The News-Star from Monroe, Louisiana (2024)

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4 IN TOWN Kolb joins NBC crew Oland Silk Old home Mother Teresa restoring admired NEW YORK (AP) Veteran television reporter Bernard Kalb has been hired away from CBS by NBC News which also hired his brother Marvin just weeks ago NBC announced Bernard Kalb will be State Department correspondent for NBC starting Monday said William Small president of NBC News Marvin Kalb is diplomatic corre spondent for NBC great to have a pair of said Small Mother Teresa works in Bronx NEW YORK (AP) The Nobel Prize winning nun Mother Teresa helped open a soup kitchen in a former abandoned tene ment in a devastated area of the South Bronx The Albanian born nun who won the Peace Prize for her work among the poor 2A Novyi Star World Saturday August 9 1V80 PEOPLE rgf 4 S' rf man was apprehended as he walked i vqh jyifc a uag oj nwiicy nv naa ae manded from 'a teller Stokes gaidSTfte Ug I woa uui armea Oswald brother sues CBS Inc DALLAS (AP) The brother of Lee Harvey Oswald accused assassin of Presi dent John Kennedy is suing CBS Inc for $500000 for allegedly violating his con stitutional rights in the recent broadcast of the film Days in Robert Oswald a 46 year old Wichita alls salesman said the made for televi sion movie about the events immediately before andafter the assassina tion and commercially ex ploited his name and character and invad ed his right to He asked a tS District judge for a jury trial g1 of Calcutta India said she made the visit on Thursday to the burned out neglected 1 slum because one of the nuns jp her order was ill Mair tips officer on SAVANNAH Ga (AP) An obliging bank robber advised police of his plans before holding up a branch of the Savan nafi Bank and Trust Co on riday police said He was arrested on the spot Savannah Police Cpl Alvin Stokes said he was sitting in his police cruiser across the street from the bank when a man walked up and tapped on his window said going across the street over here and rob this bank and I want you to bother with Stokes said was taking it as a joke so I said ahead be outside to arrest StflS' mM9 Ji 'I Who has not looked at a run down high cellinged old house and thought: Boy it be fun to Disaster Continued from page 1A restore that And live there Or sell it and make a bundle Stuff of daydreams or some folks who have the talent patience and money however these dreams are often hammered painted and polished into reality Those of us who are preserva tionists at heart count these select people among princel ings Joe Goyne who grew up in Monroe recently achieved some thing akin to a royal honor in the restoration field A home he res tored in Dallas where he now lives was chosen as the Old East Dallas Restoration House of the Year The house is located in a two by flve block area known as Munger Place an Inner city scene of heavy rejuvenation ventures profession ls banking not arcnttecture or interior design But he has put years of study into design and restoration according io uoe uoyne or oi Monroe He self taught" says dad does this sort of thing as a Goyne became interested in the old big two story Munger Place houses because was used to this kind of house growing up in Andrews said notices were mailed Wednesday to mHA of fices involved and farmers car start immediately to qualify There are several loan pro grams Andrews said armers can qualify for actual physical losses whether ITTie crops livestock or even buildings destroyed by a tornado "They can borrow up to their actual loss at a five percent interest An drews said Also available at 82 percent in terest are production loans Some times if losses are severe enough the farmer will need operating monies the next year Andrews ex plained The state director also said loans are available to help the farmer restructure his debts which some times involves real estate These loans under major ad justment program are at 8'i per cent interest and can run for a maximum of 40 years Also under the major adjustment program are percent loans for tractors or other equipment needed for operation The maximum length for such a loan is seven years Andrews said Reggie