rivelare che il principe e l'eunuco sono in realtà la stessa persona. Qui le cose da capire sono due: chi lo vuole morto e perché sta fingendo di essere una persona diversa. Tanto più che, al momento, vista l'assenza di un principe ereditario, è lui l'erede al trono.

Altro elemento interessante di questo volume, così come dei precedenti, sono i capitoli dedicati agli intrighi della Corte Interna. Ci sono due consorti in stato interessante (evidentemente le lezioni di Maomao hanno dato i loro frutti), quindi il livello di allerta è massimo: nella corte c'è gente pronta a tutto pur di infilarsi nel letto dell'imperatore, ergo non è proprio il caso di andare in giro a sbandierare le proprie gravidanze. Anche perché, come nota Maomao, all'interno della corte sono comparsi diverse sostanze che, se usate in maniera errata, possono causare diversi problemi, aborto incluso.
Non mancano poi diverse riflessioni sulle condizioni di vita delle donne di corte: le consorti, soprattutto quelle di alto rango, possono godere di uno stile di vita lussuoso (che poi dipende dal tipo di imperatore che ti capita, vedi il padre pedofilo di quello attualmente sul trono), ma in realtà basta un attimo per cambiare le cose - un capriccio dell'imperatore, gelosie, l'età che avanza, problemi di salute - e ritrovarsi senza niente. Da questo punto di vista, merita una menzione il piano di Renshi di creare una sorta di scuola per dare alle serve e cameriere di basso livello l'opportunità di imparare a leggere e a scrivere, così da poter mirare a un futuro migliore sia all'interno della corte che al di fuori.

Con questo terzo volume, sono arrivata allo stesso punto del manga, ergo, d'ora in avanti, sarà tutta una novità. Spero che Maomao decida di stare a sentire la confessione del povero Renshi, giusto per capire perché diamine si stia facendo passare per un eunuco. Lui e pure il povero Gaoshun. La lettura è sempre molto piacevole: ci sono diversi momenti spassosi, ma spesso bisogna fare molta attenzione per cogliere tutti gli indizi sparsi nei vari capitoli. Non vedo l'ora di lanciarmi sul prossimo volume 😎


86 reviews

April 2, 2024

Such drama! So many layers! All the seeds being planted!

I am very invested.

Sometimes the episodic nature of the storytelling feels like a disservice to the overarching story and how it all comes together (it can feel a little discombobulated and like it is lacking flow at times), but I love the more mundane day-to-day mixed with the more dramatic. There were some fun developments in regards to both in this volume, and I wonder if they will all come together eventually.

That's another thing–I'm not sure if I'm experiencing expertly laid pieces or random plot lines that will go nowhere and not tie in to the overarching story. Without knowing where the story is going, some stuff in this volume came off a little random. Like a "filler" episode. Yet everything at least feels meaningful and purposeful, like it is being written and translated with careful intention to the point of making me want to go back and revisit small, individual moments and analyze them to perhaps the point of over-reading. So much about a character is contained within a single line! I want to keep reading to find out what happens, but I don't want to miss any meaning! I truly continue to appreciate how subtle the writing can be and how it gives you room to think and fill in the blanks yourself. It is leading you where you need to go, but it's not finishing the thought for you or spelling it out in explicit terms. There should be enough information there for you to figure it out but also enough room to leave you sometimes second guessing.

Something else I really appreciate is how messy and real these characters are–things are rarely black and white and the story never really feels like it is moralizing. It is refreshing compared to how literature is often viewed and "consumed" these days.

The slower, simmering pace of developments fits my preference as well. Though, weirdly, I'd also go for some more time spent on individual events. Sometimes they can pass rather quickly when it feels like the story and characters could be getting more out of them. Small moments go fast. but the overarching story is going slow.

Now I just have to slow down so that I don't finish all of these light novels in one go!


