The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

0 Ar jr. 1' 1 2 THE SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY UNION AND REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, OCTOBER 14, 1945 FIRST AIR FORCE ELEVEN TO APPEAR ON HOLYOKE GRIDIRON NEXT SUNDAY Air Force Grid Teams At Holyoke On Sunday Mackenzie Field to 'Be Scene of Second Meeting. of First Air Force Aces and Transport Command Sunday Afternoon at 2.15 -American and All-National Pro Football league stars will converge on Western Massachusetts paxt Sunday when the First Air Force Aces tackle the Air Transport Command Rockets at Mackenzie field, Holyoke, at 2.15 p. m. The game is a benefit for army charities and is A regularly scheduled AAF Football league contest.

Numbered among the grid greats of the First Air Force are Lieut "Tarzan" White, former All-American guard at Alabama, and later a standout with the New York Giants and Chicago dinals; Pvt Bill Paschal, only player 1.0 lead the National Pro Football league in ground gaining for two straight years, as a member of the N. Y. Giants, in 1943 and 1941. New England Boys There will also be Pic Bob Paftrath of the University of Minnesota; Corp Rocco Canale, All American guaro at Boston college; Sergt Joe McCoy, Alabama scatback; Corp Frank Damiani of Manhattan college and the New York Giants; Staff Sergt George Platukis. end of Duquesne university, Pittsburg Steelers and Cleveland Rams, and Prt Joe Pasqua, tackle of Southern Methodist and Washineton Redskins.

The ATC Rockets boast of Alex Lukachik, and Joe Manzo, of Boston coliege; Beryl Clark, Oklahoma; Charlev Block. Tulane: Duckworth, Colgate: Ed Ehlers, 'Purdue: Fred Fields, Indiana, and Preston FlanaRon, Texas. In addition to Canale, the Aces list numerous other players from this section: Lieut John Regan of Bos1011 college; lieut Charley Wedemeyer of Boston Capt Hank Skorapowsk! of Boston Corp Jim Byrne of Newton, and Staff Sergt Joe Bonacorso of Bridgeport. Ct. Ken Holley, who lives in Hartford and played ateHoly Cross, is the other athlete on the Rockets in addition to Lukachik and Manzo who resides in this section.

This will be the second meeting between the Aces and Rockets. The First Air Force eleven met the ATC outfit in the opening game of the season at Nashville just a month ago and battled to a 7-7 tie. White, who incidentally is former world's heavyweight wrestling champion, owning a decision over Jim Londos, is scheduled to address the students of Holyoke high schmo! Wednesday morning at 11. Weather permitting, White Pill be flown here from AMtchell field especially to talk to the students and will fly right back to New to rejoin his mates for an afternoon football workout. He is EL man of many accomplishments and a tried and proven Veteran of both college and profesfootball.

White is 3 Phi Beta Kappa and also speaks five land Tickets for this game at Holyoke Ar. on sale at Marshman's Cigar store, Fenton's Sporting Goods company. In Springfield, arl, in Holyoke at the following places: Ronan's newsstand, Curly's drugstore and the Holyoke Sporting Goods company, TUFTS RUNS WILD AGAINST WPI, 64-0 Worcester, Oct. 13-(AP) Tufts's powerful football Jumbos ran wild in every period today while subjecting Worcester Tech to its fifth straight sptback ehy 3 61-0 margin. With George Feldman, Bob Beers and Dick Walz pacing the attack.

Tufts scored at least twice in every session while piling up first downs. The Jumbos, despite the presence of many reserves, gained 378 yards rushing and an additional 178 through the air. Worcester Tech failed to make a first down as its attack wag held to totals of 16 yards by land and two yards by air. The WORCESTER TECH Litchfield, le re. Gross Owens, It rt, Dzwileakie Powderly.

1g rg, Hubbell Rautenberg. c. Girard Brucker. re 1g. Davia Gales, It It.

Riley Rohrs, re le, Morrison Allen. gb qb, Gazda Feldman, Ihh rhb, Olson Ihb, Mehrer Irwin, fb fb, Lempges Score- -Tufts Worcester 0. Touchdowns, Beers 2. Litchfield 2. Schmidt (for Feldman) P'reston (tor Beers) 2, Walz (for Beers), Merriman (for Irwin), Points after touchdowns, Irwin Preston, Powderly (for Allen) (all Placekicks), Late Drive Wins For Texas Over Oklahoma Dallas, 13-(AP)-Texas swept 69 varda with Ave minutes to go today to heat.

Oklahoma, 12-7, in the 39th renewal of this colorful intersectional football game as little Byron Gillory teamed with huge Hubert Rechtol to turn back the heat Sooner team that has pityed here in six SPASONS. Oklahoma, with a giant Aubrey McCall taking passes from every angle, went in front in the first peTexas got a touchdown in 'the second hut Tom Harrell, Longhorn guard, missed the try for point. Penn Statistics N. Penn First downe 19 Yarda gAined by rushing, net 69 273 Forward passes altempied 16 19 Forward DA completed 6 12 Yards rained by forward PARAPS 1.4 Forward passes Intercepted 2 Yarda gained, runback of interrepted PAARPA 90 31 Punting AVATARO scrimmAge) 38 52 Total yards. kicks returned 166 15 Opponenta' fumbles recovered 5 Yards lost by penalties 15 55 PENN QUAKERS IN EASY 49-0 VICTORY OVER N.

