Gemini Exam — Preview the physical of the future, today | Q Bio (2024)

Frequently Asked Questions

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Who benefits from the Gemini Exam?

People from a wide range of backgrounds have benefited from our Gemini Exam. Whether perfectly healthy, or managing an ongoing medical issue, the best way to understand your current and future risk factors is to track what is changing in your body, and how fast. Research shows this approach can help identify issues earlier — which means more options for prevention and treatment.

What will I learn from this exam? What types of diseases does your protocol cover?

When we designed the protocol using a proprietary computational system biology tool we developed in house, we optimized for the following:

  1. Things that can be reproducibly measured (so you can track how they change over time).
  2. Have known clinical value.
  3. Cover the most things that posed existential risks in the minimum time and cost with minimal invasiveness.

We constantly evaluate new labs and technologies, so if there is something that we don’t currently do it is most likely because we have evaluated them and it does not meet these criteria.The Gemini Exam gives you the information you need about your body so you can take control of your health. Our protocol covers your genetics, biochemistry, vitals, and imaging of your nervous, hormonal, circulatory, respiratory, immune, digestive, urinary/renal, reproductive, and musculoskeletal systems. We non-invasively measure thousands of biomarkers in a manner designed to detect changes associated with common cancers, cardiac, neurodegenerative, and metabolic diseases, as well as musculoskeletal issues and exposure to environmental toxins. The protocol evolves over time as the cost to measure certain things changes and our technology improves.

What is included in the Gemini Exam?

Our standard exam includes blood and urine collection for laboratory analysis, as well as a non-invasive, whole body MRI and comprehensive vital signs measurement. In total we extract over 3 Billion data points about your body during each exam and this number is growing.

What data do you retrieve from my specimens?

In addition to measuring your vital signs and performing a whole body MRI, the samples we collect generate a variety of data. We collect urine for standard urinalysis with microscopy as well as for elemental analysis that can identify metal content. Finally we collect blood that is sent to laboratories for an extensive range of tests including:

  • Genetic Sequencing
  • Complete Blood Count
  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
  • HbA1c, fasting glucose, and Insulin
  • A number of hormones
  • Markers for bone and blood health
  • Advanced cardiac panel with lipoprotein size fractions, APOB, Lp(a) and inflammation markers
  • A set of cancer-related biomarkers
  • Antibody levels
  • Cytokine levels

Is it worth it to do a single Gemini Exam?

A single exam provides a powerful tool in managing your healthcare; for instance, MRI images can be used as priors if you get injured or sick in the future, and your genetic analysis could determine risk factors that may impact your approach to healthcare in the future. Most importantly, seeing many biomarkers and vital signs all in one place can provide a lot of information about your current health status. Beyond a single Gemini Exam that establishes a personal baseline for your health, we firmly believe in the power of longitudinal data. With each subsequent Gemini Exam, your dashboard becomes richer as you establish your own trendlines for long-term tracking, and Gemini gets smarter at finding anomalies in your health that may pose serious risks for you based on your individual medical history.

What can I expect after my exam?

Two weeks after each Gemini Exam, a summary of the health of each of your body’s systems is displayed in a report, which is then reviewed and discussed with you via videoconference. You are welcome to invite your doctor or specialist to attend, and many of our customers enjoy this option. Lifetime access to your dashboard is provided to you via secure login after your review.

How long does a Gemini Exam take?

Exams take about 75 minutes from start to finish including time for changing, with the actual whole-body scan taking about 30 minutes. We value your time and make your visit as efficient as possible.

Do I have to come to a Q Bio Center for the physical exam?

Yes! Gemini Exams are conducted in-person at our Center. We continually strive to make them as efficient as possible, and work to accommodate busy schedules by offering early morning appointments but those slots go fast and may have to be booked far in advance.

What days/times can I have a Gemini Exam?

Our first exams begin at 7am and are the most popular given that we request that you fast starting 12 hours prior to your blood draw. We are open Monday through Friday every week, excluding Federal Holidays.

Where can I get a Gemini Exam?

Our pilot research Q Bio Center is located in Redwood City, California, in the heart of Silicon Valley. We have customers who fly in from all over the United States and even internationally, but we understand this is not possible for most.

Do you have a schedule for opening new locations?

We have partners that will be offering the Gemini platform nationally and internationally starting in 2023. To stay updated about news regarding new locations, please follow us on Twitter @QBioInc.

I previously had an old exam and a BioVault dashboard. Do I lose my BioVault with the transition to Gemini Exams?

Your Gemini dashboard will have all of the information in your BioVault dashboard (and more!) We’ll notify you multiple times before we disable your BioVault dashboard and will make all of your data available for download, but going forward, your data will all live in your new and improved interactive Gemini dashboard.

Why do all the images in the Gemini Dashboard say “For research purposes only?

We show this disclaimer in all of the image viewers in Gemini. This is not because the scan you are getting is not clinical quality. It is because we have not yet received FDA approval for the Gemini Dashboard as a medical image viewer that can be used by Radiologists for clinical interpretation. But the images from your scan are sent to radiologists directly where they can view them in FDA approved viewers for interpretation.

