The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: RIDAY EBRUARY 9 1872 MONEY AND BUSINESS' Largest Importers Manufacturers and Dealers in AT THE LOAVEST TRICE: jelSlyd SILVERWARE PRECIOUS STONES BRONZES CLOCKS MARBLE STATUARY OIL PAINTINGS GAS IXTURES AND ALL KINDS OS' INE JEWELRY who received them with a graceful word of acknowledgment The dedicatory prayer was then made by Rev Dr Todd of Pittsfield who officiated at the dedication of the first Edwards church nearly 40 years ago and after singing the benediction was pronounced by Rev Cobb of lorence The church was completely filled and the entire audience rose during the latter part of the prayer of dedication The only decorations were some exquisite flowers in front and at each side of the desk Rev Dr Todd is to preach to night and Rev Dr Rogers to morrow night Tiie presence of these former pastors of the Edwards church was a very pleasant and interesting feature of to exercises OIiEION At London Sth consols closed at 91 United States bonds' flat C1S62) 91 old) 91 (1867) 91: ten forties 89 The bullion in the bank of England has decreased £440000 since the last re port At Liverpool 8th cotton closed steady middling uplands lllld middling Orleans tal low 44s 9d i HORA In this city 8th a daughter to Henry Denver At AVestlield 3d a daughter to Jones MARRIED At Wilbraham Sth Alpen of Chicopee and Belle Ladd of this city At Boston Gth Henry Anpross and Ade laide A Little At Westfield 3d Arthur Moore and Louisa Reed of Montgomery At Upton 1st Stephen II Eames and I iora EAt New Haven Ct 7th James King of Jack ponville Ill i and Ella ater icwflrji nnb Silurrwarc JJALL BLACK CO 565 AND 567 BROADWAY DILD In this city Sth Carrie 2 years daughterofT II uneral to day' (riday) at 2 in at the house on Hill At Chicopee 7th Mary 30 wife of IL Hub uneral on Saturday at 10 a at her late residence on Grape street At Longmeadow 7th Michael ()uinn 42 (gr1 uneral on Sunday' next at 12 front his late residence riends and relatives are invited to at At Easthampton Sth John IL Wells 58 ggr uneral at his late residence to morrow (Sat UrAt5Deer2ieldISth Mrs Esther Haskell 60 gf uneral on Sunday at 1 At New York Stli at the residence of his son Hen ry Hills Leonard Hills 69 of Amherst uneral from his late residence in Amherst to morrow (Saturday) at 1pm At Longmeadow 7th very suddenly Michael 5th Lewis 4 2d Laura 4 daughter of Adelbert Everton At West Stockbridge Gth Patrick Smeddy 0 At Granville Corners 4th Enoch Root 65 At Warwick 31st ult Daniel ierce 50 At Boston 7th James Sawyer 77 formerly a nrominent ship builder in Maine and Boston At Jamaica Plain 7th Mrs Henderson 54 widow of the late Dr Henderson and daughter of the late Rev AV Williams At Pittsfield 4th Salmon Lament (6 At Worcester 6th William Dowling 29 quarter 15c leg 20c veal 1025c cutlets 25c chickens 25c lard fresh pork 15c salt pork 15c tripe 12c sausages Italic corned beef 1015c corned tongues 20 a25c hams sliced hams 204? 25c resh Haddock 8c lb halibut 2ac codfi whole 10c steak 15c white fish 20c striped bass 20e eels 1518c flounders 10c lake trout 25c pickerel bull heads 15c tongues and sounds 15c oys ters air Haven 30J'45c quart Norwalk 60c quo haugs GOc peck: clams 50c shell oysters 75c Salt Cod Sc lb salmon 15g20c nricker salmon trout 15c tongues and sounds 12e: sword fish 12c smoked salmon 30 a 35c smoked hali but 20c herring 10c doz Groceries Butter best lump ib tub plain cheese 18 20c ib sage 22c eggs 434Sc doz crackers 1012c ib fancy 4860c graham wafers 2Cu25c pickles i4075c gal: olives 62(gS5c can rench peas 62c canned peas 35c lima beans 33i40c can pickled tongues 62c bottle pickled ovsters 62e: pickled clams 40c pickled lobsters 3845c sugar hard 7 ths for 81 cof fee 71 lbs for 81 brown 8 to 81 lbs for 81 molasses Porto Rico New Orleans best syrup 95c(8L60 common black tea Oolong 81 (a 110 Japan green coffee Java roasted and ground 45c Rio choc olate 5075c cinnamon lS'20c quarter pound: cream tartar 17c cloves 10jj 12c quarter pep per lC12c mustard cayenne 15g20e nut megs 42c: allspice 12c quarter kerosene oil gallon candles 1650c ib vinegar 35g 35c gallon Vegetables fruit etc Potatoes seedlings SOOOc bu Jackson whites and peach blows 90c beets 30 peck squashes 5e lb onions 31g40c peck cabbage 515c head turnips 20c peck carrots 4c per pound parsnips 4c P' pound celery 20 25c bunch apples peck and bbl lemons 30c doz: cranberries 15c quart rais ins 40 ib common prunes 15c imperial 75c box tigs 25 ib almonds 35c citron Eng lish walnuts 25c Brazil nuts 25c Pecans 25c Coal at the Lehigh Hazleton Lackawanna Pittston Scranton Pine orest nut coal Ly kens valley 1050 bituminous 950 charcoal 23c bushel 45c per basket wood hard soft Hay S35 ton baled single car load straw" ton MEAT MARKETS At Brighton receipts 2295 cattle 9932 sheep 6500 swine there were more western cattle in market this week than