CAROLINA Evans Sets Pace With Three Touchdown Passes as 53,000 Look On a Carolina sylvania's Philadelphia, Tar Quakers Heels Oct. humbled today, 13-(AP)-l'enn- the 49-0, North scoring in every period with surprising strength and racking up a third straight shutout victory to the delight of 53,000 Franklin field customers. Seldom in the coaching history of Carl Snavely, whose Cornell teams found the same stadium An annual jinx, has one of his clubs suffered such a drubbing. Although l'enn WAS favored. not even their fondest friends expected a Roman holiday at the expense of I the southerners, who had given Georgia Tech a hard battle before bowing by can touchdown.

Even such tormidable future opponents as Army and Navy would do well to prepare artfully for the Red and Blue. Bob Evans, a former staff sergeant on a into the scoring column personally, bomber over Germany, didn't break but his driving gains from the tailback spot and his three touchdown passes, made him the outstanding man on the field. When Evans wasn't pitching strikes, Quarterback Carmen Falcone was finding holes in the Tar Heels' pass defense, scoring once, throwing one sixpointer and setting up two more. Coach George Munger of the Red and Blue had the third and fourth club in the ball game at the finish AN his offensive clicked 432 yards to 119 for the opposition during the afternoon, going 273 along the ground and completing 12 of 19 forwards for 159 yards. The lineup: PENNSYLVANIA NO.

CAROLINA Jenkins, 1. re, 'Ellison It rt, Curran Kurtz, lg re. Golding Thal, levers Adams, rg 1g. Twohey Schweider, rt It, Hazelwood Sponaugle, re le, Rubish Falcone, ab qb. Walker Evans, Ihh rhb.

Colfer Deuber, rhb Ihb, Ollphant Jones, fb fb. Vorie l'ennsylvania 49, North Carolina 0. Touchdown: Jenkins. Sponaugle. 2: Falcone, Martin (sub for Deuber), Phillips for Evans), Schneider (sub for Evans).

Points after touchdown: Evans (placements). PURDUE STARTS FAST TO BLAST IOWA, 40-0 Lafayette, Oct. 13-(AP)Purdue's unbeaten Boilermakers, their T-formation accounting for two touchdowns in their first 11. plays from scrimmage, became A. sizable obstacle in Ohio State's path to a second successive Western conference blasted Boilergridiron championship, today, as they makers, winners of four straight contests, were just two points shy of the 42-to-0 pasting Ohio State handed.

the Jawkeyes a week Purdue will meet the Buckeyes at Columbus next Saturday. The bulk of the glory for today's home-coming triumph went to Sophom*ore Billy Canfield, who sped for three Purdue touchdowns and had a fourth called back by a penalty. Canfield's touchdown gallops measured 10 and 41 yards and he caught pass from Bob Demoss for the other. PITTSBURG STOPPED BY MICHIGAN STATE Pittsburg, Oct. 13-(AP)-The University of Pittsburg's hopes for a strong comeback on the gridiron this season were, shattered today by the underdog Michigan State eleven, which took to the Air to turn back the Panthers, 12 to 7.

while a crowd of 15.000 looked on in the huge Pitt stadium, Coach Charley Bachman's Spartans smothered Pitt's aerial game' which carried them to two eariier victories this season. All that Clari: Shaughnessy's formation squad could salvage WAS a single touchdown; carried over by Jimmy Joe Robinson on a dazzling 87-yard run in the final period. The MICH. STATE Skladany. le lP, Ziegler It rt.

Mattioli. Blank Kali. Agel nil. rg it. Lamasies Johnson, rt It.

Hahaugh Mic Peak, re le, Ivey Raiko, ab gh. Conti Robinson, lhb rhb, Reader Zimmovan. rib Ihh, Contos Rousang, fb fb. Breatin Score: Michigan State 12, Jitiaburg l'itt. scoring: Touchdown, Robinson.

Point after touchdown, Poussos (placement). Michigan State: (Touchdowns), Coutos, Breslin. pay the right men while they're training for these good positions HERE's Opportunity for you! International Correspondence Schools is adding to its staff of Field Representatives. These are responsible, permanent positions in the field of adult education. The men we select will be paid while training for this work paid to study vocational guidance in the field.

They will in be paid a higher guaranted income during their first three months As Field Representatives. From there on it's up to them whether they earn $3,000 a year, $5,000, or $7,000 and up. We have found that the surceas. ful man in this profeasion nsually International 2 WETHERELL STREET. CLARK STARS FOR DUKE IN CLOSE WIN OVER WAKE FOREST Halfback Registers Three Touchdowns in 26-19 Struggle Wake Forest, N.