Can I pay with Insurance?

We currently do not accept insurance. However, Gemini Exams qualify for HSA / FSA accounts.

Can I pay with my HSA or FSA account?

Yes, payment must be for the individual, their spouse, or their tax dependent. Please consult with your tax professional to determine if your specific HSA or FSA can be used to pay for a Gemini exam. You will want to save receipts for documentation, and provide these to your tax professional.

Do you offer any discounts for groups and corporations?

Please contact our support team at We do offer group and employer plans. We always appreciate employers who are on a shared mission with us to bring preventive health to many more people.

Do you offer any multi-year discount plans?

We are always trying to measure more about your health faster and at a more affordable price so that you have as much information as possible to make decisions about your health. We are considering offering multi-year plans where there would be a discount based on the number of years and number of visits/year. If you are interested, please let us know at

Is there a refund if I cancel an exam?

Please notify us by phone (415) 967-7622 or email to at least one week in advance of your appointment if you need to reschedule so that we may accommodate others. If you need to move your appointment within one week, but prior to 24 hours before your scheduled time, a $500 rescheduling fee will be withheld from your refund if you subsequently cancel your exam. We are unable to accommodate late arrivals of over 25 minutes after appointment time due to the nature of our exams and the need to ensure safety for other customers. A $500 rescheduling fee applies to late-shows or cancellations within 24 hours of the appointment time.

How do you ensure that my medical information remains private?

We want to empower you with the ability to securely share your health information with any care providers you choose. Information we collect, including any prior medical history we aggregate for you, will be securely stored and populated into your Gemini Dashboard. You will have complete control over how and when that gets shared, if at all.

How do you store the data you collect and do you share it with third parties?

Member privacy is of utmost importance to us. We are HIPAA compliant and keep your electronic health records private and secure in your Gemini Dashboard, to which only you have access. We never share information with third parties unless you have explicitly given us authorization to do so.

What is an IRB and how does this protect me?

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is an independent group that ensures research meets stringent ethical and safety standards. Q Bio’s Redwood City site operates under an IRB-approved protocol, and we are strictly monitored and overseen by our IRB, which allows us to perform laboratory tests and create and share data at the forefront of biotechnology and scientific discovery. Much of what we measure is intended for research use only and cannot be used as FDA-approved diagnostic information. The IRB helps make sure we conduct our planned and ongoing research safely, ethically, responsibly, and with scientific rigor, all while complying with important regulations.

I saw a price of $43,500 in the registration documentation. Does that apply to me?

The $43,500 figure will not apply to any current services since we are not currently offering a product at this cost. It is a required, hard upside cap we placed on any product or service we offer under our current IRB.

I am from out of the country and do not have a US address, Social Security Number, or Phone Number, what do I do?

Please fill in your address as well as possible. For Social Security Number, please enter “1234.” For phone number, please enter “555-555-5555” if you do not have a US number. We are working on improving this experience for those outside the US. Please note that our platform is not built for international customers and we may not be able to offer the full comprehensive platform due to country limitations.

Is there an age limit?

We currently do not accept anyone under the age of 18.

Are there any medical conditions (contraindications) that would prevent me from having a Gemini Exam?

Certain conditions, such as metal or electronic implants, can prevent one from having an MRI scan. Pregnancy and recent events like surgery or transfusions can prohibit you from completing a Gemini Exam in the near term. We encourage you to go through our registration process, which will screen for these things and more. If it appears that you have a contraindication to any component of the exam, someone from our team will reach out to you to discuss in detail.

Why does my registration need to be "approved"?

For ethical, regulatory, and safety reasons, we must appropriately limit participation in the study and make sure prospective customers understand the risks of participating. There are a number of considerations that have to be made to ensure your Gemini Exam is as minimally invasive as possible. As we consider new customers, we must apply requirements that have been approved by our authorized clinical research team and our Chief Medical Officer as guided by our IRB-approved protocol.

Where can I get more information while I wait to get scheduled?

Please contact if you want to expedite your scheduling process. While waiting, check out the updates on our blog or on twitter.

How long will it take until I can have my Gemini Exam once I am ready to be scheduled?

We are open five days a week at our Redwood City center, and our scheduling team will work to find the soonest available appointment for you. Depending upon your availability, this is usually within a month.

I saw questions that needed to be answered about my health. How much health history do you require?

It is best to add as much prior health history as you are able to your account profile, as this data is utilized to surface the changes to your body over time, and will be incorporated into your first Gemini dashboard Your Gemini dashboard is ultimately a summary of your health history which can be shared with any health care providers you choose. We try to make this as smooth and low-effort as possible. If you have any questions about the process, please do not hesitate to reach out so we can walk you through it.

Is there anything I need to do to prepare for the Gemini Exam?

You will be receiving a safety check questionnaire in your inbox prior to your visit to confirm any potential changes in your health.

You will also need to fast beginning 12 hours in advance of your Gemini Exam. Eating food or ingesting sugary drinks may result in variable laboratory results. Even non-caloric flavors can make your body react. Please refrain from eating food or drinking anything other than water within 12 hours of your Gemini Exam. Do stay hydrated with plain (non-carbonated, non-flavored) water.