there were last but notso many from Maine the from that section being the light est of the season The western cattle were not much different in quality from those of last market and prices remain unchanged There were a few Connec ticut river cattle in market which were as nice as anything that has been in market of late The follow ing are the closing prices: Extra quality first quality second quality third quality 475g525 poorest grade of coarse oxen bulls etc Brighton hides 81g9c Brighton tal low 6c country hides country tallow calf skins sheep skins $325u4 each milch cows store cows 16g 55 working oxen extra 8175g 240 ordinary 185 sheep and lambs extra and select lots ordinary 350g 475 or from 4g81c per pound swine store pigs uoue iu market fat hogs per pound At Watertown the receipts of cattle were 120 more than the previous week but prices remain unchanged choice 12110 25 extra 925'3'975 first quality second quality 725g8 third quality 575g 675 sheep and lambs in lots at each extra or 438c per pound At New York beeves were less plenty and prices advanced closing as follows: Prime to extra cattle medium to good qualities 11751(1225 poor 1050ll25 lowest grade 9g12j50 generally selling prices 10 50(7' 12 average 11501175 sheep are rather higher at Si the hog market rather gained strength up to Saturday but now with free ar rivals and soft weather hogs are easier 5Jc being as much as live will bring western dressed selling at 6 6c and city slaughtered at those of 180 lbs going at 6J The Latest Market The agitation here and in England of the difficul ties iu regard to the Alabama claims begins to be felt in both the London and New York markets Both markets opened weak and feverish yesterday the London market showing a decliue of per cent in American bouds Money closed firm at New York at 7 percent oreign exchange was steady at 109 Gold advanced and closed strong at 110 (gllO the government selling gold at 11045HO57 The gross cleariugs were Government bonds were firm and active and southern securities were dull The stock market opened barely steady and prices varied but little until after the first board when there was a sharp decline of per cent on the entire list About 12 o'clock the de cline was checked aud prices advanced from Jal per cent The leading cliques were free buyers of stocks and in addition to picking up stocks took a good many contracts Wool maintains the activity that characterized the market through the month of January and so lively was the competition among buyers that prices at Boston advanced 2g3c per pound last week Much speculative interest comes into the trade but even the regular dealers were generally short The Com mercial Bulletin says There is evidently more anxiety among them to secure the requ isite amount of staple to bridge over to the next clip than there is on the score of prices The main point with them appear to be to get the wool at whatever cost aud if they must have it and are willing to run the risk of get ting their money back on their products they may as well go iu and buy up the necessary supply first as last since there is nothing in the immediate future which affords the least shadow of encouragement to wait for a lower range of prices stocks and money At Boston Sth United States coupon sixes (1881) 114 United States live twenties (1862) 11(U (1864) 110 (1865) HOg new) 110 (ls6) 1111 (ISOb) 1111 United States ten forties 109 Pacific railroad currency sixbs 1141 land grant sevens 79 income tens 831 Boston and Albany 149 Boston and Maine 1381 Boston and Providence 152 Boston Hartford and Erie sevens (new) 39g Northern New Hampshire 116 Vermont Cent rat sevens S6 Cincinnati Sandusky aud Cleveland 24 Philadelphia Wilmington and Bal timore 57 Michigan Central 119 Naumkeag steam cotton mills 135 Lyman mills 90 Boston water pow er company 56 Cary improvement company log Waverly land company 7 Calumet and Hecla mining company 114g Copper alls mining company Allouez mining company 5j 11nqnn At New York Sth American gold 110 110J United States coupon sixes (1881) 114 United States five twenties (1862) 110 (1864) 110 (1865) 110 (1865 new) 110 (1867) 111 (1868) 111 United States ten forties 109 Pacific railroad currency six es 114 Canton 81? Cumberland 45 Western Union telegraph 70 Quicksilver preferred 32 Pacific Mail 57 Boston water power 50 Adams Express S3 Wells argo Express 64 Ameri can Union Express 63 UriTfd States Ex cress 63 New York Central ana aasc A'ver H'hoad 97 New York Central and Hud River railroad scrip 92 Erie 30 Erie preferred 63 Harlem 114 Harlem preferred 117 Reading 113 Michigan Central 118 Panama 75 Lake Shore and Michigan Southern 90 Lake Shore and Michi gan Southern scrip 87 Illinois Central 130 Cleve land and Pittsburg 91g Chicago and Northwestern 73g Chicago and Northwestern preferred 90 Cleve land Columbus and Cincinnati 87 New' Jersey Cen