The Bridgeport Post from Bridgeport, Connecticut (2024)

THE BRIDGEPORT POST, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1962. TWENTY-SEVEN Post photo--Mathewion MR. AND MRS. B. STEVENSON Married 59 Years, Couple Celebrate Mr.

and Mrs. John B. Slevenson Mark Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. John B.

Stevenson, the Garden apartments, 568 Brewster street, celebrated (heir 59lh wedding anniversary Wednesday in their home. Married in New York city, they were residents of Fairfield for 43 years, moving to Bridgeport in 1950. They have two daughters, Mrs. Thomas R. Evans (nee Elsie Stevenson) of Huntington, W.Va., and Mrs.

George J. Kish (nee Dorothy Stevenson) of Fairfield. Mr. Stevenson is a descendant of old Bridgeport families of English background, and the son of the late Alfred Stevenson and Florence Burgess Stevenson. He is one of 11 children, eight ol whom are still living.

Mrs. i liam S. Mason of Stratford, Mrs. William S. Mallory and Mrs.

Charles Mahoney of Bridgeport, Mrs. Edward F. Zehnder of Fairfield. Epbraim Stevenson ol Bridgeport and George Stevenson and Edward Stevenson of Danbury. Mrs, Stevenson, born Clara Smith, is the daughter of the late George K.

Smith and Mary Ann Kinscella Smith of Fairfield She has two living brothers Howard A. Smith and Paul Smith of Fairfield. Two brothers William A. Smith and Frederick J. Smith, recently Mr.

Stevenson has been in thp auto business since 1903, and he worked in the old Locomobile factory in Bridgeport, first the steam car and then on the first gasoline-engined Locomobile He was associated with the Auto Service company on Cannon street as (he agency for the Pierce-Arrow, Wills St. Claire, Hupmobile and Oldsmobile. Upon dissolution of the company in 1935 he became owner of a gas station in Fairfield, and retired in 1945. Westport Women Slate Style Show Oct. 1 The Westport Woman's club will sponsor a a fashion show Monday, Oct.

1. at 1 p.m. in the club house. Imperial avenue. Luncheon will be served preceding (he show, and cards and tables will be provided after- wa rds those who wi sh play bridge, according to Mrs.

Philip Michel, chairman. Reservations should be made early. All women in the community have been invited to attend. A membership drive is planned. GIRLS FRIENDLY The Girls Friendly Sponsors Calvary Episcopal church will meet Monday at 7:30 p.m.

in Calvary house, 3154 Main street, with Mrs. Theodore DeCato, chairman, presiding. The Clipper New lower tight-telMcope crown, back brim curl. Charcoal, nubia and black olivo fur felt. 13.95 MISS LYNN JACKSON Miss Jackson, daughter of Prof, and Mrs.

James O. Jackson, 858 Mill Plain road, Fairfield, a junior at Drew university, sailed recently for England to participate in a special seminar In the London. School of Economics a Political Science. She is a graduate of Roger Ludlowe high school. Miss Jackson was honored at a bon voyage party by her grandmother, Mrs.

Arthur F. Dickinson and her aunt, Mrs. John Harcarik, 1440 Huntington i Nichols. Reception to Fete Mew UB Faculty Sunday Afternoon and Mrs. Hal sey, President and Mrs.

Littlefield, Hosts University of Bridgeport Chancellor and Mrs. James H. Haley, and President and Mrs. W. Littlefield, will be losts at a reception Sunday from to 5 p.m.

in Barnum hall, Vfarina Park, for new university 'acuity members. Assisting the hosts will be Vice President and Mrs. Albert E. Diem and the deans and their wives, ncluding Dr. and rs.

Clarence D. L. Ropp, College of Arts and Science; Dr. and Mrs. Willard P.