Oct. 13-(AP) -George Clark, a great halfback today, personally accounted for three touchdowns as Duke university found its scoring punch in the fourth period And defeated A dangerous, scrappy Wake Forest team, 26 to' 19, in a Southern conference football game before 20,000 fans. Nick Sacrinty, playing tailback, gave the Wake est homecoming crowd a warm welcome by throwing three touchdown passes. He and his brother, "Bo," carried the mail for Wake Forest most of the day. Right off the bat, on the Arst play from scrimmage, Clark dashed through the entire Deacon team tor 63 yards and a touchdown, but the Deacons rebounded quickly and on a 37-yard play, Nick Sacrinty passed to John Bruno, who lateraled to Dave Harris for a touchdown.

Wake Forest bounced into the lead in the second period, but Clark skirted left end for 17 yards and a Duke touchdown. Sutton's extra point try was good and the score was tied at 13-13. the scoreless quarter and Clark Things started, popping fast after breezed down the sidelines for 58 yards and another touchdown. Sutton's kick was good. Nick Sacrinty then passed to Sub End Carroll Worthington for a touchdown.

The play WAS good for 80 vards, but Duke added another in the closing minutes as AI McCully, an 18-year-old freshline. man, DUKE The went over from the four-yard WAKE FOREST Mote. le re. Bruno Sharkey. rt.

Ratteree Terint. rE. J. Harris Crowder, C. Foreman Knotte, re 1g.

Garrison Poole, rt. it. Hobbs A re le. D. Harris Krisza.

qh. Ognovich clark. Ihb rhh, N. Sacrinty Carver. rhh Ihb, B.

Sacrinty McCully, fb fb. Brinkley Score: Duke 26, Wake Forest 19. Duke scoring-Touchdowns, Clark 3. McCully. Points after touchdowns.

Sutton 2 (for Clark) (placement). Wake Forest scoring-Touchdowns, D. Harris, Demetriou (for Ognivich), Worthington (for Bruno). Point from try after touchdown, B. Sacrinty (placement).

RICE GAINS UPSET OVER TULANE, 13-7 Houston, Oct. 13-(AP)Showing a surprising reversal, of forin, the Rice Owls battled their way to an 'upset victory over the Tulane Green Wave here today, turning back the invaders, 13 to 1. before 000. The Owls were led by Don Anderson, hard-running fullback, a trainee from Joliet. 111.

Rice scored hoth of their touchdowns in the first half, and missed out on a couple more through fumbles. Tulane only had a. net 20 yards rushing the hall throughout the while Rice had a big 262 yards, counting 14 first downs to Tulane's five. FOOTBALL RESULTS EAST Army 28. Michigan 7 Columbia 27, Yale 13 Drexel 19, CONY 7 Colgate 47.

Lafayette 0 Tufts 61, Worcester 0 Pennsylvania 49, North Carolina 0 Michigan State Pittsburg 7 Navy 28, Penn State 0 Rutgers 19, Muhlenberg 6 Ursinus 33, Penn Military 6 Harvard 21, Rochester 13 Princeton 14. Cornell 1 Rensselaer 18, Coast Guard 7 Rhode Island 10, Maine 7 Franklin and Marshall 19, Connecticut university 0 Lock Haven Teachers 18, East Stroudsburg 6 SOUTH Alabama 55, South Carolina 0 Georgia Tech 43, Howard 0 Georgia 48, Kentucky 6 Mississippi 26, Louisiana Tech 21 Tennessee 30. Chattanooga 0 Duke 26, Wake Forest 19 Milligan 9, Appalachian 7 Misgissippi State 41, Detroit 6 William and Mary 38, Tech 0 Alabama 55. South Carolina 0 Pensacola. NAS 7.

Clemson 6 Camp Lee 33, Camp Detrick 6 Tennessee State college 87, Smith 0 Virginia State 41. Johnson C. Smith Eastern Kentucky Teachers 7, Murray Teachers 7 Godman Field 12, Camp Lejeune 0 Vanderbilt 7, Florida. 0 State 14 Louisiana 21, State 31. Texas A and 12 North Carolina MIDWEST Valpariso Marquette 33, Indiana North Central 0 55, Kansas State 13 Ball State 0, Wabash 0 Depauw 27.

Ohio Wesleyan 0 Alma 13, Albion 12 Miami Ohio 21, West Michigan 13 Minnesota 12, St Olaf 0 Point Milwaukee Teachers 38, Stevens Teachers 7 North Illinois Teachers 12, West Illinois Teachers 6 South Illinois Normail 33, Illinois Normal 19 Denisou: 13, Wooster 6 Otterbein Heidelberg 7 Bowling Green 26, Case 7 Upper Iowa 7, Luther 6 Normal 0 Indiana State 38, Central Ohio Northern 21. Blufton 0 Springfeld Missouri Teachers 20, Migsouri School of Mines 13 Wichita 25, Central Missouri State Teachers 0 Winnipeg Flue Bombers 21, North Dakota 16 Normal 6, South Dakotat 0 Concordia 0. North Dakota State 0 Wesleyan 33, Aberdeen North Teachers 0 Peru Teachers 6, Doane 6 Minnesota 14. Fort Warren 0 Indiana 54, Nebraska Purdue 40, Iowa 0 North Dame 34. Dartmouth 0 Ohio State 12.