tral 109 Rock Island 110 Milwaukee and St Paul 55 Milwaukee and St Paul preferred 75 Toledo "Wabash and Wosti rn 75i Toledo Wabash and nest cm preferred 86 ort Wayne 98 Alton and Terre Haute 20 Alton and Terre Haute preferred 53 Chicago and Alton 121g Chicago and Alton pre ferred 124 Ohio and Mississippi 44 Boston Hart ford and Erie 4 Columbus Chicago and Indiana Central 22 Chicago Burlington and Quincy 140 Hannibal and St Joseph 47 Central Pacific sixes 102 Union Pacific 37 Union Pacific sixes 91 land grant sevens 81 income sevens 87 Tennessee sixes (new) 65 Virginia sixes (new) 56 Missouri sixes 94 North Carolina sixes (new) 16J South Carolina sevens (new) 30 I DOMESTIC MARKETS At Boston the flour market remains steady western superfine common extras 650(675 Mil waukee and Minnesota extras 675875 hi te wheat Ohio Indiana and Michigan 725850 Illinois 925 St Louis 750ll including choice family brands southern flour quiet 6755'1050 for common extras and choice family corn quiet southern and wMoru yellow 767177c western mixed 74 375c oats for dark mixed and white ire 9295c: shorts tine feed and middlings pork quiet at oO for prime for mess and 17 for clear beet ranges from S10il3 for jtipss aud extra iiwss and 14 for family lard 910c for city and western smoked hams IMfel lc butter cheese for common and prime white beans in fair demand at for common and good mediums and 2 50'8312 for extra pea eggs have declined with salesat 305' 32c potatoes remain without change and have been in moderate demand at 5a60c as to quali ty poultry continues to meet with a fair demand with sales at 155? 20c for turkys and chickens At Albany flour continues dull and steady closing prices Common state extra state extra club wheat trade brands amber state extras 72538 Michigan and Ohio extras city brands extra 875W9 Haxall and St Louis 9255950: rve flour is dull at buckwheat flour is higher at wheat is dull No 2 amber state No 1 amber state 160gl62 No2 white state 1625il 65 No 1 white state 165170 extra white Michigan including Diehl rye dull at 90c corn strong at 70371c barley more quiet N0T2 two rowed state 80c No 2 six rowed state No 3 Chicano No 2 Chicago 80 (aS5c No 2 Canada No 1 Canada 112 and Quinte 1151 20 oats firmer at 5255c feed dull ami almost unsalable at for all grades pork steadv new mess clear hams shoulders 8c smoked beef 17e lard lOOi 10c Abutter firm gilt edge 33c prime fair to good 2427c common l(k20c rolls prime 25c fair to good 23 cheese firm fancy factory August and September fair to good 15c prime farm dairies 1515e fair to good skimmed and late made 95? 11 Jc eggs are less scarce and the mar ket rules buoyant stat? 33c Canada and western 32c beans in demand at S2753340 At A ct" York 8th cotton lower uplands 2ogc flour unchanged state Ohio 6608 730 western 5 40 southern 6 50 wheat heavy No 1 spring No 2 winter redwestern 162167 white Michigan corn a shade lower new mixed western clos ing at 72c: oats lower beef steady pork heavy now mess 1437 old 1359 lard quiet and steady steam butter quiet whisky firmer at 93c rice steady at sugar in fair request muscovado relining Havana 81 coffee weak Rio molasses steady New Orleans 4557c: turpentine strong at 1 80c rosin quiet and weak at for strained pe troleum quiet crude refined tallow heavy at At Chicago 8tb wheat higher No 1 spring $1241 corn unchanged No 2 mixed 401c oats firmat 321c for No 2 rye dull and declining at 70cfor No 2 barley quiet No2spring Glc re iected 43c pork opened dull and closed active with sales at lard firm at green bulk and boxed meats unchanged live hogs dull at 465 bulk of sales at 4 30 dressed hogs for heavy weights 505 for light weights cattle un changed whisky 87c At Toledo 8th wheat unchanged white Michi gan amber Michigan 149 corn dull and low er 46c high mixed yellow 47c oats dull at 40c for No 2 dressed hogs At Cincinnati 8tli pork unchanged lard firm steam 8c kettle 91c: bulk meats dull shoul ders 5c sides file bacou demand light shoulders CJc sides 66Je: live hogs in fair demand with sales at whisky 87c STRINGIELD RETAIL MARKETS Wheat flour choice best fancy brands buckwheat flour 5c p1 lb rye flour 4c graham flour 5c oat meal coru meal $165lfopcwt Indian meal bolted 34c Ib rye meal 3c ib corn western 14 bu northern oats 70c wheat feed inclu ding middlings cwt shorts rye feed Beefsteaks sirloin 25c D1 lb rump round 18c beef roast rib 1825c chuck 14c liver 10c venison mutton fore quarter bind quarter 20c lamb fore quarter 12c hind LOCAL NOTICKS Never take a trip without a bottle of Williams's Extract Jamaica Ginger Attention is railed to advertisem*nt of the valua ble Water in Monson to be found under ad vertisem*nts or Salo The Best Way to The best and cheapest mode of advertising in the world is that in the newspsqiers Every successful advertiser will say this Seed strewn if the seed is good for any thing always brings up a crop