Caenorhabditis elegans RSD-2 and RSD-6 promote germ ...RSD-2 and RSD-6 May Function in Germ Cells to Promote Germ Cell Immortality. RSD-6 and RSD-2 form a complex that was pre-viously - [PDF Document] (2024)

Caenorhabditis elegans RSD-2 and RSD-6 promote germ ...RSD-2 and RSD-6 May Function in Germ Cells to Promote Germ Cell Immortality. RSD-6 and RSD-2 form a complex that was pre-viously - [PDF Document] (1)

Caenorhabditis elegans RSD-2 and RSD-6 promotegerm cell immortality by maintaining small interferingRNA populationsAisa Sakaguchia,b,1, Peter Sarkiesc,1, Matt Simona,d,e,1, Anna-Lisa Doebleyd, Leonard D. Goldsteinc,2, Ashley Hedgesd,Kohta Ikegamid,3, Stacy M. Alvaresa,f, Liwei Yanga, Jeannine R. LaRocqued,4, Julie Halld,5, Eric A. Miskac,1,6,and Shawn Ahmeda,d,e,1,6

Departments of aGenetics and dBiology, eCurriculum in Genetics and Molecular Biology, and fSeeding Postdoctoral Innovators in Research and EducationPostdoctoral Fellowship Program, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599; bInstitute for Molecular and Cellular Regulation, Gunma University,Maebashi, Gunma 371-8512, Japan; and cThe Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 1QN, United Kingdom

Edited by Gary Ruvkun, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, and approved September 3, 2014 (received for review April 3, 2014)

Germ cells are maintained in a pristine non-aging state as theyproliferate over generations. Here, we show that a novel function ofthe Caenorhabditis elegans RNA interference proteins RNAi spread-ing defective (RSD)-2 and RSD-6 is to promote germ cell immortalityat high temperature. rsd mutants cultured at high temperatures be-came progressively sterile and displayed loss of small interferingRNAs (siRNAs) that target spermatogenesis genes, simple repeats,and transposons. Desilencing of spermatogenesis genes occurred inlate-generation rsd mutants, although defective spermatogenesiswas insufficient to explain the majority of sterility. Increased expres-sion of repetitive loci occurred in both germ and somatic cells of late-generation rsd mutant adults, suggesting that desilencing of manyheterochromatic segments of the genome contributes to sterility.Nuclear RNAi defective (NRDE)-2 promotes nuclear silencing in responseto exogenous double-stranded RNA, and our data imply that RSD-2,RSD-6, and NRDE-2 function in a common transgenerational nuclearsilencing pathway that responds to endogenous siRNAs. We proposethat RSD-2 and RSD-6 promote germ cell immortality at stressful tem-peratures by maintaining transgenerational epigenetic inheritance ofendogenous siRNA populations that promote genome silencing.

germ line | fertility | tudor domain protein

Cellular lifespan is regulated by developmental fate. Somaticcells typically have a limited lifespan of a single generation.

In vertebrates, proliferation of somatic cells is governed by anirreversible state of cell cycle arrest that can occur in response tocellular stresses, termed senescence. Senescence is a powerfultumor suppressor mechanism, but it may also contribute to aging.Endogenous stresses have been clearly shown to accumulate withage to cause p53-dependent senescence include telomere attritionand irreparable telomere-associated DNA damage (1, 2). Althoughdistinct sources of endogenous stress accumulate as somatic cellsproliferate and induce p16-mediated senescence, natural triggers ofthis pathway remain unclear (2).One approach to address forms of stress that could contribute

to proliferative aging of somatic cells is to study germ cell im-mortality. Germ cells have an effectively unlimited proliferativecapacity as they are transmitted through the generations (3).Germ cell immortality can be studied by using Caenorhabditiselegans mortal germline (mrt) mutants that initially possess nor-mal levels of fertility but become progressively sterile. Consistentwith telomere attrition as a cause of proliferative aging in humans(4), mrt mutants with highly penetrant progressive sterility pheno-types can suffer from progressive telomere shortening as a conse-quence of defects in telomerase-mediated telomere replication (5,6), and these mutants typically become sterile at any temperaturethat they are propagated (7).We report that the RNAi spreading proteins RNAi spreading

