Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (2024)

Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (1)


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‎06-03-202401:33 AM

‎06-03-202401:33 AM

Looking for a new debit card bonus spend

I have almost $1k to pay this month in credit card bills before interest comes. I have more than enough funds on hand but I don't know of any banks or fintechs offering a current debit card spend bonus that I could use to pay down the credit cards. I only see credit card spend rewards and I already used Aspiration's offer two years ago. Lots of checking account bonuses found on doctorofcredit for either deposit or direct deposit requirements, but not debit card spend. Anybody know of any?

As of: 3/28/24:

EQ: 785 (prev. 778 on 2/6/24; 773 on 1/26/24 & 750 on 1/7/24 & 626 on 6/7/24 & 652 in April 2023) - FICO 8
EX: 763 (prev. 755 on 2/6/24; 753 on 1/26/24 & 732 on 1/7/24 & 643 on 6/7/24 & 619 in April 2023) - FICO 8
TU: 759 (prev. 748 on 2/6/24; 744 on 1/26/24 & 689 on 1/7/24 & 6/7/24 & 654 in April 2023) - CreditKarma

- Amazon Prime Store Card: $5,000
- Capital One SavorOne Cash Rewards: $1,200
- Chase Freedom Flex: $500
- Discover it Cashback: $2,600
- Kohl’s Charge: $3,000
- Mercury Rewards Visa: $4,390
- Super Cash: Limit varies based on debit balance - doesn't show up in accounts anymore though on CRs.


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Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (2)


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‎06-03-202407:07 AM

‎06-03-202407:07 AM

Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend


I have almost $1k to pay this month in credit card bills before interest comes. I have more than enough funds on hand but I don't know of any banks or fintechs offering a current debit card spend bonus that I could use to pay down the credit cards. I only see credit card spend rewards and I already used Aspiration's offer two years ago. Lots of checking account bonuses found on doctorofcredit for either deposit or direct deposit requirements, but not debit card spend. Anybody know of any?

I'm not sure I know what kind of account you're referring to, but Affinity FCU has a 1% cash back checking account.

It has the added feature of early direct deposit.

Chartway FCU has a 3% cash back checking account.

Langley FCU also offers cash back checking:

I'm not really familiar with this subject, because I don't use debit cards for spending or paying.

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Total revolving limits 657200 (536700 reporting) FICO 8: EQ 706 TU 710 EX 715

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‎06-03-202403:58 PM

‎06-03-202403:58 PM

Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend

You would also need the CC issuers to accept payments via debit card, which they typically don't.

Back to gardening until Late February 2025. Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (39)
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Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (52)


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‎06-03-202404:00 PM

‎06-03-202404:00 PM

Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend

No you have that all wrong. This is what J was looking for. A debit card spend bonus for example with Aspiration's Save & Spend was for new account holders that spent $1000 in 90 days from account opening and they would earn $150.

As of: 3/28/24:

EQ: 785 (prev. 778 on 2/6/24; 773 on 1/26/24 & 750 on 1/7/24 & 626 on 6/7/24 & 652 in April 2023) - FICO 8
EX: 763 (prev. 755 on 2/6/24; 753 on 1/26/24 & 732 on 1/7/24 & 643 on 6/7/24 & 619 in April 2023) - FICO 8
TU: 759 (prev. 748 on 2/6/24; 744 on 1/26/24 & 689 on 1/7/24 & 6/7/24 & 654 in April 2023) - CreditKarma

- Amazon Prime Store Card: $5,000
- Capital One SavorOne Cash Rewards: $1,200
- Chase Freedom Flex: $500
- Discover it Cashback: $2,600
- Kohl’s Charge: $3,000
- Mercury Rewards Visa: $4,390
- Super Cash: Limit varies based on debit balance - doesn't show up in accounts anymore though on CRs.

Message 4 of 17



Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (53)


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‎06-03-202404:02 PM

‎06-03-202404:02 PM

Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend

You talking about debit card bonus or say opening a new checking account and get 300+ dollars for opening account just to clarify as a lot of that floating around.

Message 5 of 17

Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (54)


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‎06-03-202404:03 PM

‎06-03-202404:03 PM

Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend

Debit card spending bonus only.