Wisconsin 0 Missouri 13. Iowa State 7 Ohio university 20, Cincinnati 19 Oberlin 25. Baldwin 7 Kenyon 38, Capital 0 Rice 13, Tulane 7 Texas 12, Oklahoma 7 Corpus Christie NAS 34, Austin BergLangston university 29, Lincoln unistrom Field versity 13 FAR WEST UCLA 13, California 0 Washington 6. Washington State 0 Oregon State 19. Oregon 6 St Mary's 61, Pacife.

0 Camp Farragut 18. Idaho 7 Colorado 21. Colorado A and 6 New Mexico 6, Colorado Springs 4 (tah State 44. Montana university 13 St Paul Gustavus Adolphus 20, St. Thomas 13 San Diego Naval 38, Southern Callfornia 6 Baylor 23, Arkansas 18.


PLATUKIS GEORGE IS A FINE END FROM WHO PLAYED FOR 4 YEARS WITH PITTSBURGH STEELERS, AND THE CLEVELAND RAMS. END COACH DUQUESNE U. THE ONE WITH FOR Harvard Starts Fast To Turn Back Rochester, 21-13 Cambridge, Oct. 13-(AP)-After an early break soothed its opening jitters, Harvard settled down to a smooth brand of football to defeat the University of Rochester, 21-13, in the stadium today in the first such clash in history between those institutions. An effective running attack, carried out by Leo Flynn, Herb Fritts and the hard-working Fullback Bob Cowen, enabled the Crimson to wrap up the game by scoring twice in the second period after Rochester had fumbled away A touchdown chance on the 15 in the opening session.

Harvard Gets Jump The initial Crimson drive moved 60 yards before Flynn went over from the five -yard line. and just before the first half ended Fritts raced 45 yards for another score after intercepting the third of the nine forward passes Rochester tosser Bill Coffey launched during the wide open game. That 14-0 deficit inspired the New Yorkers, for they needed only five plays to score after accepting the second half kickoff and returned it to their 40, After Gorman Burnett broke around his left end for a spectacular 43-yard gain, Dick Garnish and Gerry Wagner each carried once to make a first down on Harvard's four, from where, the tackle. former knifed over Inside It then was Harvard's turn to do the driving and the Crimson. was on Rochester's 30 when the fourth period opened.

Cowen appeared to end that thrust by plunging the last five yards but a back-in-motion penalty nullified the touchdown and Harvard was set back to the 10. Again taking over, the durable Cowen banged away FIELD GOAL GIVES RI WIN OVER MAINE Orono, Oct. 13-(AF)-Rhode Island State scored A fourth-quarter field goal and staved off a last-min-ler, ute passing attack to whip the Unithe season's Mainter for both schools. versity of to 7, today in Four thousand fang shivering in near freezing weather saw Guard Joe Ventetulo boot, the winning goal between the posts from the 12-yard line with five minutes left. After a scoreless first period.

a 25- yard pass from Gerard Poulin, sub fullback, to Gene Boutilier set up Maine's second touchdown, which Boutilier scored from the 10- yard line. on a pass from Tom Murray, Leonard Piavin placekicked the point. Halfback Elliott Johnson picked up a punt on his own 42 and scooted 38 yards down the sidelines for a Rhode Island touchdown in the third. Ventetulo made good on a placement. The ISLAND MAINE McCauley, le re, Thompson Kramer, It rt, P'lavin Laitey.

lg re. Murdock Haire. Day Ventetulo, re 1g. Savage Itoderick, rt It, Colby Trevitt, re le, Woodworth Vento, qb qb, Murray 1hh rhb, Routilier Johnson. rhh Ihb, Linehan Tregoning.

th fh. Henderson Score Island 10. Maine 1. Touchdowns, Johnann, Routilier. Field goal, Ventetulo (placement), Points after touchdowns, Ventetulo, Plavin (placements).

Missouri Scores Late To Drop Iowa State, 13-7 Ames, Oct. 13-(AP) -Missouri's Big Tigers, huffing and puffing for more than three quarters in unsuccessful attempts to offset a one-point disadvantage, broke loose with a 63- yard touchdown drive late in the game to drop Iowa State, 13 to 7. today, By winning in their frat Big Six conference football game the Tigers established themselves as definite challengers to Oklahoma's defending champions, and likewise crushed Iowa's State's title hopes. RUCINSKI WITH CARDS Chicago, Oct. 13-(UP)-Ed Rucinski, the Chicago Cardinals' 1 end, rejoined the team today and probably will start against the Chicago Bears tomorrow in a National Football league came at Wrigley feld.