defective (RSD)-2 and RSD-6 (8) are required for germ cell im-mortality at elevated temperatures. RSD-6 is a Tudor domain

protein that is hom*ologous to TDRD5 of mammals, which playsa role in spermatogenesis and suppression of transposons (9),whereas RSD-2 does not have any clear mammalian hom*ologs (8).We found that the transgenerational fertility defects of rsd-2 andrsd-6 mutants are not restricted to spermatogenesis and are ac-companied by desilencing of transposons and other repetitive loci,although transposition does not appear to be the trigger of sterility.

ResultsRSD-2 and RSD-6 Promote Germ Cell Immortality at StressfulTemperatures. Many C. elegans mrt mutants are temperature sen-sitive and remain fertile indefinitely at low temperatures but be-come sterile after growth for multiple generations at the restrictivetemperature of 25 °C (5). Of 16 mrt mutants that were identified(5), we found that yp10 and yp11 were defective in responding toRNA interference, as assessed by feeding E. coli expressing dou-ble-stranded RNA (dsRNA) triggers (Fig. S1A). yp10 and yp11


Here, we establish a role for small RNAs in promoting trans-generational fertility via an endogenous temperature-sensitivesilencing process that is promoted by the RNAi spreading de-fective (RSD)-2 and RSD-6 proteins, which have been impli-cated in RNA interference in response to exogenous double-stranded RNA triggers. This process could be broadly relevantto transgenerational maintenance of heterochromatin and isplausibly relevant to regulation of aging of somatic cells asthey proliferate.

Author contributions: A.S., P.S., M.S., A.-L.D., L.D.G., A.H., K.I., S.M.A., J.H., and S.A. de-signed research; A.S., P.S., M.S., A.-L.D., L.D.G., A.H., K.I., S.M.A., L.Y., J.R.L., J.H., and S.A.performed research; P.S. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; A.S., P.S., M.S., A.-L.D.,L.D.G., A.H., K.I., S.M.A., L.Y., J.R.L., J.H., E.A.M., and S.A. analyzed data; and A.S., P.S.,M.S., A.-L.D., L.D.G., J.R.L., E.A.M., and S.A. wrote the paper.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.

Data deposition: The data reported in this paper have been deposited in the Gene Ex-pression Omnibus (GEO) database, (accession no. GSE40460).1A.S., P.S., M.S., E.A.M., and S.A. contributed equally to this work.2Present address: Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, GenentechInc., South San Francisco, CA 94080.

3Present address: Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics and Department of MolecularBiology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544.

4Present address: Department of Human Science, Georgetown University Medical Center,Washington, DC 20057.

5Present address: Department of Biology, Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate,TN 37752.

6To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: [emailprotected] or [emailprotected].

This article contains supporting information online at PNAS | Published online September 25, 2014 | E4323–E4331








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Caenorhabditis elegans RSD-2 and RSD-6 promote germ ...RSD-2 and RSD-6 May Function in Germ Cells to Promote Germ Cell Immortality. RSD-6 and RSD-2 form a complex that was pre-viously - [PDF Document] (2)

only became sterile at 25 °C at generation F4 to F8 and can bepropagated indefinitely at lower temperatures. Outcrosses ofyp10 and yp11 mutations revealed tight linkage of the exogenousRNAi and Mrt defects. Genetic mapping (Fig. S1B), non-complementation tests (Fig. 1B), and DNA sequence analysisreveal that yp10 is an allele of rsd-2, whereas yp11 is an allele ofrsd-6, two genes with roles in RNAi (Fig. 1A) (8). An in-dependent allele of rsd-6, pk3300, was reported to become sterileimmediately at 25 °C (10), but we found that this phenotype wasdue to a linked mutation (Fig. S1B). Instead, outcrossed rsd-6(pk3300) lines became progressively sterile at 25 °C at genera-tion F5 to F12, similar to rsd-6(yp11) and rsd-2(pk3307) (sterile at

F5 to F12) (Fig. 1B). Thus, mutations in rsd-2 and rsd-6 elicita highly penetrant Mrt phenotype at 25 °C, in which strains dis-play healthy levels of fertility for a number of generations beforebecoming completely sterile. In contrast, these strains remaincompletely fertile at the less stressful temperature of 20 °C.

