The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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GARCZYNSKI MAKES GOL COURSE PLEA Proposes Springfield Sell Rifle Range to Oxford Country Club CHICOPEE Mayoral Can didate Joseph Garczynski Jr today proposed the city of Springfield sell its portion of the rifle range in this com munity to rt'e Oxford Country Club to allow the expansion of the nine hole course into 18 holes Mr Garczynski stated that both Mayor Thomas of Springfield and country club of ficials have expressed a keen interest in such a proposal In a prepared statement he pointed out that while the growth of industry and home building levels are of interest to him the present administration has failed to provide proper recrea tional facilities The rifle range sale he added would also bring in additional revenue to the treasury Mr statement is as follows: "The Springfield owned prop erty located in Chicopee that is commonly known as the rifle range has been the subject of much discussion recently be tween officials of both communi ties This area consisting of some 52 acres in Chicopee aTs and 20 acres in Springfield is located in such a section that it can be utilized for the greater benefit of many of our own city and also our neighboring com munities propose that the city of Springfield negotiate for the sale of this land to the Oxford Country Club for the purpose of expanding the present nine hole golf course to a full 18 hole golf course "I have been in contact with the officials of the country club and with Mayor O'Connor of Springfield and both have in dicated a real interest in this proposal "The growth of our city on the industrial and home build ing levels has always been of interest to me However it is of vital importance to have prop er recreational facilities and pro grams to balance the growth of a community with the two levels mentioned here It is my feeling that the present administration has failed to do this and failed miserably at that city would receive ad ditional property tax from this proposal in addition to greater funds from the fantastic water increase But more important the residents would have a dream fulfilled That of an 18 hole golf course Such com plete courses in neighboring cities will be by an industrial park and construction of Route 91 This will place Chicopee in 'an enviable position in this respect "President Kennedy has stressed the importance of physi cal fitness for our citi zens Here we have a golden opportunity to provide a facility for recreation for people of all ages eight to 88 years of age a person can and would benefit from such an 18 hole course This can be attested to by the presence of one of Chic outstanding citizens and golf enthusiasts Ned Bemis in golfing circles recently Mp Bemis celebrated his 88th birth day recently "This proposal is of great im portance to the city its golfers and to the recreational facilities and I urge immediate action on this much needed fa HOME ROM HOSPITAL CHICOPEE Miss Louise Gas chnig of 11 Wilson Ave who has been confined to Wesson Me morial Hospital has returned home and is resting comforta bly Straw Hat Symbol Of Candidate Golen Adolph Go len a candidate for assessor has adopted a scaler as his campaign headgear The straw hat is a familiar sight at lo cal events CONN NEWS 'STAORD SPRINGS TOWNSTARS IN TRI TOWN Rotarian Cruise Down Connecticut STAORD SPRINGS Serving as master of cere monies at the regular dinner meeting of the Stafford Rotary Club Wednesday night will be Remo DaDalt The club meets THOMPSONVILLE TOZZOLI AND ASSOCIATES IN CONLICT HORSE SHOW Ro semary Mordasky Wins English Championship Hatch Western Reserve 1 STAORD SPRINGS A Stafford Springs girl won the championship at thesecond annual 4 Tri TownHorse show Sunday at the Tol Hand County Agricultural Cen ter in Vernon Hatch Is Reserve Champion Rosemany Mordasky topped the English class with reserve championship going to Monty 'White of Coventry In 1he West ern class John Deveno of South jwick Mass was champion and Allan Hatch of Stafford Springs the reserve champion The show was sponsored bythe 4 Riding Clubs of Coven try Stafford and Mansfield were Mrs Arnold Good (ycar of Sunderland Mass and jjjonald Grant of Storrs Robert Sheridan of Vernon wasringmaster and John Mordaskyof Stafford the announcer Horseshow secretaries were Mrs Ray mond Bolieau Stafford MrsHerbert Couch Coventry and Irs red Christadore of Mans field Class Winners Announced Top winners in each of the oth er classes were itting and showmanship 13and under Judy Soukup Brian Hatch both of Stafford and Sheryl Converse 14 and over John