of some value most generally a hundred fold Placarding the dead walls and showering hand bills among the people are auxil iaries in advertising but it is doubtful whether as a rule they more than pay the expense while there is no doubt that they are a nuisance The blankest of dead walls is only disfigured by posters provoking in the well regulated mind a sense of aversion to the man who so advertises and the articles upon whose excellencies he expatiates while as to hand bills nothing so prejudices a citizeu against going to see any show or buying any goods as the ugly slips of paper thrust at him from all quarters eloquently rec ommending him to do those Journal of Com merce Sringficlb business Directorn Name Business and Location of the Leading Business Houses of Springfield Mass Cut out this list as a reference when risking the city Apothecaries DICKINSON 354 Alain st Block I'OW Hotel cor ynchon st WEBBER CO cor Alain aud State sts Materials etc RUDE 375 Main st opp Veruon st Architects GEORGE POTTER Goodrich Block Bankers AV ANDERSON CO 433 Alain st Book Binders SAAIUEL BOWLES CO 409 Alain st Booksellers and Stationers GILL HAYES 260 Main st near the depot Blank Book Manufacturers SAAIUEL BOWLES CO 4o9 Alain st A SARGENT CO Powers Block opp depot Brick Mnnufacturer financial GPRINGIELD INSTITUTION OR IO Incorporated A Banking room New Building corner of Main and State strw ts first floor Receives interest on sums from One to One Thousand Dollars JAMES THOMPSON President JOHN STEBBINS Vice President Hrxnv Ivy AV Shurtleff Sec Oirechii Benj Dav Geo Dwight Thorny son Stebbins William Gunn Henry Alorn Henry Let1 riUIE SPRINGIELD IVE CENTS JL SAVINGS BANK Banking Room No 2 Court street Hampden House Block north side of Court square Business Hours from 9 to 1 and 2 to 3 Joseph ynchon President Vice Presidents Willis Phelps A Chapin Aaron Bagg AV Bond Secretary Daniel Alarsh Treasurer Trusties Enhraim AV Bond AVilliam Rice Henry uller Thos AVarner Jr AVm Smith A nnth Geo Alorris Charles Marsh Jas Russell Ji GALLAUDET BANKER AND NOTE BROKER (Eiiiuational f3 miscellaneous j29 n28Sxodr BIGEIXJW Opposite Court Square Springfield AI iss AV II ALLIS 2 Allis Block north of depot Alain st Bridge Builders HAAVKINS BURRALL Agawam Bank building Brokers (Money) OS1AH JORDAN 432 Alain st over Tinkham Co Butchers and Markcluieu PERKINS NYE wholesale and retail 136 Stalest Carpenter and Jobber ASHTON 49 AVest Bridge st CnrringCN and Sleighs AV LOOMIS Sanford st DAVID SMITH CO Park st near Alain st Chromos and Picture rames GILL HAYES 260 Alain st near the depot Commission Merchants BIGELOAV ADAMS Produce Hampdeust Contractors and Builders AV GARDENER 55 Morgan st AVARREN 27 Broad st Cotton Waste aud Paper Stoch AV PEARL 35 Willow st Curtains mid Paper Hanging OTTO ROLO 12 Harrison avenue Die Sinker mid Steel la tter Cutter MATTHEAVSON 53 AVest Sate st lour mid Grain JOHN BANGS 539 Alain st Mill Alill st A JENNINGS 127 State st near Alain st oundry HAAVKINS Agawam Bank Block Alaiu st urnaces Stoves Banges etc SIMPSON CLARK 157 State st I SHMAN 451 Alain st opp Court sq Wholesale and BctaiL AlARSH CO 391 Main st opp Post office Hardware Iron and Steel BEMIS PHILLIPS CO 16 Taylor st Hats and Caps THE PRACTICAL HATTERS Elm st Court sq Hosiery Kid Gloves Trimming etc K1NSA1AN cor Alain and Court sts House Builder A AVHEELER Liberty st near planing mill Kit Geese eather at Wholesale CARTER COOLEY 278 Alain st Marble Workers ant Stone Cutters JAMES A1ARRA 35 ranklin st DENNIS KEILEV yard Park st near Alain st Millinery Kid Gloves Worsteds AVALLACH SCHWAB ZINSSER Bill Shaw's Brown Stone Block Main st opp Hillmau st Model and Pattern Milkers GEORGE K1LBON 43 Market st Moldings and Show Cases VINER 62 Dwight st near Court' st Music Stores Musical Instruments etc AY HOADLY CO Hayes's Hotel Block Airs AL HUTCHINS Block 374 Alaiust Wholesale and Retail WORTHINGTON 301 Alain st cor Worthington Paints Oils Varnishes Brushes etc AVORTHINGTON 301 Alain st cor Worthington Patent Sifting Machines SAAIUEL HARRIS Liberty st House 76N Main st Photograph Album Makers SAMUEL BOAVLES CO 109 Alain st Plumber and Plumbing Materials A Al KNIGHT SON 345 Alain st Printers AMUEL BOAVLES CO 409 Main st GILL HAYES 284 Alain st near the depot Real stntc Broker ITZGERALD PAGE 122 Bridge st GEO KINGSBURY 438 Main st Wire Cloth and Sieves CHENEY BIGELOAV 5 Sanford st TVILLOW PAKK SEMINARY (Dr Hero vV School for Young Ladies) Third Perm and last half of School Year will commence Wednesday Januarv 31 1872 Graduating Exercises June Especial attention given to Phvsieal Cu hire Ad dress for Circular Dk 11 DEL' 127eod24d Westboro Alass QH EEIELD SC1ENT1 IC SCHOOL YALE COLLEGE The Scientific Department of Aralo College otters to Young Alen advanced Systematic Education in Matli emnjical Physical aud Natural Science with reuch and German Circulars sent on