Berggren, College of Engineering; Dr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Trippensee, College o( Education; Miss Martha P. Jayne, College of Nursing, and Mr.

and Mrs. Earle M. Bigsbee, Junior College of Connecticut. Twenty-nine faculty members ave been added to the full-time faculty of the university. Dr.

and Mrs. Eaton V. W. Read are spending the current academic year at Arizona State university where the dean of the UB College of Business Administration is serving as visiting professor ol marketing. Fain; lew studio MRS.

ROBERT CLAUSON Pootatuck Club's Election Monday Slate to Be Installed by Yacht Club Auxiliary The Women's auxiliary to the Pootatuck Yacht club will meet Monday at 8 p.m, in the club, with Mrs. John Wetzel, president, An election and installation of Tea Set Tuesday At Hallen School Officers and Chair men Announced by PTA Mothers of kindergarten chit dren of Hallen school will bi guests of officers and boan members of the Parent-Teache association at tea on Tuesday a 2 p.m. in the activity room. Moth ers of newly enrolled student are also invited. New officers and committee' chairmen are Mrs.

Daniel Martin, president; Mrs. John Farina, vice president; Miss Evaj Gerrity, principal, first honorary' vice Mrs. Mark E. Roberts, secretary; Mrs. William P.

Bigda, treasurer; Mrs. Ben Hope, ways and means; Mrs. Donald A. O'Brien, sunshine; Mrs. Eric H.

Speiser, Mrs. Richard L. Brooks and Mrs. William Kapitan, hospitality. Also, Mrs.

John J. Tacovilla, room mothers; Mrs. Raymond E. Kovacs, membership; Mrs. Mi- cfiael Mazzeo and Mrs.

Louis Petrow, city council delegates; Mrs. George J. Brezina, registrar; Mrs. Michael Dubos, historian; Mrs. Howard J.

Seaman, publicity; Mrs. John S. Nadolny, telephone; Mrs. Richard R. Rodgers, publications; Mrs.

James R. MacDonald. volunteer bureau, and Mrs. William L. Coley, rec- new officers will take place.

Mrs. Victor Cattham, Chester Sterling Ski Club Marks Anniversary Mrs. Robert Clauson Chairmen of Dinner, Oct. 20 Alton Seavey, president of the Ski club, Stratford, has appointed Mr. and Mrs.

Rober Clauson as chairmen of the 25th anniversary dinner dance of the cluh to take place Oct. 20 in. the Fairfield Inn. co*cktails will he served at 6:30 p.m. followed by dinner at 7:30.

Toni Matt, former Austrian Olympic ski star and head of the Catamont Ski school, will be th guest speaker, and Vincent Sin ko, past will be mas ter of ceremonies. Tickets are available at thi Rotary Sport shop, Mooney' Sport shop, Fritz and Hawley' and from the following commit tee members: Mr. and Mrs. Pel er Smey, Don Wright, Jir Brown, Mary McGowan, Jea Goering, Bea Lewis, Vincen Simko, Mr. and Mrs.

Seavey Mr, and Mrs. Steve Kordiak Mr. and Mrs, Chip Jacobs, An: Borowy and Reggie Antignani. Altrusa Club Arranging Dinner on Tuesday The Bridgeport Altrusa clu will open its fait and winter sea son with a dinner meeting Tues day at 6:30 p.m. in the Stratfiet hotel.

Miss Mary Keating, presiden will preside at the business se sion when arrangements will made for-a rummage sale Oct. and plans discussed for the year' program. Haberlin anl Mrs. Robert Sherman comprised the nominating committee. Mrs.

Frank Pero, program chairman, requests mem- hc-rs to take articles, unwrapped, for the "Snitch Party." Mrs. Dorothy Johnson of Mid- dlctown will represent the Connecticut auxiliary' at the national convention of the Veterans of World War I of the U.S.A. and the auxiliary, tomorrow through Wednesday in the Lafayette hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. The veterans will meet in the Staller hotel Buffalo.

Mrs. Peter Petrofsky, hospitality chairman, will be assisted during the social hour by Mrs. Raymond Lewis, Mrs. Charles Stosse and Mrs. Joseph Wargo.