Albritton of the mHA office in Ruston said each appli cant has to certify his losses then we have to verify those Albritton said eligibility require ments include a test for credit (the farmer must have first tried to bor row the money from a public lend ing institution) must be a United States citizen must be an estab lished farmer" and have operated in the disaster area armers must have suffered qualifying production or physical losses must have the legal capaci ty to incur the debt and show in tent to continue in operation after the disaster Under the ASCS declaration catt lemen in Union and Lincoln parishes can begin applying for the emergency feed grain program Monday The other parishes began taking applications this week Garland Wade ASCS county ex ecutive director in Union and Lin coln said the direct payments are available if the cattleman has suf fered a loss of pasture or hay yield of at least 40 percent If the cattleman has suffered such a loss then he is eligible for payments of 50 percent or not to exceed 2 cents per pound for sup plemental feed Wade said the 2 cents per pound would not cover 50 percent of the cost of grain feeds now because prices have risen sharply because of the drought in grain producing states He said there are moves under way in Congress to raise this to 4 cents per pound pastures and hay crops are less than 50 percent of normal for this time of the year and that has caused this emergency Wade said HP Roberts LSU Cooperative Extension Service county agent in Union said the low pas ture and hay yields are causing early liquidation of some cattle (cattlemen) are selling their feeder calves early to get them off the Roberts said recommend selling light weight calves but to hold them for heavier Roberts said normal selling time would be in October but some catt lemen were being forced because of the drought to sell now losing several months of growing time and therefore money When Goyne bought the house it had been converted Into four apart ments He ripped these out and began a 16 month remodeling ef fort which was later described as having achieved feeling of a bygone with the addition of the "fun and flair of Goyne's imagi nation" And since we are talking about offspring of insurance folk Johnny Sanders son of Bill and Gladys Sanders of Monroe is composing arranging and playing sax and keyboard with a California group called The group recently made a four cut record including two of Sand songs the Wind and get this and Roll Speeding the Heartbeat of Uncle main habitat is northern California doing dance and club dates They play a lot of ariginal stuff and may says Gladys Sanders make a southerly move soon Hurricane skirted the Yucatan Peninsula In Mexico on Thursday ifteen foot waves crashed into the northern peninsula but officials reported no injuries or serious damage Allen has kept to a west north west route across the Caribbean and into the Gulf since it became a hurricane near the eastern Carib bean island of St Lucia on Mon day It damaged coffeee banana and tobacco plantations destroyed countless flimsy peasant huts and knocked out power and communi cations lines during its rampage through the islands Anderson said Allen probably would bring some temporary relief to northeast Texas cities suffering from a 2 month old heat wave after the hurricane has gone inland and disipated and is no more" he added will de pend on what kind of system we Continued from page 1A find ourselves in What saying is it could just be temporary re Anderson said Allen is a vely well behaved and de scribed it as because wind speeds build to 200 mph then drop to 135 mph The weather service issued gale warnings and a hurricane watch east of Texas' High Island and into Louisiana and said the govern ment of Mexico issued a hurricane watch for the northeastern part of that coast Thousands of workers were pulled off offshore oil rigs Thurs day and riday off the Texas and Louisiana coasts The American Red Cross opened 109 shelters throughout south Texas most of them in Hidalgo County on the Mexican border and in Corpus Christi Nursing homes in the Galveston reeport were evacuated and 120 senior citizens were taken inland Hospitals