application to the Secretary PRO GILMAN jlMAV New Haven Ct rjHIE THIRD QUARTER And Last Half of the present Academic Year of the Springfield English and Classical Institute Opened on MONDAY ebruary 5th Apply for ad mission at 51 AVest Court street CHAS BURNETT A AL Principal AR YARD 485 Main street (upstairs) Pupils fitted for college or business rench taught by Mademoiselle EcKiioltz Address ROBINSON A GEORGE OAVLER has removed his Cof fee and Spice Alanufactory to East Wortlungton street two doors from Alain I in THE WORLD are the I patent Coal Ash Sifters considered to be manu factured by SAAIUEL HARRIS Liberty st d25 2m THE MAGIC COMB will change any col ored hair to black or brown and is not poison One Comb sent by mail for Address AVM AT TON Springfield Mass J29 'ItESONDCLOAK MAKING removed to 328 Main st over Drug Store next south of the North Church rovrrr f65d Airs AV CORNELL HARVARD SCHOOL Spring Term be gins eb 7 See regular advertisem*nt f5 bo 1 I AN A REIGN OLDS begs leave to inform the residents of Springfield that she will be prepared to receive a few pupils lor orte and Singing at her residence I99 Central street f3eulbt 0NE YBAE! every month Information of great value Address at once inclosing 75 cents DR SCOTT JR CO Springfield Vt CHOICE COLOGNES A'erbena Sandal Wood Geranium ana Orange lowers Now selling at a pint NOS 3 AND 5 WALL STREET New York Hardware Aletal Iron Rubber Shoe Paper and Hangiugs Lumber Coal and Railroad laper "Advances made on Business Paper and other Secur tiPS mylb 1yd HA DE A I BANK SPRINGIELD Banking Room New Building Corner Alain and Lvman Streets Business hours from 9 a to 4 Eliphalet Trask President A'ice Presidents Chester AV Chapin ranklin Alorgan Harris Trustees Marvin Chapin Hyde Lewis Powers Baker Bailey Hawkins1 A Kumrill 1 tv Greenleaf John Al Stebbins Arthur benns CO Russell Al Brown A illiani Melcher Bailev Secretary and Treasurer Quarter Days the third Alondays of ebruary May August and November Special Deposit Safes to rent JgDWARD HAIGHT ft CO A No 9 AVall Street New York IVE PER CENT INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS The business of our firm is the same as any State or National Bank Indiiiduals or firms banking with us may deposit and draw as they please the same as with any Bank (with this exception we allow interest on all bal ances of 5 per cent) AVe buy and sell Bonds Stocks Gold Business Papers and colleM Business Notes and Drafts throughout the United States giving prompt ret link 1114111 ST JOSEPH AND DENVER Un Railroad Company Executive Office No 31 Nassau Street New York ebruary 1 1872 The Coupons and registered interest due ebruary 15 1872 ou the irst Mortgage Eight perCent (Spc) Gold Bonds (E D) and the Eight per Cent (8 c) Gohl irst Mortgage Sinking und Laud Grant Bonds (W D) of the St Joseph and Denver City Railroad Company will be paid at the office of the armers' Loan and Trust Company of the city of New York upon presentation and demand on and after that date ree of Tax RANCIS A COIN Treasurer 2(1 St RR Co piCHARDSON HILL ft CO BANKERS No 3 Sears Building BOSTON BUSINESS PAPER Bought aud Sold and Corpora tion Loans pegotiated DEPOSITS received subject to check at sight with Interest on daily balances credited monthly COLLECTIONS of Notes Drafts Coupons and Divi dends made with promptness on all points made on approved collaterals ORDERS for Bonds and all first class securities exe cuted on commission R22 cod6in gTONE ft AN 28 STATE STREET BOSTON 11 nil daw Ciqtxors pATENTED NOVEMBER 7 1871 ANDERSON GEORGE A HOM Ell ANDERSON CO BANKERS 433 Main Street Springfield Mass Buy and sell stocks Bonds Gold etc on commis sion negotiate loans make advances on satisfactory securities draw exchange on New York Boston and Europe receive deposits payable at sight allowing interest on daily balances make collections on all jioints and do ell things that pertain to a general banking business Have constantly on hand for sale desirable invest ment securities References Henry Clews Co Bankers New A ork Thos Denny Co Spencer ft Co Bankers Boston AV orbes Esq National Lank of Re demption Boston AV AV Storrs Esq Cashier 1 irst National Bank Esq Cashier National Bank Troy NY Hon A Page State Montpelier A lion Julius Converse AVoodstock Vt The National Banks of ye Packard Esq Cashier National Bank Green field Mass Hou AV lynt Monson Mass Hon Packard Austin uller Esq AV Holmes Esq Marshall Calkins Springfield Mass vr XT Von IL xAl Vffl ICi AVebber Esq AVarriner Esq Jared Beebe Esq AVarner Jr Esq Cashier DEALERS IN American and oreign Specie and Coupons BUY AND SELL City State County and United State Bonds AGENTS OR THE SALE Burlington Cedar Rapids ami Minnesota I1 irst Mortgage Bonds 7 per cent (old Northern Pacific Bonds 7 3 10 in Gold aud the United States unded Loan ALSO OR SALE European and North American irst Mortgage Bonds 6 per