Deveno of Southwick Allan JHatch Stafford Springs and Lee Gordon Vernon Pleasure pony 12 and under Starr of Coventry redChristadore Mansfield and Su I pie Kromenmberger Bareback 13 and underYvonne Grigely Judy SoukopStafford and Edith Klingler Clover leaf Western Mary Ziegler Coventry Carol Ann Haines of Crystal Lake and Lar Ty RTiewgler of Coventry 1 Bareback 14 and over JohnDeveno of Southwick Mary Beth and Carol Ann Haines Western pleasure 13 and un jder Yvonne Grigely MelindaChristodore and Carol Bolieauof Stafford Road hack Monty White ofCoventry Rosemary MordaskyStafford Springs and VirginiaCouch of Coventry Trail class Eleanor Cones trari Stafford Springs John De 'vano of Southwick and Rose mary Mordasky of Stafford Springs "Saddle seat horsemanship fMonty White of Coventry Rose tmary and Heidi (Jrause JgrWestem pleasure 14 and over Jjhhn Deveno of Southwick AlanHatch of Stafford and Brian Xurtis Jumping Heidi Krause Rose mary Mordasky and Sally Tay lor Egg and Spoon race Carol Bo lifeau of Stafford Springs CarolAnn Haines and Alan Hatch Stock seat 13 and under Sheryl Converse Penny McHutchinson fof Tolland and Edith Klingler Command Allan Hatch of Staf ford John Deveno and Donna Starr Stock seat 14 and over Brian I Curtis of Vernon John Deveno and Mary Beth Haines Tired parents and grooms Lucy Hatch and Rose Amary Mordasky Reining class Brian Curtis of 4 Vernon John Devano and Elea Canestrari Consolation Jo Ann Remesch fyed Christadoro and Suzanne Gordon get earlier ADVANTAGES UNDER 1 SOCIAL SECURITY STAORD SPRINGS Staf ifod males between the ages of 562 and 65 years should contact ftlie Willimantic Social Security Office for information concern ing the new amendments to the Security law According to Charles ran Qfs manager of the local office the new ruling now gives men early benefits rights similar to 1 hose women have had since 1956 The change applies to men I from 62 to 65 years and is de signed to help those who are unable to fihd employment be cause of their age or poor health The area office is located in the Lonergan Building Main St Willimantic A free copy of Leaflet No 1 is available for in terested persons rancis an pounced A representative will be at the Stafford Springs Town Hall on the second Wednesday of each month between the hours of 130 and 3 STAORD BRIES 1 Visiting in the home of Mr and Mrs Marshall Layton Staf fordville this week is Miss Har riet Alexander of Bay 1 Cape Cod and Mrs Alfred Sfreddo children of Susan Dr have Jbcen vacationing on Cape Cod I tylass me past week 1 and Mrs Lawrence Spiller Of West Main St are the parents Spauldings Return After Stay in Iran I STAORD After spending two years in Iran Dr and Mrs Kenneth Spauld ing will return to their home tin tlie Union section next i Ip Dr Spaulding has been in i iSIran on' a ullbright profes I for the University of 1 Connecticut it The Spauldings are visiting relatives in Paris en route to United States at the Maple Grove Inh at 6 Plans are complete for to cruise down 1he Con necticut River by club mem bers of a girl born Sunday at Johnson Memorial Hospital HOSPITALIZED IN AUTO CRASH Storrs Man Summoned His Car Jumped Merrow Rd STAORD August 16 is the date set for Albert Kaminsky to appear in Circuit Court 12 Stafford Springs on charges of failure to drive to the right In a one car accident Sunday night on Merrow Rd Tolland Kaminsky age 22 of 6 Knoll wood Acres Storrs suffered bruises on the arms and legs and was taken to Rockville City Hos pital by ambulance State Trooper Walter Schmiegel of the Stafford Barracks who in vestigated the accident said Ka minsky was traveling south on Merrow Rd when his car went off the east side of the road hit a tree jumped a fence and land ed ten feet beyond Kaminsky was thrown from the ear AATAGDAY BRINGS $364 Will Outfit 2 New Little League Teams Next Year STAORD SPRINGS The Stafford Athletic Tag Day accounted for a total of $36410 collected it has been an nounced The money is to be used to off set expenses of the association and to help outfit two new teams in the Little League for the next season Little League Season Ending Stafford Little League teams play the last two games of the second half this week Owls meet the Aces tonight at Olympic Memorial ield and Bees and Jays play off their tie for first place tomorrow night The games start at 615 Ellington Beaten In the Babe Ruth League Red Sox overwhelmed Willington Mon day evening 1 to 2 Jimmie Ven turini was the winning pitcher The losing pitcher Ronnie Sepo wicz hit the only home run of the game SUIELD POET OPENS Court to Rule Thurs on 1st iring Of Scalia A court case involving a