Mrs. a a Greenspan, SO YaEe street, was elected to the national board of the Mizrachi Women's Organization of America at the close of the 37th annual a i a convention this week in New York city. CENTER GARDEN CLUB TO HEAR PAUL FRESE An open meeting will be hek by the Center Garden club Tues riay at 1 p.m. in the Jewish Com- ST. RAPHAEL'S GUILD St.

Raphael's altar guild of Christ the i will sponsor a cake sale at the church after all Masses on Sunday. Mrs. Nicholas Capoiziello is chairman. DENTAL HYGIENISTS SET ANNUAL MEETING The Connecticut Dental F(', gienists association will parlic pate in the third annual England district meeting of Ih American Dental Hygienists as sociation, tomorrow from 9 a.m lo 3 p.m. in Ine New Hampshir highway hotel, Concord, N.

H. "Orthodontia" will be th theme, and Dr. Sidney Schoha of Concord, and Mrs. Betty Dow al Manchester, speech thera pist. will be the speakers.

REV. JOSEPH DOLAN TO ADDRESS NURSES The Bridgeport chapter. Com cil of Catholic Nurses, will me' Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Vincent's Nursing school am torium. Hunting street.

The Rev. Joseph Dolan will the speaker and his topic will "The Ecumenical Council, Significance and Purpose." will also show slides oC Rome. munity center when Paul i i i i i CI A horticultural a 1 I I I tS JLA 1 1 and writer, will speak on "Spring I A Gardens are Made in the Fall." The lecture will be illustrated with color slides. Members have been asked to take specimens of berried branches that provide food for birds. Hostesses who will serve lea are Mrs.

Sophie Alpern, Mrs, Rudolf a Mrs. Simeon Bogin, Mrs. Issac Bresky and Mrs. Nathan Brown. Father Coleman Columbiett will meet Monday at 8 p.m.

the Knights of Columbus ha Unquowa road, Fairfield, wi Edith Lucas presiding. John Horvath of Father Co man Knights of Columbus, be speaker, and a tape will heard from the annual slate co vention. Conn. Post Center Millard. Conn.

greet fall handsomely in a stetson hat 77.95 to Look your very best this season in a hat that is shaped to do the most for your appearance. Kennedy's great, wide and wonderful selection of Stetson hats reflects all the important new trendj, styles and textures for the '62-63 season. reshmen Feted Wellesley Club Luncheon Party rs. Richard P. Bociine of Easton Hostess to Group Area members of the Class of 16 at Wellesley college and elr mothers were honored at uncheon recently by the board embers of the Fairfield Vil- Wellesley club in the home Mrs.

Richard P. Bodine of antern Hill road, Easton. Incoming freshmen who attend- wcre Miss Constance Hofman. ughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Maure J. Hofman of Cornell road, airfield, Miss Jutta Klein, aughler of Dr. and Mrs. Hans of Milfortt avenue, Strat- rd. Miss Sarah Ann MacVane, aughter of Mr.

and Mrs. John acVane of Godfrey lane. West- Tl, Miss Dianna Murray, aughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Murray of High Meadow ad, Southport, Miss Sarah Mar- daughter of the Rev.

and Richard S. Martin of Old annery road, Monroe, Miss i a Worden. daughter r. and Mrs. Edwin S.

Worden Minute Man Hill. Westport iss Dianne Rill, daughter of Mr nd Mrs. Paul R. Rill of Congres reel, Fairfield. Unable to at was Miss Irene Nichols aughter of Mr.

and Mrs. rooks Nichols of Branchville cad. Ridgefield. Among area upperclassmcn ho attended were Miss Elisa eth Hofman and Miss a i arker of Fairfield, Miss Ga; arkcr of and Mis arolyn Tucker of Westport. Meeting Arranged 3y Service League Iratford Congregations Evening i Sets Program Mrs.