cent in Gold at 90 and interest AVe draw exchange on San rancisco Montreal St John and Halifax and Buy and Sell on onimission Stocks and Bonds in Boston and New York Inquiries by mail promptly answered Special atlrution to packages received by express j30 eod3m Send for Pamphlet and List Ask your physician TRADE about it MARK eod3m u20 method novel method uew supplied rtiea eu LlUUUJtt sent to any place in quantities or aw mAIVI UUV IMUU Ul VJ And THE AMILY MONITOR sent free on addressing IRAD ULLER NEW HAVEN CT amilies the Sick Aged and WINS dings and Clubs provided with thol URLST INES LIQUORS ALES CORDIALS and CIDER aud Railroads KailroaliG at March 9 fUarblc Works (Clothing overcoats NEW YORK CLOTHING HOUSE GENTLEMEN'S AND SUITS At prices astonishingly low before taking inventory Underwear at reduced price Glove Mittens Scarfs etc at your own pric f2eod VAUGH kN PARKER SPRINGIELD MARBLE WORKS io McGREGORY a son Manufacturers of and Dealers iu Alarble and Slate Mantels Monuments Tablets and Grave stones 520 Maia street and No Bliss street Springfield NInss jv bin Secure one of those consigned Overcoats before they are returned We are them at less than the cost ot manufacture Also A DWELLY ft COA DKALKRS IN BUILDING STONE aud MONUMENTAL WORK Monson itzwilliam and Quincy Granite reestone from Longmeadow Portland Nova Scotia and Ohio North River Bolton aud Slate lagging Soapstone for Boiler Tops oye Linings loot AVarmers etc Importers ot SCOTCH for Monuments aud Building Purposes urnBh i de signs and give special attention to CEMEThkY AVORK Office Yard Lyman street near Chestnut A DWELLY ji A STUN WORCESTER NASHUA RA1L TV road On ami after June 1 1870 Passenger Trams will run as follows: Leave AVorcester 639 11 Io a 420 Leave Nashua 710 a 1'2 aud 5 Leave Grotou Junction for Worcester 5 Leave AVorcester for Groton Junction 635 or connections at "Worcester itchburg Groton Junction and Nashua see Snow's Pathfinder Rail way Guide for New England TURNER bun AVorcester January 23 1872 "AJEW HAVEN AND NORTHAMPTON RAILROAD On and after January 1 1872 Passenger Trains will run as follows viz nok nr Leave New York by Boat from Peck Slip 11 a Leave New York by New York and New Haven Railroad 8 a and 3 I cove New Haven 050 aud 1055 a tn and o45 I eave Hartford 015 and 1125 a in and 625 in Leave Plainville 758 and 1158 a and 652 Leave New llati'ord 715 and 1120 a aml5b5p New Hartford 850and910 a and 136 aud Tcave Westfield 913 a and 125 and 815 Leave AVostlickl special for Williamsburg 650 Leave Northampton 950 a in ami 206 732 and b50 Arrive AVilliiimsburg 1010 a and 225 750 and 915 ni SOUTH I eave AVilliamsburg 6 and 1045 a and 445 Leave Willianisjhirg for Westfield only 1155 a Leave Northampton 620 aud 1108 a in aud ll aiul 605 cave Westfield 7 and 1150 a and 54o in Leave New Hartford 715 and 1120 a and uuu UL Arrive Hartford 935 a mand 14o and Arrive Plainville 820 a in aud LOS ami 706 Arrive New Haven 932 a and 205 aud 820 Arrive New York 505 and 1120 in HOLYOKE TRAINS Leave Holyoke 625 and 1120 a and 515 making direct connection with all trains south Leave Westfield 918 aud 128 and 818 ni on arrival of all trains from New Haven Steamboats leave New Haven at 11 ni and reach New York next morning THROl Gil PASSENGER CARS will be runto and from New York on the 6 a train from Wil liamsburg and the 3 train from New York C11AS YEAMANS aud Supt New Haven Hartford proyidence ami fish 1 LL Al LROAD Ou and after Dec 11 1871 trains will leave as follows GOING WEST Providence for Hartford 7 a in and 220 connecting for New Haven New York and Spring 151 Providence for AA'ashington 7 1010 and 1130 a in and 220 505 and 640 Saturday 1015 in Providence for Plainfield 7 1010 a and 20 and 5 05 Um 7 and 1010 a and 505 trains con nect for Norwich The 1010 a in and 220 trams connect for orcester Hartford for Waterbury 820 and 1120 a and 410 ni connecting for At insted The 1120 a ui and 410 ni trains connect for Bridgeport Hartford for Plainville 610 820 and 1120 and 410 and 625 The 610 and 1120 and 6 25 ni trains connect for Northampton New Haven and New Hartford GOING EAST Hartford for Providence 630 a and 150 pin connectiug for Boston 150 connecting for At or cester via Plainfield Hartford for illimantic 630 a and 150 and 61j connect for New London 630 a ni and 150 in connect for Palmer Plainfield for 645 a and 12 lt and42o connecting from Norwich at 853 a in and 1215 ni connecting from AVorcester AVushington for Providence 545 75u and 94u a and 113 aud 530 Saturdays at 8 in Waterbury for Hartford 750 a and 120a and 410 in connecting from AViusted 1205 connect ing from Bridgeport fC9 McMANUS Assistant Supt Steamboats 1VEW YORK AND NEW HAVEN 11 NO CHARGE OR BERTHS The first class steamers CONTINENTAL and ELM CITY leave Now Haven daily at 1015 a and 1130 in leaving New York at aud 11 tn reight by the 315 in boat from New York reaches