-Scoring a touchdown in the last two minutes of play, the Washington Huskies upset Washington State college, 6-0, in a Pacific Coast conference game today before 34,000 fans. Gordon Hungar, Washington quarterback, won the game when he intercepted a Washington State pass on his own 43 and a moment later broke away on a 41-yard run to the Cougar goal line. Wally Dash missed the -point from placement. INDIANA WINS EASILY OVER NEBRASKA, 54-14 Bloomington, Oct. 33-(AP) A powerful Indiana eleven passed and ran almost pleased today to defrat the Cornhuskers from Nebraska, 54 to 14, before a homecoming crowd of 20,000.

The highly respected, beaten Hoosiers scored on long runs -one 95 yards short runs, power plays and passes against a Nebraska team that was able to produce only two scoring punches. The outclassed Huskers made a fight at the start, holding Indiana to a lone touchdown the opening quarter after stopping the Hoosiers on the one-yard line once. Ben Raimondi returned a kick 40 yards and Sophom*ore Richard Deranek scored on the next play from Nebraska's five to start the parade. SAN DIEGO SAILORS UPSET SO. CALIFORNIA San Diego.

Oct. Gun') Tommervik, 173- pound halfback from Seattle, put on a running and passing display to lead the San Diego Naval Training Center football team to a 33-to-6 upset victory over the University of California today. The former Pacific Lutheran college player carried the ball across the Trojan goal three times and pitched touchdown passes on two other occasions to give the Bluejackets a 33-to-0 lead in the first half. Gus White, former Texas A and athlete, added three conversions. OREGON STATE DOWNS OREGON RIVAL, 19 TO 6 Corvallis, Oct.

13-(AP)-A rugged Oregon State line hold the University of Oregon's star quarterback, Jake Leicht, at bay today as the Reavers upset their traditional rivals, 19-6. The Beavers first scored near the end of the first quurter when Bob Stevens crashed through left tackle to tally. The Webfoots came back only in the third quarter, when Leicht. after repeated charges at the Beaver line, squeezed through center. Ther the Staters took over with two touchand one placekick to complete Oregon' State's smashing victory.

NATIONAL PRO FOOTBALL Western Division Points Pet. Green Day 000 88 42 Cleveland la 1.000 35 0 Detroit 1 .300 67 Chicago Bears 48 Chicago Cardinals .00 6 52 Eastern Division Points Pet. Boston 1.0*) 56 27 New York 1.000 34 6 Pniladelphia 1,000 21 6 Washington .000 20 28 Pittsburg .000 13 62 FRIDAYS' GRID SCORES Boston Cellege 28, NYU 0, Maryland 22, Kings Point Merchant Marine Miami, Wiest Touis Tniversity 0. Syracuse 12, Virginia 0. Temple 64.

Bucknell 0. Wilberforce 6, Tuskegee 0. Kemper Military 13, Boonerille 7. Kansas 34, Washburn 0. Oklahoma A and 26, Southern 12.

Drake 34. South Dakota State Denver 21,. I tah Camp Hood 20, John Carleton 0. AURURN LINE REINFORCED Auburn, Oct. burn's line, reinforced by newly eligible Bill Harris and Harley Smalley, is expected to give the Mississippi State forward wall its test of the season when the two teams clash at By JOSEPH LAROSE To say, or rather write, that the missing addresses column is on the upgrade is putting it real mild, for during the recent work: no less than 34 of the recently mailed September sports bulletins were received back for corrections.

the same time, but four names were checked off the original list. making that department the largest since SIS first originated several years ago. It may he that A great numher have been discharged from the service during recent weeks and have failed to notify SIS. TO to have their names removed. With that in mind SIS appeals to any v.

hose name appears below to write or phone the Republican sports department with the necessary information to slice the missing list, Many others have possibly heen given new addresses and their friends or relatives are requested to forward the data. For those listed, the September letter cannot he re-sent, for obvious reasons, but the change will be made in SIS records in ample time so that they will receive the October misale, which will he prepared in ahout two weeks' time and deposited into the mails hy the Springfield Boys' club Victory Volunteers. MISSING ADDRESS LIST Name School George F. Allen Chicopee Edward P. Blight Lenox Milford F.

Jennings North Adame Elmer, Letellier Agawam George M. Redd Chicopee Edward P. Whalen Adams Albert St John Technical J. M. Griffin Cathedral Robert Montagna Unknown William Burke Springfield R.

F. Gagner Lucas Tenezar Ware Robert E. Hess Chicopee John WV. Carrigan Classical C. IT Barney Classical Donald Nowill Springfield Trade Ray Roberts Technical John Rega Unknown E.

R. Dewey Unknown Richard Elmer Agawam F. Iwanicki Classical Roger Paquette Unknown Thomas R. Riley Classical Renzo Caccarini Agawam Thomas Manning Cathedral Raymond Buron Deerfield Maurice Callahan Mongon Ralph Lucchesi Holyoke Ferdinand Osip Chicopee Lawrence Rivers A Maurice F. Dean Holyoke Ferdinand Lagowski Smith school Rchert Bieber Ohicopee Howard J.