RSD-2 and RSD-6 May Function in Germ Cells to Promote Germ CellImmortality. RSD-6 and RSD-2 form a complex that was pre-viously suggested to promote RNAi spreading from somatic togerm cells (8). However, rsd-6 and rsd-2 mutants fail to respondto some somatic RNAi triggers (10) and may simply be deficientfor responding to low doses of exogenous dsRNA (8, 11). To testwhether rsd-2 might function in the germ line (Fig. 1E), weperformed immunofluorescence by using a specific anti–RSD-2antibody. RSD-2 was found at high levels in the cytoplasm ofwild-type embryos (Fig. 1F and Fig. S1 C–E), where it adopts aperinuclear position (Fig. 1G). RSD-2 also localized to nuclei ofmost wild-type adult germ cells (Fig. 1H and I). These results areconsistent with previous observations of cytoplasmic and nuclearGFP-tagged RSD-2 in embryos (10), although the specific lo-calization to adult germ cell nuclei observed with our anti–RSD-2antibody may more precisely reflect endogenous RSD-2. Thus,RSD-2 could function in the germ line and/or in early embryos topromote germ cell immortality.To test this possibility further, we generated rsd-6 strains

carrying single-copy rsd-6 transgenes driven by the germ-line–specific pgl-3 or by the ubiquitous dpy-30 promoter (12, 13). Ppgl-3::rsd-6 and Pdpy-30::rsd-6 transgenes effectively rescued themortal germ-line defects of rsd-6(pk3300), indicating that rsd-6functions within germ cells to promote germ cell immortality (Fig.1C). We confirmed this result by creating repetitive extrachro-mosomal arrays in wild-type animals, which results in “cosup-pression” or germ-line–specific silencing of the transgene and thecorresponding endogenous gene (14, 15). Cosuppression of rsd-6caused a temperature-sensitive Mrt phenotype (Fig. S1 F and G).

Massive Germ-Line Apoptosis and Chromosome Missegregation Occurin Sterile rsdMutants.Cohorts of completely sterile late-generationrsd-2(yp10) (F6), rsd-6(yp11) (F6), and rsd-6(pk3300) (F8) adultswere stained with 4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) to re-veal that many contained germ lines that were either reduced insize or absent (Fig. 2 A and B). Additionally, unlike wild-typegerm lines, a fraction of late-generation rsd mutant germ lineswere tumorous and showed excessive germ cell proliferation(Fig. 2 A and B). In contrast, fertile early-generation (F4) animalsmaintained at both 20 °C and 25 °C displayed germ line compa-rable to wild type (Fig. S1I). Mutations in the core cell deathgenes ced-3 and ced-4 (16) were used to test whether apoptosismight affect germ-line development in sterile rsd-2 or rsd-6 ani-mals. Atrophy and absence of germ-line phenotypes were signif-icantly ameliorated for late-generation rsd-6(yp11); ced-3 (F6) andrsd-6(yp11); ced-4 (F10) double mutants, although the tumorousphenotype persisted (Fig. 2B). Thus, germ cell remodeling eventspromoted by apoptosis occurred in sterile rsd hermaphrodites,whereas tumorous germ cell overproliferation occurred inde-pendently of apoptosis. In rsd-6(yp11); ced-3 double mutants, thetemperature-sensitive Mrt phenotype of rsd-6 was not stronglysuppressed (Fig. S1H), suggesting atrophy of the germ line in late-generation rsd mutants is a consequence rather than a cause ofgerm-line mortality.Analysis of DAPI-stained oocytes in both early-generation

fertile (F4) and late-generation sterile (F6–F8) rsd-2 or rsd-6adults revealed six spots, indicative of a normal karyotype inmost of oocytes (Fig. 2 C and D and Fig. S1J). However, somelate-generation rsd mutant oocytes displayed an increase or de-crease in the number of DAPI-positive spots, whereas N2 wild-type siblings propagated for the same number of generations(F6) did not (Fig. 2 C and D). Thus, the strong chromosome




oocytes embryossperm

meiosis TZ

RSD-2 domains



RSD-2 interaction domain Tudor domain

RSD-6 interaction domain

yp10G570E(g to a)