in Brownsville sent home recuperating patients and put doc tors and nurses on call Gulf Coast stores began selling out of supplies as residents stocked up on plywood to cover windows canned goods bottled water and flashlights armers raced to pro cess their $12 million cotton crop The Confederate Air orce moved 16 vintage World War II air planes to Hondo near San Antonio and tied down 15 others in their hangar at the Harlingen Airport about 25 miles northwest of Brownsville Also on riday a hurricane was brewing in the Pacific That storm named Isis was located off the Baja California coast had winds of about 85 mph and was heading northwest away from North America News Star World Greg Jenson II Http I Okkl wi ''V Hl MH Mi BO? wfey HK fl! RIENDS: Meet Kevin Bronson Kevin Bronson hasreturned After two years of school at Long Beach State in California Bronson 20 has returned to the Twin Cities A graduate of West Monroe High School he plans to enroll at Grambling State University in the fall and participate in its basketball or football program His favorite hobby is basketball He also enjoys lifting weights to stay in shape WEATHER Temperature tables for Saturday Wind forecast Region Arkansas 70 Nation 100 ALLEN NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Showers fall over wide area Plains upper Mississippi Vai World the PEAkL OHIO Aug 3 Aug 10 Aug 18 Aug 26 RED Extended outlook OlACKITA ARKANSAS ORECAST 73 1OO Cold 74 53 65 61 78 71 75 73 88 88 81 72 81 68 Hi 89 93 91 59 94 102 87 99 101 80 914 93 82 94 91 90 91 92 94 101 80 94 90 80 65 92 83 19 94 92 93 58 96 112 100 92 cdy18 rn dr dr cdv dr Skies will be partly cloudy and hot today and Sunday with part ly cloudy skies and warm to night Highs today will be in the upper 90s to 104 and in the mid 905 Sunday Lows tonight will be in the low to mid 70s igures show high Louisiana cities Shreveport: Partly cloudy skies tnrougn Sunday Easterly windswill be 15 to 20 mph today Highs today will be ip the upper 90s and in the mid 90s Sunday Lows tonight will be in the low 70s Albany Albuque Amarillo Anchorage Asheville Atlanta AtlanlcCty Baltimore Birminghm Bismarck Boise Boston Brownsvlie Buffalo CharlstnSC CharlstnWV Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Dal tWlh Denver DcsMomes Detroit Duiuth airbanks Hartford Helena Honolulu Houston Indnaplis Jacksnvlk Juneau KansCily LasVegas LittlcRock LosAngcle Other readings Relative humidity Wind Rainfall rtdav Total for month Year ago today Total for year Normal to date High riday Lou riday Average high this month Average low this month High year ago today Lqu year ago today Normal high Norma! low "Record Record low 'St Louis Memphis Helena Ark City Vicksbg Natche: Bln Rouge New Orlns Camden Monroe Jonesville 61 cdy 64 cdy 61 cdy 82 dr 66 dr 35 dr 57 cdv 59 cdv 63 efr 61 cdy 6 4 02 all 4 9 01 all 36 01 Rise 250 4 Rise 4607 all 12 570 I all 25 160 0 3 all 52 29 5 1 40173 19 Rise 30 3 8 0 5 Rise 32 4501 all 23 7 6 0 2 all SUNSET TODAY 8:0 SUNRISE SUNDAY Mississippi Continuing partly cloudy skies with widely scattered mostly af ternoon and evening showers and thunderstorms Highs will be in the 90s lows in the 70s New Orleans: Partly cloudy and windy with scattered show ers and thunderstorms through Sunday Southeasterly winds will be 15 to 25 mph and gusty today Probability of rain is 30 percent tonight Highs today and Sunday will be in the mid 90s Baton Rouge: Partly cloudy and windy with scattered show ers and thunderstorms through Sunday Southeasterly winds will be 15 to 25 mph and gusty today Probability of rain is 30 percent tonight Highs today and Sunday will be in the low 90s Lows tonight wiH be in the upper 70s7 Agricultural armers can expect good dry ing conditions today and Sunday with lowest afternoon humidi ties in the 40s Light to moderate dew is ex pected tonight drying by 9 a with vegetation being eight to 10 hours Ten to 12 hours of sunshine is expected today and Sunday northern Plains upper Mississippi Val ley Great Lakes and Ohio Valley Show ers and thundershowers were forecast over the Atlantic Coast from southern New England to Virginia Showers also were forecast over southern Texas and southern lorida with widely