Bostrum St Jerome's Michael Buendo Springfield Trade William Carroll Cathedral M. Hurley Josenh's (P) Guy LaMarche Technical Edward Murphy Williamsburg Frederick W. Tremblay Chicopee Thi'in Buffington Williamstown T. Colling Westfield John F. Connolly Azawam John McQuaid Ware W'.

O'Neil St Michael's Harvey St. Jean Holyoke Sygmunt Socha Chicopee R. N. Tuller Classical Albert G. Andries Agawam Harold Haynes Agawam Walter Hess Lenox Arthi.r W.

Johnson Agawam William F. Kennedy Cathedral Maio Enfield Phitin Turcotte Westfield Trade Frank W'vskocil West Springfield William T. Ahearn Robert C. Briggs Amherst E. D.

Marcil Chicopee T. Pickard Chicopee Ted Parsom Commerce Daniel Hastines Unknown LOW19 Russo Pittsfield G. Sevmour Commerce Steven Doran Amherst Stanley Janik Chicopee E. T. Klimek Chicopee Walter Konat Adams Walter J.

Kraywda Chicopee Max Panuga Chiropen Raymond Westfield Antonio Bartollotta Lenox Leo Borowlec Chicopee Danie' West Springfield B. J. Chevalier Chicopee Chovinard Holvoke Cicia Amherst P. F. Chiconee Edward co*ckaday Sanderson Charles Crossman Amherst Emil Dihlinann Amberat Robert Frapnier Technical Gilbert Goodhind Amherst Douglas Hall Williams High David Hastings AgAWAM Holl Westfield Trade Charles Jasmin Agawam Edward Kostek Smith academy A'fred La Roche Greenfield William C.

Madden Williamstown Ravmond Mason Williamstown James McGowan Williamstown T. J. Medrob Chicopee Alhor! Agawam Gordon Noble Williamstown Veil O'Rrien Unknown Redmond West Springtield Emile Satko Adams Cheater Skorupaki Smith Academy Dennis Small Classical Harmon A. Smith AgA wam Charles Strninte Unknown Robert Tenney Williams Tigh Morton Weinberg Commerce According to his dad. Patrolman George McCarthy.

Dan McCarthy is now stationed in the Philippines, shipping back from Okinawa where he in on the Easter Sunday invasion. DAn will be remembered one of Cathedral high's star wingmen of several AgO. Desnite lengthy stretch of duty in the Pacific, young MrCarthy has but 60 and doesn't expect to be sent home for many months to come, Wendell "Manny" Mansfield. former Springfield college grid mentor and echo: I head coach, now on leave from the Connecticut pren school. 1-mailed in an interesting note from Borlin, before he ramp hack to the States, It all happened few weeks ago, hut let Manny tell the story.

"Yesterday. while sitting in the Olympic stadium here in Berlin at the Intertrack meet the 3000-meter run began 01 the far side of the track. Looking over the of entries AS the grind began. from our distant post, we picked out a kid who WAS then running in seventh plare our hest het to win the event. "When pack passed hy the grAndstand they were fanning out And our runner continually moving up toward the front had stepped into second place.

Imagine my excitement when I found out it WAS Tom Crane of Springfield. Well, Tom got plenty of cheers from yours truly. From there on to the finish it WAS A two-man battle hetween Crane and the English runner, Linton. "The pair were Ambling along at nearly 100 yards ahead of their rirals, with Linton taking a rood sized lead in the next to the last lap but couldn't seen to shake ('rane. Just before passing the finish line on the gun-lap Crane took mer and breezed in A good 30 yards in front of Linton for the victory." (Pictures showing ('rAne winning the 3000-meter event were printed recently in munerons newspapers.) "Manny" goes on to say that he greeted Crane juet after the race and the pair had a great reunion.

"Crane." states Manny, "hadn't niet anyone from Springfield since arriving overseas, did the course in 9.18.09, hopes to be in the next Olympics and 1- training now just am he has for the past several years." In 1014 Crane. then in the army, took part in a 26-mile marathon which was staged here at Forest park by the local chapter AAU, and finished among the leaders. David Slann, former tireenfienl high Athwhile Turners Falls high got off to a fast lete. posteards from Bainbridge to say that start, Greenfield is sure to have deal to about just where the Western land Massa- this schoolboy grid honors tall. Art Nichols has A good team and under his capable guidance he (ireenie foes had better watch out," adds.

Manny reports that he met up with Red Webber, one -time Turners Falla high athlete. A few weeks Ago at the Bainbrids, station and that the pair talked over tha grid situation. Both youths Are in hoot training. Dave then advises that Bainbridge had a bang-up baseball team during the recent season which was sparked hy some former major headliners in Bud (chroy, Stan Spence, Ken Raffensberger, Tucker and Garrison. In closing, the former Powertown athlete intorma that he witnessed the Washington Senators post 2-0 win over the sailers, that Bainhridge opens its football campaign against the Atlantic City N.