Spring field early next morning lu JNMAN MAIL LINE To and from Liverpool Queenstown Glasgow and Londonderry twice every week Rates of Cabin to or from Liverpool or Queenstown to New York or Boston gold Steerage from Liverpool or Queenstown Glas gow or Londonderry to Boston or New York 34 currency rom Boston or New York eurrenev or further information apply to MS CREAfi 11 Manager 102 State st Boston or to Il Agent 269 Alain st Springfield fl AIT JAMES ft MARRA Dealers in all I kinds of Building Stone Longmeadow aud Portland and Cleveland ree Stone flagging and SoapStone Granite Monuments and Bases of all kinds and Cemetery work Office 35 ranklin street aud Congress street Springfield Alass jOAIWHy CURTIS AVholesale'tmd retail dealer in all kinds ot Alarble and Alarbleized Slate Alantels Grates and enders also dealer in Soapstone Alarble Slate and Encaustic looring Tile and Slate Blackboards for Schools and Colleges Alanufacturer of Stucco Center Pieces Cor bels Cornices Consoles Capitals aud Brackets Office and AVareroom No 1 Harrison aveuue Springfield fl61y Nass "VERMONT AND MASSACHUSETTS AND TROY AND GKEENIED RAIL Curs leave Boston (itchburg Kailroad Station Causeway street) for Hoosac Tininel Aorta Adams Saratoga and Troy at 730 a for Hoosac Tunnel Greenfield Shelburne alls and Brat tleboro at 730 and 1100 a in for Greenfield and Brattleboro at 730 and 1100 a and 400 Leave Hoosac Tunnel for Boston at i 00 a in and Leave Greenfield for Boston at 630 and 935 am anLeavc Brattleboro for Boston at 422 and 841 a aUm and 100 trains from Hoosac Tun nel 630 a train from Greenfield and 841 a aud 200 trains from Brattleboro connect at itch burg with trains for Newport aud Taun t0Tiie 7 00 a and 1 trains from Hoosac Tunnel and 8 41 a and 200 trains from Brattleboro connect nt itchburg with trains for AVorcester Prov deuce Newport etc 0 RUGGLES( Sllpt itchburg Alass Jan 1 1872 TVEW RAILROAD VIA RAMINGHAM LT AND Ou and after Monday Nov 27 1871 4 jmssenger trains will bo run dally (Sundays excepted) between South ramingham and Lowell making sure connections at South ramingham with trains on and A from Springfield Hartford New Haven AVestlield Pittsfield Albany aud points west Passengers can leave Springfield at 715 and arrive in Lowell at 1140 a at 1130 arrive in Lowell at 340 pm at 135 or 205 arrive in Lowell at 540 Returning trains leave Lowell at 750 a arrive in Springfield at 1135 a at LA) and arrive in Spriugfield at 615 at 545 in arrive in Springfield at 1230 am Through tickets aud baggage checked through offering the oest aud quick est route between Springfield and points south and west to and from Lowell Ask for tickets via outn ramingham CROSSMAN Agt Lowell A BLOOD itchburg J4 I PACIIC MAIL through line to California and China ares greatly reduced Steamers leave No 42 North River footof Caual street at 12 o'clock noon on the 15TH AND 30TH except when these days fall on then the day previous 4 eb 15 OCEAN QUEEN Capt Maury connecting at with steamer COLORADO Capt All departures connect at Panama with steamers for Central America and South ports De parture of 15th touches at Kingston Jamaica or Japan and Chiua steamer JAPAN leaving San rancisco March 1 1872 One hundred pounds baggage allowed each adult Medicine aud attendance free or reight or Passage Tickets or further informa tion applv at the ticket office on the wharf to BABA' Agent or to the Agents tor New England BARTLETT CO 16 Broad street Boston or RYAN ly 269 Alaiu street Springfield Mass Boston and Albany railroad On and after Monday Nov 13 1S71 Passenger Trains leave Springfield or Boston 2 a (express) 715 a (way) 1130 a (way) 135 (express) 205 (express) 4pm (way) 810 (express) Sundays 630 am or Albany 1245 a (express) 9am (way) 1145 a' ni (express) 1225 (way) 630 (way to Pitts field) 1145 am train connects at Albany with fast express train on New York Central railroa'd arriving at Rochester at 10 Buffalo at 12 a Suspension Bridge 1225 a ni Detroit 9 a Cleveland 6 am Chicago 7 pm: 31 time to Chicago via Suspen sion Bridge or Buffalo 630 ui has sleeping Cars attached that run through to Rochester 9 and 1145 a maud 1225 connect at Chatham with trains for Hudson 9 and 1145 a and 1225 and 630 connect at Pittsfield with trains for North Adams AV esttield Special 715 a and 4 pm returning from AVesttield at 9 a in 530 On Mondays a train will leave Springfield for Westfield at 530 a returning from Esttield at 630 a itfc Leave Boston for Springfield 5 7 S30 and 9 a 3 aud 9 nt Leave AVorcester for Springfield 635 9 9ou and 1025 am 430 445 and 1035 pm Ieave West Brookfield for Springfield 3 100a and 1117 a 523 550 and 1131 Leave Palmer for Springfield 815 1038 110 1 and 1142 am 548 625 and 1155 pm Leave Albany for Springfield 210 630 and 10 a in 2 45 and 830 Leave Pittsfield for Springfield 426 852 aud 115o a 502 and 1054 Leave Chester for Springfield 