(c to t)

yp11W71Stop(g to a)


(g to a)






F2 F4 F6 F8 F10












Wildtype (N2)














F2 F4 F6 F8 F10













F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10














F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10


Wildtype (N2)rsd-6(yp11)rsd-6(pk3300)yp11 / pk3300rsd-2(yp10)rsd-2(pk3307)yp10 / pk3307


















F2 F6 F10







nrde-2rsd-6; nrde-2

rde-4 (ne301)rde-1 (ne219)mut-7 (pk204)rde-2 (ne221)












Fig. 1. rsd-2 and rsd-6 promote germ cell immortality. (A and B) yp10 and yp11mutations in rsd-2 and rsd-6 (A) fail to complement known rsd-2(pk3307) or rsd-6(pk3300) mutations for progressive sterility at 25 °C (n = 9 for WT and rsd-6mutants, n = 8 for rsd-2 mutants and for yp11/pk3300 and yp10/pk3307 trans-heterozygotes) (B). The RSD-2.a isoform is shown in A, but yp10 and pk3307 alsoaffect RSD-2.b and .d isoforms ( (C) A germ-line–specificpgl-3 promoter-driven rsd-6 genomic transgene Is[Ppgl-3::rsd-6] and a ubiquitousdpy-30 promoter-driven rsd-6 transgene Is[Pdpy-30::rsd-6] partially rescued pro-gressive sterility of rsd-6(pk3300) at 25 °C (n = 4 for WT and pk3300, n = 10 forrescued lines). Incomplete rescue might be due to technical limitations of single-copy rsd-6 transgenes. (D) Lack of an additive fertility defect at 25 °C in rsd-6(yp11); nuclear RNAi defective (nrde)-2(gg95) double mutants indicates thatthese genes act in the same pathway to promote germ cell immortality. De-ficiency for rde-4 did not result in progressive sterility at 25 °C, suggesting 26G-RNAs are dispensable for germ cell immortality. (E) Model of the C. elegans germline. TZ, transition zone. (F–I) Anti–RSD-2 antibody immunofluorescent imagesassessed by using wide-field (F, H, and I) and confocal (G) microscopy. RSD-2localizes to cytoplasm of wild-type embryos (F), where it adopts a perinuclearposition (G, arrows) and adult germ cell nuclei in wild type (H) but not in rsd-2(pk3307) (I). The germ line is outlined with dashes lines for H and I, which areimages of the distal germ line that reflect staining throughout the germ line.

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Caenorhabditis elegans RSD-2 and RSD-6 promote germ ...RSD-2 and RSD-6 May Function in Germ Cells to Promote Germ Cell Immortality. RSD-6 and RSD-2 form a complex that was pre-viously - [PDF Document] (3)

segregation defects of rsd-2 and rsd-6 mutations at sterility areconsistent with exacerbation of a previously reported mildchromosome nondisjunction phenotype at high temperature (10).Chromosome missegregation has been noted for other small RNApathway mutants in C. elegans such as CSR-1, an Argonaute proteinwith roles in promoting chromosome segregation, histone mRNAmaturation, and germ-line gene expression (17–19). In addition,RNAi defects lead to desilencing of repetitive DNA in pericentricheterochromatin in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, resulting in cen-tromere cohesion defects and chromosome instability (20).In contrast to late-generation rsdmutants (Fig. 2 C and D), late-

generation mrt mutants with telomerase defects display consistentdecreases in the number of DAPI-positive spots (5, 6). Further-more, most telomerase mutants are not temperature sensitive andbecome sterile at all temperatures (5, 6). Thus, defects in telo-merase-mediated telomere repeat addition are unlikely to explainthe fertility defects of rsd mutants.