A. after going undefeated for the past two years and inserts his thanks for the siS sports briets. HiN address is David. Mann, Co 3287, Bks 332L, 0. Bainbridge, Md.

Thanks to the timely action of his ther, John W. Korte, We removed the name of John W. Korte, from the missing addresses list in the recent week. Young Korte is now stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington, after an overseas stretch of duty in Italy. Germany and France.

He is a former Williams high star athlete, entered the army on January 12, 1044, and trained at Camp Blanding. Fla. He landed in Italy in June, 1944, A meme ber of the 7th army, 45th division, 157th intantry and WAS wounded in Germany during October, being returned to thin country the following January. Since -his Korte has been assigned to the Army hospital train service. Korte played short for the W.

Stockbridge school when it won the S. Berkshire title three years in' row. Hi4 present address is Corp John W. Korte. Jr.

1963, H. C.4. Fort Lewis, Washington. Donald Wnuk, A former Cathedral hich Athlete, writes in from the Portsmouth Naval hospital, where he has been tient for the past three months to say he received some real good news recently. Yes, Don expects A discharge before long and states that it came as 8.

real surprise, inasmuch as he has been in the naval service but 20 months and never thought for A minute he would be out SO soon. Wnuk plans to obtain high school diploma as quickly as possible after arris ing home, although he left school in his senior year, with five months uncompleted. "It it's necessary to return for the balance, most rertainly intend to do so, he advises. Wouk's addresa a at the present ja Donald Wauk, SK Ward 10, Naval hospital, Portsmouth, N. H.

According to John LaFontaine of Great Barrington. William H. King, a former Searlers high grade. has been stationed in Engiand until recently when his outfit moved over to the Continent. King doesn't expect 10 return home for ROMA time yet and enjoys reading the SIS sports bulletins, His address is William 11.

King, 2d Station. Compliment Squadron, APO 037, Postmaster, New York, N. Y. Eli Cohen, Chicopee correspondent, writes in to change 0016 address and remove three from the current mailing lists because of. discharges.

The new address in for Lieut Clayton Cartmill, Jisted in the missing group, Welfare and Recreation officer, Naval Training station, Portland, Mo. James Viens, Francis Riley and Alvin (istusk: are the discharged. Viens and Kiley attended Cathedral high, while Gialuskit is a former Chicopee high student. A new address is received from Amherat for Edward Desmond, former Amherst high grad, It is Edward J. Desmond, Phm 824-92-98, U.

5. Naval Separation center, Mul Records Office, Camp Shoemaker, Cal. A batch nf mail received from Joha R. Gordon, busy Greenfield correspondent. Adds the name of one new subscriber to NTS, notities of two chAnges in address, A pair of discharges and includes an interesting note from a one-tinie Sanderson arademy athlete to at present is anchored nt Jinon the coast of Korea in the Yellow sea.

The addition is for Seret John V. Iranian, U.S.M.C Marine 0.5.5, Rennington (CV-20), Fleet Postoffice, San Francisco, Cal. changes have to do with Russell Tognarelli, Sanderson academy, And Alfred Powers, Powers institute. For the former it's now Russell Tognarelli. 8 137th B.

Hqtrs. Plat 3, Cr Fleet office. San Francisco, Cal. address is l'vt Alfred Blanchard, ASN D-17-5 A.G.F. R.D.

Fort Meade, Md. Naval Aviation Cadet Erskine Harvey Greenfield, And Lieut Olaf Hoff, Turnera Falls are the pair discharged from active duty. The interesting note comes from Frank P. Thomas, former Sanderson academy grad who writes from the Rocky Mount in the Yellow sea. Says Thomas, "Right now we are anchored outside the city of Jingen in the Yellow sea off the coast of Korea.

We are aboard the flagship of the 4th fleet and have the honor of having the fourstarred Admiral Kincaid aboard. Tomorrow we are, going to either D'ort Arthur or Tiensin, China, And will probably" visit Shanghai before long. glad to he Able to see and visit. all these places, but would much rather he back home in the he concludes, 'BAMA TOO STRONG FOR S. CAROLINA, 55-0 Montgomery, Oct.

P)- Alabama's powerhouse eleven steamrollered A. badly outmanned South Carolina team today to win an Impressive 55-10-0 victory. About attended. The Alabama second and third stringers. played most of -the contest, but Harry Gilmer company were sent in for 10 minutes in the first half and promptly ran Aver three touchdowns.

Gilmer accounted for one on A 50-yard sprint behind brilliant blocking. Four Tide touchdowns were rushed across in the opening period. Fred Grant, second string fullback, scored two In the' opening 10 minutes, and Gilmer and Lowell Tew added thA other pair after the regulars were sent in. GOLFERS IN BENEFIT Ferndale, N. Y.