30 reviews

April 21, 2024

SNFJSNGJSKDH ALLAHİM SEN KURTAR BENİ. kafayi yedimmmmkg kafayi sakasiz yedim bunu okurken. evet son uc bolumden bahsediyorum baska neyden bahsedicem. tipik bir kusuriya no hitorigoto okuyucusuyum tabii ki seriyi co*k seviyorum fakat maalesef ayni zamanda deranged bir maomao ve jinshi asigiyim bu yuzden son bolum beni cildirtti,,, mangasini gecen ay okumustum aslinda ne olacagini biliyordum fakat kitapta okumak ve maomao'nun ic dusuncelerini daha detayli ogrenmek ve daha detayli replikler okumak.... anlatamiyorum on saniyede bir okudugum her yeni cumleyle birlikte NKSFNFKJGJF olup kafayi yedim HER satirin altini cizdim . HEPSİNİN. koca kitabi okuyup sadece spesifik bir bolumu hakkinda review verdigim icin uzgunum fakat kitabi bir saat once bitirdim ve dusunebildigim tek sey bu suan. bi de YETMİYOMUS gibi sanki biz kafamizda hayal edemiyomusuz gibi bazi sahnelerin kocaman depictionlarini cizmisler artik kindleimi butunden agzima sokup yok edicektim. oyle iste... oyle yani... guzeldi (had an entire breakdown) fena degildi (heyecandan yastigi isirdim)
burasini (bir sekilde) kenara koyarsak (koymicam) kitaptaki genel bolumler guzeldi ve bir tik daha eglenceliydi sanki. korku hikayeleri bolumu falan baya ilgi cekiciydi. baska ilgimi ceken iki uc kisim daha vardi ama kafam suan duzgun calismadigi icin aklima o bolumler gelmiyo kusura bakma lutfen. manga dorduncu cildin baslarinda kaldigi icin bir an once dorduncu cildi okumak ve neler oldugunu ogrenmeye devam etmek istiyorum. hazi kacar


1,390 reviews22 followers

October 21, 2021

Maomao is finding all sorts of distractions to her normal work. From the kitten that's invaded the palace grounds, to the arrival of foreign merchants, to the little mysteries of life within the rear palace.

It's hard for me to really summarize a lot of the events here, because so much of it is little slice of life things, or smaller mysteries, or fragments of intrigue that haven't yet built into their full form.

Maomao continues to carry the story, though. Her quirky personality--so curious and quick to learn those things that catch her interest, and so blind to anything outside it--does a lot to elevate the material. It's fun just watching her putter around since it's clear this will turn amusing sooner or later.

Jinshi has a fair amount of his secrets uncovered here too, though he's not about to explain most of his behavior to Maomao. And Maomao may intensely dislike politics, but she knows enough about it to realize there are things she's better off not knowing.

Overall if you liked the second volume, this is more of the same. Despite some of the larger revelations near the end, Maomao's personality ensures it has less impact than Jinshi might hope. I rate this book Recommended.

See my reviews and more at https://offtheshelfreviews.wordpress....


21 reviews

January 10, 2022


Maomao returns to the rear palace, taking care of Consort Gyokuyou now that she is pregnant. Once again, Maomao continues to solve various mysteries, some which are harmless while others are darker, threatening to harm the palace. Jinshi, as always, is burdened with politics, this time with foreign ambassadors and their wild demands.

The volume's mysteries are as always excellently written and are clever. Much of this volume are slice of life moments, so there isn't much to say, other than it's rather relaxing to read this, until the ending.

The romance is very slow burn and the plot takes priority in the series, but in this volume, Maomao and Jinshi's relationship deepens, with Jinshi wanting to take action on his one sided attraction. Maomao begins to have suspicions of Jinshi's true identity, but goes in denial, out of courtesy towards her generous employer, or is there another reason why she's clinging on to her denial...? This volume delivers for fans craving more of the relationship, with multiple scenes guaranteed to make fans scream.


101 reviews1 follower

September 13, 2023

We have more concrete answers about who Jinshi is! 😁 At least... We know who he is supposedly...

Asides from that info, we of course have more cases that Maomao solves. I love how she prefaces investigations with the fact that she is only helpful because the case happens to be about something in her field. So often we get books where the main protag is randomly brought in as a consultant or sticks their nose into some business that isn't at all related to their expertise, but I find that this story is quite good at making sure the cases that Maomao helps solve actually have something to do with medicine, health, or science/experiments.

Some cases are quite gruesome and one in particular, centering around the previous emperor, is quite dark. I find that more of the cases in volume 3 are related to the ongoing secrets in the palace than those in the previous two novels, which is interesting.

Maomao, too, is getting deeper and deeper into the plots. I'm looking forward to the next one.

The Apothecary Diaries (Light Novel): Volume 3 (2024)
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