Kenneth Olsen will pre ide at the opening meeting ie Evening Service League he First Congregational churc Stratford, Tuesday at 8 p.m Irs. Frederick Zorn will lead th evotional service, and the them the program will be "Chrislia Stewardship." Mrs. George Hubbell. wi lirect a play, "Stewardship Cen us." The cast will include Mr Robert Meaney, Mrs. Davi eiss, Mrs.

David Martin, Mr. Clayton Hall, Mrs. Richar Hinds, Mrs. Robert Ward, Mrs George Lasell, Mrs. Robert Poi er, Mrs.

Roger Burritt and Mr: Robert Paulson. Mrs, Henry Wilson, hospital chairman, will be assisted vlrs. Bertram Arnold, Mrs. vard i linger, Mrs. iaydu and Mrs.

Louis Kish. Children's Auxiliary Elects Wednesday The Westport auxiliary of th Children's Services of Connect cut will elect officers at its i nual meeting Wednesday at in the Westport Woman club, Imperial avenue. Warren Braucher, director Jie Children's Village in 'ord, will be the speaker, and will be "Helping Emotiona Disturbed Children." Tea 3e served, On Boston Post Road in Milford. FO 7-6631. Open 9-9 Weekdays.

9-6 Saturdays 2 3 2 3 2 4 23 17x24" of MRS. MARIA CIAURRO FETED ON BIRTHDAY Mrs. Maria Graiia Ciaurro, Berkshire avenue, was honor recently on her 82nd birthday a niversary by members of Third Order of St. Francis Holy Rosary church. Mother of nine children of whom seven are living, and grandmother of nine, Mrs.

Ciaurro continues to do housework, gardening and canning. She is also active in church affairs, She operated a grocery store in Reiliy street for 23 years. A native of Casteltranco. Italy, she came to this country in 1910, residing in Bridgeport since then. During World War II.

she attended naturalization classes and became a U. S. citizen. Those attending her birthday celebration included Frances Caruso, Domenica Vazzano, Frances Georgette, Carmella Toma- sieilo, Dore Sciotetti, Elvira Delia, Vincenza Garafola, Filomena Manente, Jessie MartEno, Antoaetta Caltabianco and Dorata alb. PARENTS CLUB PLANS OPEN HOUSE'SUNDAY The St.

Anthony of Patlua Parents club will conduct an "Open House" Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in the church hall, when new officers will be installed. Joseph Nolarnicola will be seap- ed as president; Mrs. Pearl Zdanowicz, vice president; Mrs, Barbara Cormier, recording secretary; Mrs, Terry Potak, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Joan Woitowitz, asssitant; John Kane treasurer, and Rene Cole anr William DeNomme, sergeants-at- arms.

Plans for the year will cussed and room mothers i be chosen. Refreshments will be served. today and tomorrow starting at 9 a.m. CARE-FREE FORMICA-TOPPED MAPLE TABLES AVAILABLE INDIVIDUALLY, $32.45 EACH these very tables have been sold here and elsewhere for $40-350 each NO MORE WHEN THESE ARE GONE This is the finest, fattest, fantastic bargain you'll ever be able to find in a table. Look at fhe Eong co*cktail table for example.

Thera arc plenty of sensible shoppers who'd pay A price not far away from $95 for tho table that's going io be the largest, most important table in their living room. But today and tomorrow $95 (or only $10 down) gets you this co*cktail tabfc and any two others besides. The golden maple i i is matched by family-proof Formica plastic tops that never need patching or polishing or primping. We reserve the right to call off this sale the minute the fast piece goes. Tables Have Genuine Formica Care-Free Tops RESISTS Boiling Liquids RESISTS Fruit Juices RESISTS Flame and Heat RESISTS Hobbies Tools RESISTS Alcoholic Drinks RESISTS Cosmetics, Ink, Crayon OK IvTILFORO.

The Bridgeport Post from Bridgeport, Connecticut (2024)
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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.