Please consult your doctor about whether it is advisable to stop your medications before a blood test. If you are unsure, do not stop any prescription medication.

If possible, avoid taking dietary supplements and vitamins within three days of your Gemini Exam. Please consult your doctor if you are unsure about avoiding dietary supplements, vitamins, or other optional medications.

We will also be sending you this information right before your Gemini Exam with any reminders and information you require. So do not worry about keeping track -- we will do it for you! As always, if you have any questions about any of the steps above, please do not hesitate to reach out.

I have had an MRI before, what is different in this process?

This will probably feel similar to your last MRI, but as we scan your whole body, the protocol will be slightly different. Our whole-body scan lasts about 35 minutes and requires 4 breath holds.

What should I expect during the MRI exam?

  • You will be asked to remove any metallic objects or clothing and keep them outside the MRI room. We will also ask about your music preferences if you want to listen to something on Spotify.
  • Once inside, you will lie down on a table and we will add coils on top of you that detect the radio waves the scan generates.
  • We will give you earplugs for the noise, and a headset to hear your music selection and the technologist’s instructions on the two-way intercom.
  • You will have a pulse oximeter clipped on one of your fingers so we can see your heart rhythm. In your other hand, you will have a squeezable alarm ball in case you want to alert the technologist to any discomfort.
  • When ready on the table, you will slide into the magnet (which is open at both ends and well ventilated with a fan). We might ask that you close your eyes when we use a weak laser to position you on the table correctly.
  • While the machine is actively scanning, you will hear loud pulses and clicks, which are minimized with your headset and earplugs.
  • You will need to lie still for the actual scanning and we will ask you to hold your breath for up to 22 seconds 4 times while we are imaging your torso.

What if I have fainted or gotten sick during blood draws in the past?

Let us know if you have any specific concerns. Our phlebotomists are well-trained and may be able to help you have an easier experience. It can be helpful for us to know to keep your chair reclined for the procedure, for instance.

What if I have difficult veins?

Our phlebotomists are great with difficult veins. We use butterfly needles which you may already know about. We also can provide a smaller gauge needle if necessary which can help in this situation. Sometimes warming you up will help out. Our phlebotomists have the experience to customize the process to help.

Does the process hurt?

We draw blood for testing and understand that some people find this to be uncomfortable but not very painful. MRIs do not hurt and do not use ionization radiation and we do not give intravenous contrast for our procedure. Your cell phone and wireless routers actually expose you to more radiation than an MRI scanner.

I am claustrophobic. Is that a problem?

We have had success with many individuals who are not thrilled about confined spaces, and our techs are excellent at helping you through the process. While you are in the scanner, you can speak with the tech, listen to music that you like, and we will make you comfortable with a blanket and pillows. Know that you can stop the scan at any time and are in control. Some people like to keep their eyes closed, other people like that we have a mirror they can use to look outside of the machine. Some people just like to walk around the magnet and take it all in before embarking. We will be patient.

For people with severe claustrophobia, you might have your doctor prescribe medication that will ease anxiety on the day of the exam. We are happy to put you in touch with our Chief Medical Officer if you would like to learn more about how to do that. Many with moderate anxiety are able to complete the scan without medication, but it is totally up to you and your doctor if you would like to try it.

Claustrophobia is not uncommon and to make Gemini available to everyone we have developed we have developed our own MRI scanner that has a totally open design and is faster and cheaper than existing scanners and gathers higher quality anatomical information. To learn more about the Mark I scanner or participate in our research studies that will help us get FDA approval for the Mark I please email

Do you give intravenous contrast?

We do not give intravenous contrast for our MRI procedure.

Is there any danger to exposure with MRIs?

Your cell phone and wireless routers at home use higher energy radiation than an MRI does. The Radio-Frequencies (RF) used in MRI are non-ionizing and are therefore significantly more safe than more energetic frequencies used in XRay, CT or PET scanners. RF can be dangerous if you have ferromagnetic implants or clothing/jewelry, as it can heat these up quickly. This is why we do a thorough safety check and also remind you to leave any metal outside of the MRI room.

Who reads the MRI?

A Board-certified radiologist reads your MRI for clinical findings. On top of this we also analyze a rapidly increasing number of different tissues and structures in your body so that changes can be tracked over time. Examples of this include but are not limited to brain tissue, muscle and fat, and heart and vessels to generate data about the three dimensional structure of your body.

Can I add blood tests I am specifically interested in if they are not included in the basic exam?

We currently do not offer additional blood tests outside of our standard protocol at our RWC Pilot Center. However, if there are specific tests you’ve done in the past that you feel would add context to your Gemini dashboard, we can securely aggregate your records for you. If you feel like we are missing something in our platform, let us know. We want our approach to measuring physiology to be dynamic and measure the best indicators of risk and are always trying to improve.

Does Q Bio provide medical services?

Q Bio is not a provider of diagnostic services. We are not a medical practice. We provide you with raw measurements, lab-provided analysis, and tools to access and track them over time; you and those with whom you choose to share your data may choose how to interpret your measurements.

Gemini Exam — Preview the physical of the future, today | Q Bio (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.