1205 530 and 100a a 1247 and 616 ieave AVestlield for Springfield 1250 631 and lOaO a 124 and 7 pm RUSSELL Supt TV EW HAVEN HARTORD AN 1) LT SPRINGIELD On and after Monday Nov 13 1871 Trains leave Springfield as follows: 520 a Accommodation train for New' Haven ami wav stations connecting at Berlin with train tor New Britain aud at New Haven ith train for New 7 00 a Accommodation train for Hartford New Britain Middletown New Haven New York and wav stations connecting at Windsor Locks with train for Suffield 1040 a tn Accommodation train for Hartford and way stations north of Hartford connectiug at ind sof Locks with train for Suffield 1215 Express train for Hartford New Britain Middletown Meriden New Haven New York 0 in Accommodation train for Hartford New Britain Middletown New Haven New A ork and way bt at ions connecting at indsor Lock with train for Suffield 510 ni Accommodation train for Hartford and way stations north of Hartford connecting at At iml Locks with train for Suffield 630 ni Express train for Hartford New Britain Middletown Meriden New' Haven and New A ork 1230 a '1'rain stopping at Hartford Menden and New Haven only: connecting at New Haven with train tor New York (In Sundav nights a train will leave at 122u a in lor Hartford New Haven and New York Trains have New Haven for Springfield at itw amt 1055 a in and 315 545 and 1115 leave Hartford for Springfield at 1240 600 and 930 a mid 1220 200 445 630 and 702 Leave Windsor Locks for Sullield at 10 lOOo aud 1118 and 258 and 545 pm nl7 AL REED Supt PUNARD LINE MAIL STEAMERS SAILING OR LIVERPOOL Calling at Queenstown Cork Harbor Steamers appointed to sail DI RECT ROM BOSTON TRIPOLI Sat eb 3 SIBERIA Sat March 2 eb 10 HECLA Sat March 9 BATAVIA Sat eb 17 PARTHIA Sat Aleh 16 SAALVNA Sat eb 24 BATAVIA Sat Mell 23 embark at Ciuiard AVharf East Boston CABIN GOLD STEERAGE CURRENCY Steamers appointed to sail from New A'ork CALABRIA AVed Jan31 ABYSSINIA MedEeo it RUSSIA AVedeb 21 WESTERN TICKET AGENCY Passen ger Tickets first second and third class to San rancisco and all points AVest Northwest and South west via Albany New York Philadelphia Baltimore and AVasliington GI'NN MERRILL jl Opposite Alassaseit House Springfield CONNECTICUT RIVER Passenger Trains leave Springfield At 8 a for Brattleboro Bellows alls AVhite River Junction St Jonsbury Lake Alomphramagog Alontpelier Burlington St Albans Rutlaud Keeue and intermediate stations At 145 for Brattleboro Bellows alls Rutland AVhite River Junction Keene and way stations At 810 (night express with sleeping car) for Brattleboro Bellows alls AVhite River Junction Alontpelier Burlington St Albans Alontreal Ogdens burg Rutland Stops on at Holyoke Northampton South Deerfield Greenfield and South A'ernon and at way stations between Northampton and South Vernon to leave passengers from New York and Spriugfield onlv At 1215 4 and 645 for Northampton at 910 for Holyoke At 715 and 955 a ni 12 315 615 and 845 tn for Chicopee alls Passenger Trains for Springfield leave: Chicopee alls at 620 750 and 1035 a 1 354 and 637 Chicopee Junction at 636 8 956 1053 and 1117 a ni 110 148 4 450 556 650 and 726 Holyoke at 623 945 ami 1104 am 134 430 543 and 712 Northampton at 553 6 910 and 1039 a 112 519 and 650 je29 AIULL1GAN PROVIDENCE and WORCESTER RAIL R( AVinter Arrangement January 22 1872 Express train (stopping only at AVoonso'eket and Uxbridge) leaves AVorcester a Providence at 215 in Accommodation trains will leave Providence for AVorcester and way stations at 740 and 1145 a and 405 in AVorcester for Providence aud way stations at o0 and 1130 a in 4 and 630 Leave for AVatertord at 9 a connect ing immediately with trains for Southbridge Putnam and Norw ich Leave AVoonsocket for Providence at 22o Leave Providence for Uxbridge at 7 Leave Uxbridge for at 545 a ni Trains leave Milford for Providence and AVorcester at 8 and 11 a and 430 ni At AVorcester Junction will connect with trains to and from the Boston and Albany Nashua itchburg and Norw ich and AVorcester The express train makes connection with the through train from aud the evening train to the North mid AVest Through tickets Baggage checked through m31 "AV HILTON CALABRIA AVed Jan 31 CHINA AVed eb 7 PASSAGE MONEY including fare from Boston to New Cabin Gold according to accommodation Steerage Currency Tickets to Paris Gold additional Return tickets on ta vorablo terms lftssengers embark at Cuiurd AVharf Jersey City PREPAID STEERAGE PASSAGE rom Liverpool Glasgow Queenstown or Derry to Boston or York Currency Passengers booked to all parts of the United States Drafts is sued on Great Britain and Ireland for A laud upward or reight aud Cabin passage apply at the Coui office 80 State street or Steerage passage at 90 State street Boston JAMES ALEXANDER Agent Or RYAN 269 Alaiu st cor Taylor jo Springfield Alass.

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.