As of: 3/28/24:

EQ: 785 (prev. 778 on 2/6/24; 773 on 1/26/24 & 750 on 1/7/24 & 626 on 6/7/24 & 652 in April 2023) - FICO 8
EX: 763 (prev. 755 on 2/6/24; 753 on 1/26/24 & 732 on 1/7/24 & 643 on 6/7/24 & 619 in April 2023) - FICO 8
TU: 759 (prev. 748 on 2/6/24; 744 on 1/26/24 & 689 on 1/7/24 & 6/7/24 & 654 in April 2023) - CreditKarma

- Amazon Prime Store Card: $5,000
- Capital One SavorOne Cash Rewards: $1,200
- Chase Freedom Flex: $500
- Discover it Cashback: $2,600
- Kohl’s Charge: $3,000
- Mercury Rewards Visa: $4,390
- Super Cash: Limit varies based on debit balance - doesn't show up in accounts anymore though on CRs.

Message 6 of 17



Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (55)


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‎06-03-202408:26 PM

‎06-03-202408:26 PM

Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend

If you already have an Amex card, their rewards checking might be what you're looking for.

The Amex checking account earns 1%, the Debit Card earns an additional 1% cash back and you can link rewards between Debit and Credit cards.

I just checked the fine print for elegible Debit card rewards purchases.

It does not explicitly exclude payments of external credit cards...

hmmm, I've had the account for six months and didn't know this.

I may have to try,

just for science, of course.

Message 7 of 17



Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (56)


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‎06-03-202411:32 PM

‎06-03-202411:32 PM

Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend

Credit cards are much safer to use, since it is possible to dispute incorrect or fraudant charges. Debit cards typically do not have such protections and your money can go away easily. So, it is not worth. Why do you need to use debit card instead of CC?

Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (57)Fico8: EX~EQ~TU~810 (12 month goal~840).
BOA (CCR, UCR), Chase (CFF, CSP, Amazon, CIC, CIU), US Bank (Cash+, AR, Go, Ralphs), Discover, Citi (CCC, DC, SYW), Amex (BCP, HH, Biz Gold, BBC, BBP), Affinity CR, Cap1(Walmart), Barclay View.

Message 8 of 17



Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (58)


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‎06-04-202412:19 AM

‎06-04-202412:19 AM

Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend

Not sure if this counts as you'd have to open an upgrade credit card and Rewards Checking but, when you do, and make 3 payments/purchases with the debit card, you get $200. Mine was $400 through Credit Karma back then.

5% CB rotating: Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (59)Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (60)Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (61);
Everyday 3% CB: Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (62);
Everyday 5%: Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (63)Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (64)Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (65)Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (66)Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (67)Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (68)Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (69);
Companion Card: Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (70);
Everyday 2.2% CB: Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (71);
Retired to sock drawer after AOD (kept alive w/ 1 purchase every 6 mo): Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (72)Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (73)Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (74);
On my radar: Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (75)Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (76)Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (77);
Still Waiting for an Invite: Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (78);
No hope: Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (79)

Message 9 of 17



Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (80)


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‎06-04-202403:15 AM

‎06-04-202403:15 AM

Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend

Thanks potato head not sure of that would work if I already have an existing upgrade checking account though. I'd have to ask.

I did find this bonus quite accidentally as it appeared in a YouTube ad to click on. DuPage credit union in northern IL offers a $200 bonus for spending $1k in 90 days but I'm just a bit out of the area served in WI unless they have some other way of qualifying. It amazes me how many different financial institutions I keep discovering that I've never heard of before.

As of: 3/28/24:

EQ: 785 (prev. 778 on 2/6/24; 773 on 1/26/24 & 750 on 1/7/24 & 626 on 6/7/24 & 652 in April 2023) - FICO 8
EX: 763 (prev. 755 on 2/6/24; 753 on 1/26/24 & 732 on 1/7/24 & 643 on 6/7/24 & 619 in April 2023) - FICO 8
TU: 759 (prev. 748 on 2/6/24; 744 on 1/26/24 & 689 on 1/7/24 & 6/7/24 & 654 in April 2023) - CreditKarma

- Amazon Prime Store Card: $5,000
- Capital One SavorOne Cash Rewards: $1,200
- Chase Freedom Flex: $500
- Discover it Cashback: $2,600
- Kohl’s Charge: $3,000
- Mercury Rewards Visa: $4,390
- Super Cash: Limit varies based on debit balance - doesn't show up in accounts anymore though on CRs.

Message 10 of 17



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Re: Looking for a new debit card bonus spend (2024)
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