clerk of the Town Highway Department dis charged earlier this month will be aired on the docket of Circuit Court 13 here Thursday morn ing rank Scalia of 21 Russell St who worked as an office clerk for the past two years was discharged by Joseph Toz zoli incoming GOP first select man on July 3 When the worker refused to leave 1he town yard after his dismissal Tozzoli ordered local police to arrest Scalia on a trespassing charge The case which has attracted wide attention from town offi cials and local residents is ex pected to test the hiring and fir ing powers of the first se lectman A dispute arose follow ing Scalia's dismissal among the three member Board of Selectmen Tozzoli claims that by virtue of his office he has the right to hire and discharge workers in 1he Town Highway Department except those in supervisory positions John Guminiak for mer first selectman who is still a member of the board dis agrees with Tozzoli and claims that all town employees in the Highway Department are hired by majority decision of the board William Mills the third mem ber of the board shares Gumini views Mills is a supervis or of the Highway Department in addition to his selectman du ties Conflicting legal opinions on the subject have been expressed by local attorneys consulted by individual selectmen Tozzoli claims that there is no record in past minutes of meet ings of the board for the past several years indicating such majority decisions for hiring and firing by the board Gum iniak has claimed that such ac tion was taken verbally al though not recorded in minutes of board meetings The case is a precedent in Enfield town politics and may determine the separation of board powers as against powers of the first selectman in person nel matters in the Town High way Department WAREHOUSE POINT ASK PRIMARY School Bd Head Approves Endorsed Candidates Would Save Money CONERENCE Novelist Jackson Will Be Writer Read er Lecturer SUIELD Shirley Jackson novelist and short story writer will be the speaker at the eve ning lecture at Suffield Writer Reader Conference tonight She will read two chapters of her new novel as yet untitled and unpublished She is the author of many short stories and several novels She is conducting the short story workshop at the weeklong con ference being held at Suffield Academy The lecture will be held at 8 in Brewster Hall Towns people are invited to the lec tures Tickets may be purchased for individual lectures or the entire series of six Poet Is irst Lecturer William Jay Smith resident poet at Williams College gave the opening lecture last night A member of the Vermont legis lature topic was Poet in BROUGHTON SENTER BRIDAL IS SATURDAY SUIELD The wed ding of Miss Susan Brough ton daughter of Mr and Mrs Irving Broughton of 186 North Stone St West Suffield and Winston Senter son of Mr and Mrs Ross Senter of 966 East St Suffield will take place Saturday at 4 in Second Congregational Church West Suffield Rev Richard Cart er former pastor of the irst Congregational Church of Suf field will officiate Attendants at the ceremony will be Miss Martha Bass of Suf field as maid of honor and Bruce uller also of Suffield as best man A family reception will follow the ceremony at Rosewood Restaurant in Simsbury Both the bride and groom are graduates of the Suffield High School Senter is employed at Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Co and Miss Broughton is em ployed at Connecticut General Insurance Co The couple plans to make their home on East St BUYS NEW GADGET ORT MONMOUTH (URL) me Army nas put into operation a $125 million gadget that can test 17280 batteries at the same time It will be used to test a random sampling of 20 million batteries purchased an nually at a cost of $135 million for the Army Navy Air orce and Marines WAREHOUSE Chair man of the Board of Education Robert Raber will not seek a Democratic primary in his bid for re election to the board In a statement Raber cited three reasons for declining to run The statement read cost to the town would be directly opposite io my ertorts during the past six years toward eco nomical quality for the town primary would necessitate opposing one of the endorsed candidates To this moment I have based my eligibility on my own merits and have not op posed either individual I feel that Mrs Whitehouse has cer tainly proven her interest in education by her efforts since she has been on the board Mr (Jonn 1) ennessy record also speaks very well for him and it is no secret that in the past I suggested to him that he become a candidate for the board Morally I could not op pose either candidate HAZARDVILLE Lutheran