Oct. 2- Terman Barron, Vic (hezzi, Willie Gorgin and Mike Turnesa, four of the top professional golfers in the game, will participate in An exhibition for the benefit of servicemen At the ware Grossinger Country club the 9th, it announced today. "Never mind her -take this Armstrong Tire!" Armatrong Ruhher Company, Wat Raven: Conn again from the line. until, on fourth do down, he went over The second Rochester counter was chalked up Winger Len Morrissey off on Harvard's 45 and he out -footed front caught nearby the 15-yard Newton. aerial That.

Coffey youngster set the Harvard secondaries all the way back to their end-zone while making the visitors' last threatening gesture. Harvard piled up a net of 219 yards rushing and 11 more through the air while out-first-downing Rochester, 16- 10, with only one of five passing attempts working. Rochester's Garnish and Burnett accounted for most of its 199 rushing total and four of its nine passes were completed for an additional 63 yards. The three Crimson touchdowns gave Frank Lebart an opportunity to put on an impressive place-kicking exhibition, for. his three tries for the extra points were flawless.

The ROCHESTER DiLuzio, le re, Morrissey Fisher, It rt, Fischer Bart. lg rE. Cole Faber, Smith Allen, rg Lansdale Foster, rt It, Ireland Swegan, re le. Kern Tennant, qb qb, Zimmer Roche, lhh rib, Garnish Fritte. rhb Ihb, Burnett Cowen.

Th th. Wagner Score: Harvard 21, Rochester 13. Touchdowns: Flynn, Fritts, Garnish, Cowen, Morrissey. Points after touchdowns: Le Bart (3): Garnish. Substitutes Harvard: End.

Champion: Tackle, Coan: center. Grady: backs, MacDonald, Mielke. Flynn, Jackson, Tennant, O'Donnell. Rochester Tackles, Canter, Rose; center, Kennedy; guards, Metz, TrabCoffey. Magill, Santoro.

C. W. Merritt, Providence; umpire, Austin R. Lake. Lafayette; field judge, Raymond F.

Kennedy, Spring Hill. linesman, Donald F. Allison, Boston. TREICHLER STARS IN COLGATE'S 47-0 WIN Hamilton, N. Oct.

13-(AP)-. Led by the spectacular Glen TreichColgate's Red Raiders ran! roughshod over Lafayette's today to win 47 to 0, in the 10th re-; newal of their rivalry. Lafayette threatened only once, midway of the final quarter, then saw Scheel, substitute Colgate fullback, intercept a pass and run 98 for the Raiders' seventh touchdown. Treichler carried the ball only six times from scrimmage but made 66 yards. His first major effort netted 25 and the score which put the Raiderg away in the first three minutes, lie figured in the second counter with a 24-yard run and in the third with a pass interception pulled down with one.

hand while going full speed to net 24 yards, The Raiders scored three times in the first quarter. The lineup: COLGATE LAFAYETTE Davis, le re, Korsia Redfield, let rt, Diehler Coven, lg re, Jordan McClure. Lipari Groh. rg Reed Thompson, 1t. Hover Birkins, re de, Bergenbach Heddy, gH qb, Kovach Cox, Ihn rhb.

Lolacono Treichler. rhh Ihh, Mille l'iebes, th Th, Prime Score: Colgate 4T. Lafayette 0. Touchdowns: Treichler. Cox (2), Gillia, Birking 121; Scherl.

l'ointa after down: Heddy (5). Substitutes, Colgate: Ends. O'Donnell, Cochran, Muller, Short. Cooper: tackles, Otie, (lager, Wood. MoNuit.

Somogye, Dudley; guards, Weinberger, Johnson: center, Vollmer, Wetkn: backs, Turtchell. Leyden, Eggerson, Woodams, Folz, Payne, Fitzhenry, Cramer, Cowie, Sugrue. Scheel, Gilles, Leanon, Worband, Murphy, Walton. Lafayette, Trickett, McCall. Weisel: tackles, none: guarda.

Xanthopoulos, Sill: center. McVeigh; backe, Neimeyer, Ing. Lockett. Arkett. Referee: Tans Wallace tinattached.

Umpire: Art L. Powell, Syracuse. Linesman, Faward J. Kearney, Syracuse. Fleld judge, W.

W. Power, Middlebury. is over 25 years of a age, married, good mixer and with some business experience: Selling experience, while helpful, in not essential. Your personal initiative and ability to organize are far more important. If you have these qualifications, don't hesitate to apply--even if you're now in routine work where you have no chance to capitalize your ability to talk to and ence people.

That's just one more reason why you owe it to yourself to answer this advertisem*nt. Please tell 113 all about yourself in a letter, after which an interview will be arranged with our Regional Director right in this city. Correspondence Schools WORCESTER 2. MASS. 'Ace' Parker Gets Out, Will Join Boston Yanks New York, Oct, 2-(UP) -Clarence Parker, former, star back at Duke and for the Brooklyn professional football team, drew his discharge at Norfolk (Va.) navy base today and wAS 'reported on the way to join the Boston Yanks who are merged with Brooklyn this year.

Parker was expected to see action In Yanks' game against the Washlington Redskins in Boston Saturday. 1 L..

The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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