Small RNAs Targeting Spermatogenesis Genes Are Perturbed in rsdMutants. We hypothesized that RSD-2 and RSD-6 might protectgerm cell integrity based on their roles in endogenous RNA si-lencing pathways. To verify this hypothesis, we fed dsRNA againstGFP to strains that carried a germ-line–expressed Ppie-1-gfptransgene and examined small RNA populations against thegfp transgene by RNA sequencing. We found that rsd-2 mutants aredefective for secondary 22G-RNA production or maintenance in thegerm line, rather than for primary small interfering RNA (siRNA)biogenesis (Fig. S2 A–F), consistent with a previous report thatRSD-2 and RSD-6 promote secondary siRNA amplification (11).

We next examined small RNA populations from mixed de-velopmental stages of early- (F2) and late-generation rsd-2 (F10)and rsd-6 (F8) mutant strains grown in parallel at 20 °C and 25 °C.RNA was prepared from late-generation populations that wereclose to sterility but had very few sterile adults, such that com-parable amounts of germ-line tissue would be present in early-and late-generation RNA samples. Deep sequencing of single rsd-2 or rsd-6 samples was performed to define consistent molecularchanges that occurred at 25 °C (two independent alleles tested pergenotype), but did not occur in wild-type controls at 25 °C. Wefound that 21U-RNAs corresponding to known piRNA (Piwi-interacting RNA) genes (21, 22) were still present and even in-creased in abundance in late-generation rsd-2 (F10) and rsd-6 (F8)animals (Fig. S2G), as were 26G-RNAs, which are also involvedin endogenous silencing pathways (Fig. S2H) (23). By contrast,22G-RNAs antisense to protein-coding genes were reduced ata subset of genes after repeated passages (F10) of rsd-2 animals at25 °C, and the number of genes showing this reduction was sig-nificantly larger in rsd-2 animals than that in wild-type animals, asrevealed by a Q-Q plot where all points would follow the x = y axisif there were no difference between wild type and rsd-2 (Fig. 3A).We identified 481 protein-coding genes that were >16-fold de-pleted for 22G-RNA reads in late-generation rsd-2 relative toearly-generation rsd-2 (F10/F2) grown at 25 °C (Dataset S1). The22G-RNAs mapping to these genes were also reduced in rsd-6late- versus early-generation (F8/F2) (P < 2E−16, Wilcoxonsigned rank test) (Fig. S2I). Moreover, 22G-RNAs in rsd-6 late-versus early-generation (F8/F2) showed a similar Q-Q plot dis-tribution to rsd-2 (F10/F2) (Fig. S2J). Genes targeted by these













< 66 (WT)> 6

Wildtype rsd-6(pk3300)



Wildtype rsd-6(yp11) WT (N























% O


e nu


% G







); ced




); ced



Fig. 2. Germ cell proliferation defects and nondisjunction in late-generation rsdmutants. (A) DAPI images of wild type reveals normal germ cell proliferation(arrowheads), whereas sterile late-generation (F6) rsd-6 mutants display germ cell atrophy (asterisk) or overproliferation (arrow). (B) Frequency of germ-linephenotypes in size in sterile late-generation rsd mutants and fertile wild-type controls grown at 25 °C (wild type at generation F6 n = 40, yp11 at F6 n = 70,pk3300 at F8 n = 30, yp10 at F6 n = 60, yp11; ced-3 at F6 n = 30, yp11; ced-4 at F10 n = 46, ced-3 at F14 n = 30). (C and D) Images (C) and quantification (D) ofDAPI-positive chromosome spots in oocytes of sterile late-generation rsd-6 or rsd-2 adults at 25 °C, and matched fertile wild-type controls (arrows correspondto six chromosomes in diakinesis; dotted circle surrounds a single oocyte nucleus) (wild type at generation F6 n = 165, yp11 at F6 n = 31, pk3300 at F8 n = 9,yp10 at F6 n = 45). (Scale bars: A, 100 μm; C, 10 μm.)