School To Open Monday Staff Is Announced for 2 Week Bible Class HAZARDVILLE The Luther an vacation Bible school will open Monday the 31st at Hazardville Methodist Church Sessions will be continued Monday through riday from 9 to 1130 a until Aug 11 Bible school teachers will be Mrs Garland ordyce Rev and Mrs James Heinemeier Mrs Ralph Hurley and Mrs Ronald McCann" Staff assistants are: Mrs ward Adams Miss Donna Beyer Mrs Harlan Brese Mrs Robert Bruenn Mrs Joseph Colturi Mrs Leo Conrad Miss Jeannette Mrs Robert Dunne bier Robert Dunnebicf Mrs Charles aske Mrs Leo ox well and Mrs George rank Helpers include Mrs Donald Lembke Mrs Ralph Loos Miss Rose Markus Mrs Bruce Myers Mrs Robert Rochette Miss Mary Slattery Mrs Robert btender Miss Lynn Swiatowski Mrs' David Tawse Mrs Alfred Weike and Mrs Robert Yoreo ree bus transportation will be provided Registrations may be made by phoning Mr Heine meier BINGO TOMORROW Monthly bingo sponsored by the Holy Name Society of St Church will be held on Wed State Little Loop Games in Simsbury State Lit 'tle League championship play offs will be held here Aug 5 9 and 12 The Simsbury Little League president Donald Shaw is in charge of arrangements for series and Mrs Ruth Nist of Simsbury Heights is in charge of programs District 6 Little League play offs will begin here to night at 530 with a game be tween Avon and armington Simsbury will play Granbyin a second game Winners of games will play for the district championship Thursday at 530 nesday evening at 730 in Cheve rus Hall Housewares and outdoor equipment will be featured Ev eryone is welcome HAZARDVILLE BRIES Powder Keg Juniors and HYA of the Northern Connecticut Babe Ruth League have sus pended play until after the State Babe Ruth Tournament is over They plan to resume operation some time next week Mrs Henry LaPoint Mrs Eugene Huot and Miss Ruth Lamontagne and Mr Michael Audy of Quebec City are spend ing the week with Henry Tur geon of South St Mrs Huot expects to stay a month or more with her cousin TARIVILLE Heights Plans ive Meetings Assn Would Stimulate Member Interest Com mittees Named TARIVILLE meet ings are planned by the Simsbury Heights Homeowners Association it has been an nounced by President Leering Johnson The general mem bership meetings will deal with town government home im provements and other subjects of interest to homeowners The dates and places will be an nounced later Mr Johnson said that the de cision to augment the two general meetings required by the bylaws was made to stimulate interest in the activities Committee Assignments Johnson also announced the following committee assign ments: Program Johnson and Joseph Ausanka Entertain ment Bernard Halligan and John Hogan Civic activities Hyman Rosenfield Lee Alexander and Mrs Mary Sterling Teen and subteen ac tivities Dick Dart Mrs Ruby Rosenfield and Maurice Howes and Mrs Eleanor Engle hart Organization anI mem bership Mark Baker and publicity Johnson Mrs Grace DiMattei and Mrs Nancy Eckel The next meeting of the as executive council will be held Aug 9 at the home of Mr and Mrs Hyman Rosen field 7 airchild Rd TARIVILLE BRIES Superintendent of Schools Robert Lindauer has listed the following staff for Central School for the 1961 62 school year: Principal Walter Dunn kindergarten Miriam Hall and Mary Agnes Sikes Grade 4 Wilma Diters Josephine Eno and Pauline John son Grade 5 Shirley Doe Alice Goodwin and Joseph Spirito Grade 6 Teresa A DeDominicis Stuart Leland and Thelma Stocking educa ble class Maria A Pisacane trainable class William Ses tito clerk Maud DeGarmo senior custodian William Bramhall and junior custodian Albin Wayss Local swim team will meet Newington Wednesday at 630 at the War Memorial Pool An adult swimming party will be held Saturday at 830 All local adults are invited Mr and Mrs John Horgan of Elm St have moved into their new home in Glastonbury ELLINGTON Patricia Hiller To Be Bride of John Clapp Mr and Mrs Russell Hiller of 29 Tolland Ave Rockville announce the engagement of their daughter Patricia Ann to John Lovell Clapp son of Jarvis Clapp and the late Mrs Clapp of Main St Miss Hiller is a graduate ot Rockville High School and a magna cum laude graduate of Wagner College Staten Island where she was a mem ber of Phi Alpha Theta national honor society in history and Delta Zeta Sorority She is em ployed by the Connecticut Gen eral Life Insurance Company Mr Clapp is an alumnus ot Mount Hermon School and at tended Stevens Institute of Tech nology Hoboken where he was active in Chi Psi na tional social fraternity He is associated with his father in the construction business A September wedding