scattered showers across southeastern Arizona Cooler temperatures were predicted from southern Texas through the southern Plains across the central Mississippi and Ohio valleys and lower Great Lakes into New England Much cooler temperatures jwere predicted from Lake Michigan through southwestern Iowa Slightly warmer temperatures were predicted from the upper Missouri Valley through the western Upper Plains By The Associated Press Thunderstorms fell in the upper Ohio Valley and showers and thunderstorms were reported over northern parts of the lower Great Lakes across Iowa and southern Minnesota through the Plains from South Dakota and from Nebraska into northeastern Colorado Thundershowers were scattered over central lorida and rainshowers were wi dely scattered in Wyoming and Washing ton Temperatures at 2 pm ranged from 52 degrees at Arcata Calif to 113 at Palm Springs Calif or Saturday showers and thunder showers were forecast from eastern Mon tana and eastern Wyoming across Rom ESS3 Hi high Lo riday's low Precipitation for 24 houts ending 8 pm EDT riday Sky conditions outlook (or Saturday The National Weather Service forecasts partly cloudy skies through Sunday Easterly winds will be 15 to 20 mph today Highs today and Sunday will be in the mid to upper 90s Lows tonight will be in the low 70s No precipi tation is expected through Sun day ATCHAALAYA a Monday Chance thundershowers 90s 70s Tu esd ay Chance of thundershowers 90s 70s Wednesday Chance of thundershowers 90s 7Os Amsterdam Athens Bangkok Beirut Belgrade Berlin Bogota Brussels Cairo Copenhagen Dublin rankfurt Geneva Helsinki HongKong Jerusalem Joburg Kiev Lima Lisbon London Stockholm Sydney Taipei Tehran TelAviv Tokyo Toronto Vancouver Vienna 40 easterly 10 to 15 0 15 0 35 0 3466 3521 100 74 95 75 91 '71 93 72 101 in 1951 59 in 1976 88 60 55 Cdv 66 54 dr 90 77 cdy 856 73 df 75 66 cdy 84 72 cdy 73 54 cdy 81 61 dr Rivjer stages Simmsport Melville Bt LaRose Morgan City Jackson Pearl River Pittsburgh Cincinnati Cairo Shreveport Alexandria Little Rock Mitting lost New irtf ull quorter moon quarter moon By The Associated Press I lood Stage 24 bour 3900 UOIRiM HOIall OS 02 all 99 0 4 RLe US 3S 7 0 0 0 330S Rue i 9 0 3 Rise WA DU BUAUA 0702 all WWr I 1OO 7 90 I AMT A VIZ XZ i 1 I 1 I 9Q I rl I lemperolures area Worm jTotionary vcciuoea 90 High Low prec Jackson 100 74 00 Alexandria mm 72 00 McComb 95 72 00 Baton Rouge 92 73 00 Meridian 100 74 00 Boothville 82 00 Beaumont 94 75 00 Lafavette 94 74 00 Galveston 89 78 00 Lk Charles 93 75 00 Longview 99 72 00 Moisant 96 80 00 Lufkin 98 72 00 MONROE 100 74 15 El Dorado 99 72 00 New Orleans 96 85 00 Mobile 945 76 00 Shreveport 100 70 00 Pensacola 945 80 Biloxi mm 74 00 Greenwood 97 75 14 missing Lo Pre OUk Louisville 96 75 dr 69 cdy Memphis 100 81 cdv 66 16 cdy Miami 87 78 cdy 66 cdy Milwaukee 84 67 43 cdy 51 18 shr Mpls StP 82 65 77 cdv 63 cdy Nashville 98 71 cdv 77 clr NewOrleans 96 80 cdy 74 cdy NewYork 96 80 stm 73 clr Norfolk 96 73 dr 73 cdy OklaCily 102 73 cdy 73 stm Omaha 89 78 clr 56 dr Orlando 92 75 03 cdy 70 shr Philadphia 95 75 cdy 75 stm Phoenix no 90 dr 73 cdy Pittsburgh 91 71 34 stm 73 cdy Ptland Me 93 65 cdy 66 1 05 stm 'PtlandOre 82 58 cdv 75 01 cdy RapidCily 72 60 02 cdy 73 cdy Reno 97 51 dr 73 stm Richmond 97 72 dr 73 stm StLouis 102 82 dr 77 cdy StP Tampa 93 79 cdy 65 cdy SaltLake 96 64 dr cdy SanDiego 85 72 clr 71 01 cdy Sanran 59 54 dr 64 cdy Seattle 81 59 dr 49 02 cdy Spokane 78 58 clr 70 shr SlStesMarie 80 64 85 cdy 45 stm Tulsa 104 82 cdy 71 dr Washingtn 100 77 clr 78 stm 72 dr Hour by hour The hour bv hour Sam 77 temperatures re Sam 87 ported by Monroe is am 90 trom midnight until lam Noon T' 96 1pm 97 Midnight SO 2pm 95 'am iT 3pm 98 anl 4pm 99 3 a 5pm 97 a ra "5 6pm 97 3 a ra '5 7pm 9 3am 8 pm 94 3am iS 9 pm 85 Hl Lo Wlhr Madrid 99 63 dr 69 59 rn Manila 93 72 dr 100 77 dr McxicoCity 72 54 cdy 93 82 clr Montreal 82 64 cdy 97 75 dr Moscow 70 59 cdy 901 64 dr NewDelhi 88 79 cdy 77 57 cdy Nicosia 103 73 eft 66 46 cdy Oslo 66 48 dr 68 55 cdy Paris 81 64 cdy missing Rio missing missing Rome 84 68 dr 64 57 cdy SanJuan 91 77 cdy 61 55 (rn SaoPaulo missing I' ORECAST i.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.