is planned MISS WELTI ACCEPTED ELLINGTON Miss Harriet I Welti daughter of Mr and Mrs Walter Welti of Ellington Ave has been accepted for admission to the University of Bridgeport for the fall semester Miss Welti is a June 1961 grad uate of Ellington High School and plans to major in dental hygiene At EHS she was treasurer of the Leaders Club a member of the Athletic Asso ciation Home Economics Club secretary of her class and re ceived certificates in cheerlead ing tumbling and trampoline She is also active in tennis and bowling DIES IN IRE ATTHELAKE Thought Walter Sinch 61 ell Asleep While Smoking ELLINGTON Conn Walter Sinch 61 who lived alone in a small cottage in Green St Crystal Lake was killed early Monday morning in a fire which swept through his one story home State Police at Stafford Springs barracks said Sinch ap parently fell asleep while smok ing and watching television in his living room where his body was found by firemen A neighbor Mrs John Plast ridge saw flames shooting through the roof of the cottage about 215 Monday morning and called the Crystal Lake ire Department The doors to 1he cottage were locked and firemen had to break into the home The interior of the cottage was destroyed A fire truck from the Crystal Lake department and one from West Stafford were at the scene nearly four hours The West Stafford department was sum moned to help prevent the fire from spreading to nearby cot tages Medical Examiner rancis Burke gave permission for the body to be taken to the William Yost funeral home in Staf ford Springs Resident Trooper Lionel La breche Sgt Arthur Johnson of Troop Stafford Springs and ire Marshal Earl Rich of this town investigated Mr Sinch was born in Rus sia June 24 1900 He first set tled in New York in 1924 He moved to Crystal Lake in 1942 with his wife who died a year ago He was employed as a ma chinist at Pratt and Whitney Aircraft East Hartford for the past 10 years He leaves his mother in Rus sia three sisters Mrs Katja Savitsky of Los Angeles Cal and two in Russia and several nieces and nephews The funeral will be Wednesday afternoon at 2 at the Yost funeral home with Rev George Wilcox pastor of Grace Episcopal Church officiating Burial will be in Stafford Springs Ceme tery There will be no calling hours NO GRANGE TOMORROW There will be no meeting of Ellington Grange46 tomorrow ROCKVILLE PLAZAGITS BIG TENANT A Boston Mass discount de A Boston Mass discount department store has negotiated to lease 60000 square feet of space in the proposed hugh Tri City Shopping Plaza at Vernon Circle according to a Hartford realtor Max Javit broker for the pro posed shopping center said he could not name the store at this time but said the commitment completes the list of major ten ants Stop Shop Inc and the Grant Co have already signi fied they will lease a combined 38000 square feet Javit said Small Space Still Available About 23000 square feet for small shops and stores remains uncommitted he said but negor tiations are underway He said construction work will not begin until September at the earliest At the latest he said work will begin in March 1962 Working drawings are not yet final he said but preliminary drawings show an shaped one story building Javit has an option to lease acres off Vernon Circle from Jo seph Bury of Rockville and has optioned five adjoining acres bringing the total to 16 Javit said a lease is being held in escrow to take effect when the option expires in September The property was attached in ebruary when William itz Simons of Talcottville brought a $250000 suit against Bury for breach of contract The property was released from the attachment yesterday however on agreement of the plaintiff The release does not affect attachments on other property owned by Bury itzSimmons lessee of the Mt Vernon Motel at Vernon Cir cle charged Bury had promised to build a restaurant near the motel shortly after itzSimmons began to operate it He claims that Bury in seven years has failed to live up to that agree ment A diner is being erected now on the property once earmarked for the restaurant However the diner is owned by Erwin Tuxbury who leased the corner lot from Bury By releasing the attachment on land where the Tri City Shopping Plaza will be built itzSimmons has made it easier for the shopping center interests to raise funds through mortgag ing IRST CHURCH PLANS OR ALL BAZAAR CHICOPEE Mrs Clifford Richey president of the Wom Club of the irst Congrega tional Church has called for a workshop of the group to be held at her home on Clarendon Ave Wednesday night at 730 in preparation for the church bazaar to be held in late fall Also at this time final plans will be made for the reception in honor of Rev and Mrs Bruce Johnson and three daughters Rev Johnson of Bloomington Cal is serving as substitute pastor for Rev Asa Melling er who is in California in the exchange of pulpits The coffee and social hour will be held Sunday immediately following the 950 a service POLICE PROBE NIGHTTIME STORETHET Money and Cartons of Cig Sprjngfield Mass Daily News Tuesday July 25 1961 21 JCC Map Junior Olympics or Springfield Holyoke Aug 30 Event at Mountain Park in Keeping With Kennedy Administration Youth itness Program arets Taken rom Oak dale Market HOLYOKE Under investiga tion by the Detective Bureau is a nighttime break into the Oak dale Market at 315 Sargeant St Taken in the entry were be tween $15 and $20 in change and 10 assorted cartons of cigarets The break was reported by William Sammler owner of the store and entry was gained by forcing a rear door The report indicated that Sammler last checked 1he store at about 1030 last night and that at 1130 both he and a neighbor heard the sound of breaking glass but at tached no particular importance to it The break was spotted by a group of teen agers who noted lhe rear door ajar and informed the store owner The Strong Co of 251 Main St has reported to the Detective Bureau the theft of a portable transistor radio valued at $2995 from a store display yesterday Detectives have been given a description of a youth seen running from the area at about the time the radio disappeared Denies Breaking And Entering High St Club rank Bubek 55 Has Case Continued Until Tomorrow HOLYOKE Arraigned in Dis trict Court today rank Bubek 55 of 13 Union St denied a charge of breaking and entering in the nighttime and his case was continued to tomorrow by Judge William Nolen Bubek was held in $500 bail Bubek was arrested at about 3 this morning by Patrolmen Herve Moreau John Griffin No 1 Raymond Reardon Edwin McMahon and Stephen McCor mick According to police Bu bek was captured after he had entered the Plymouth Club at 20 High St Arrested at the same time and by the same policemen and booked on charges of drunken ness and vagrancy was Clyde Vogel 32 of 187 Elm St In court today Vogel admitted the drunkenness complaint but de nied the vagrancy charge and his case was continued to to morrow in $25 bail Another Try On Parking Knot Tonight The Board of Aidermen sitting as a commit tee of the whole will meet tonight in the aldermanic cham bers at 8 to make another at tempt to decide the future of the off street parking facility prob lem for the downtown business area Several previous attempts to agree on a location or locations have failed and for the second time the full membership of the board will try to help find a solution There are now four major locations under consideration and there is a variety of opin ions being shared by the alder HOLYOKE Two important program involving Holyoke and meetings of Junior Chamber of Commerce groups are set for tonight and tomorrow night One is a district 4 meeting of JCC officers and directors while the other is an organizational session for a forthcoming Jun ior Olympic program The district 4 meeting will be a gathering of JCC officers and directors from Western Massachusetts The session to acquaint new officers with du ties and assignments is set for 730 tomorrow night at the White Restaurant on North ampton Highway Herbert Wolfsfeld of the lo cal host group is chairman for the meeting and speakers wall include Herbert Hano president of the Holyoke JCC Robert Dillon state president Dr Walter Simpson of Westfield past state vice president Jo seph Tagoccj of Westfield state JCC International director and Gerard Pelletier of the local JCC a state vice president The organizational meeting for a two city Junior Olympic Sprmgfieia is set for 630 tonight in the Chamber of Commerce offices on Maple St Under the proposed program an effort in conjunction with President youth fit ness program young athletes from Springfield and Holyoke will compete in a 60 event pro gram to be conducted Wednes day Aug 30 at Mountain Park Preliminary events including a bicycle race will be conduct ed in the playgrounds of the two cities with two contestants from each playground selected to appear in the finals at Moun tain Park The Junior Olympics are be ing sponsored in the two city area by the JCC and the Ama teur Athletic Union and Mi chael Sullivan of the JCC and Walter Childs of the AUU are cochairmen for the forthcoming event Olympic type medals will be awarded to the individual win ners in the 60 event meet while a trophy will be presented to the winner between the two cities recorded to favor the move Within the past 10 days Nor man Stepno owner of a piece of property on the east side of Maple St south of Suffolk St and as counsel for other prop erty owners has offered for consideration the sale of the in volved buildings as a site for off street parking The four sites along with the suggestion that a ramp be erected over the Suffolk St lot will be reviewed tonight The Chamber of Commerce proponents for the Adaskin Tilley site and the North High St project will be represented at the meeting Opponents to North High St site also will be present SPRINGIELD PAIR GIVEN 6 MOSEACH Both Appeal Sentences Met ed Out in' Holyoke Court Two Springfield men arraigned in District Court today on larceny charges were each given six months sentences to the House of Correction and both appealed the sentences Alvin Mitchell 40 of 120 Buckingham St Springfield had admitted the larceny charge when first arraigned yes terday but he appealed sentence by Judge Nolen Wilbur Jones 25 of 163 Bowles St Springfield denied the larceny charge yesterday but was found guilty following a trial this morning He also appealed the six month sentence The two men were arrested Saturday night after being cap tured at gunpoint by Patrolman Robert Neil as they allegedly were taking tires from the In terstate Tire Store at 11 Cabot St men The matter of off street park ing has been in the hands of the three members of the aider manic Off Street Parking Com mittee for better than a year When the committee presented its first major recommendation calling for the acquisition of all properties on the west side of High St north of Holyoke Na tional Bank Building to Hamp den St and the buildings in Hampden St to Maple St on the south side and in Maple St on the east side from Hampden St to Central ire Station there was opposition expressed by 12 merchants who would be dis placed under the plan In making its recommenda tion the committee headed by Aiderman Joseph Jubinville with Aidermen Roland Car mel and Robert Smith as members urged that the ramp type multideck facility be erected at the High St location Mayor Samuel Resnic opposed the multideck building and since then some of the committee members have drifted away from the original plan The High St Hampden St and Maple St sites were contained in the recommendation of the Chamber of Commerce At sev eral hearings held by the Off Street Parking Committee aidermen attending the meet ing have spoken against the plan Carmel now favors the con struction of a deck over the present Suffolk fit parking lot and Smith at the last meeting of the board urged that con sideration lie given the offer made by Thomas Epstein real estate broke for properties offered in Dwight St opposite City Hall The Chamber of Commerce also recommends the Adaskin Tilley Building at Maple and Suffolk Sts the Wilson Hard ware Co Building and the pres ent Steiger parking lot both in Maple St be acquired Aider man Louis Dubois is leading the fight for this site and sev eral of the aidermen have spoken in favor of it It is un certain if enough votes can be Richard Scott 23 $100 on Charge ollowing a trial in District Court today Richard Scott 23 of 101 Ely St was found guilty of charges of wet driving and breach of the peace and was fined $100 while he was cleared of a drunkenness complaint Scott appealed the fine levied by Judge William Nolen The Ely St man had denied all three complaints when first arraigned July 12 and his case first went to trial July 14 w'hen it was interrupted and continued to today Scott whose arrest stemmed from an accident was fined $100 on the wet driving charge while the breach of peace complaint was filed Also in court today a 14 year old boy charged with delinquen cy as a result of being a stub born child had his case contin ued for one year without adjudi cation by Judge William No len SCHOOLMEN ACCEPT UND TRUSTEE POSTS Henry ay Chicopee High School principal School Supt John itzpatrick and Vai Denault president of the Chicopee ire ighters As sociation have accepted trustee posts on the Mrs ApoIonia Gar czynski Memorial Scholarship und Mr ay will serve as fund chairman The scholarship fund contains $1066 and events will be held in the future to replenish it 1ST MAYOR HOPEUL CHICOPEE Joseph Garczyn ski Jr became the first candi date for mayor to file nomina tion papers with tlie Registrar of Voters He filed five papers with 410 signatures yesterday afternoon Only 250 sig natures are needed to obtain a place on the ballot.

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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.