Sakaguchi et al. PNAS | Published online September 25, 2014 | E4325








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depleted 22G-RNAs overlapped strongly with genes downstreamof ALG-3/-4-dependent 26G-RNAs (P = 1E−16, Fisher’s exacttest) (Fig. 3B), which have been shown to target spermatogenesisgenes (24) (see below). Consistently, the set of RSD-2–dependentgenes also overlapped strongly with spermatogenesis genes (25)(P < 2E−16, Fisher’s exact test) (Fig. 3B). We compared thesegenes to a set of 248 genes that show reduced 22G-RNAs in rsd-2mutants grown at 20 °C relative to wild type (11). There was astatistically significant overlap between the two sets of genes (P <1E−3, Fisher’s exact test); however, none of the spermatogenesisgenes affected in rsd-2mutants at 25 °C were also affected at 20 °C(Fig. S2K), thus the progressive reduction in small RNAs map-ping to spermatogenesis genes in rsd mutants only occurs athigher temperatures.

The overlap between genes with RSD-2–dependent small RNAsand genes with ALG-3/-4–dependent small RNAs was intriguingbecause ALG-3/-4, in conjunction with the Argonaute CSR-1, isrequired for fertility by maintaining high levels of spermatogenesisgene expression (26). Indeed, RSD-2–dependent genes overlappedmore strongly with genes that are up-regulated by ALG-3/-4 thangenes down-regulated by ALG-3/-4 (odds ratio 2; Fig. S2L) (27).We therefore tested whether loss of RSD-2 function results in al-tered spermatogenesis gene expression. Systematic examinationof the expression of 760 spermatogenesis genes (25) using tilingmicroarrays across the C. elegans genome demonstrated strong up-regulation in late-generation versus early-generation 25 °C rsd-2(F10/F2) and rsd-6 (F8/F2) animals (for both rsd-2 and rsd-6, P <2E−16, Mann–Whitney unpaired test) (Fig. 3C and Dataset S2).


FED Gtransposons

−8−6−4 −2 0 2 4 6









log2 (rsd-2/wildtype)−4 −2 0 2 4









log2 (late/early)

rsd-6 pk3300controlrsd-2 pk3307and yp10 controlmean rsd-2all repeats rsd-6 pk3300all repeats

log2 (rsd-2/wildtype)−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4





tandem repeats




−1 0 1 2





log2 (late vs early)

rsd-2 log2 late/early



log 2 l



Q-Q plot

-5 0 5





ty spr-5 upregulatedspermatogenesis

spr-5 upregulatednon-spermatogenesisall genes

481 832Spermato-




384 113



−2 −1 0 1 2 3









−1 0 1 2 3







−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3




0.6 20oC

rsd-225oC rsd-2

25oC rsd-6

log2 (late vs early)log2 (late vs early)log2 (late vs early)



H 50 kb








172-mer repeat

rsd-6 pk3300

rsd-2 yp10

rsd-2 pk3307








Chr IV:

Wormbase Genes

rsd-6 pk3300

rsd-2 yp10

rsd-2 pk3307

rsd-6 yp11 / wildtype50-5











a rly


e rat



pk3300 yp10 pk3307E L E L E L

pk3300yp10 pk3307


rsd-2 rsd-6

rsd-6 rsd-2











25 oC

20 oC
















Log 2(la


a rly







Fig. 3. Gene expression changes in rsd mutants associated with loss of small RNAs. (A) Q-Q plot to identify differences from normal distribution showsoverrepresentation of genes with reduced antisense small RNAs at 25 °C in late- versus early-generation rsd-2 mutants compared with late- versus early-generation wild type. Arrow indicates deflection from the expected y = x line distribution. (B) Overlap of 22G-RNA–depleted genes in late-generation rsd-2strains at 25 °C with spermatogenesis and ALG-3/-4 regulated genes (24). The total number of genes in each set including subsets is shown inside the relevantsection. (C) Tiling array analysis shows up-regulation of spermatogenesis genes in late- versus early-generation rsd strains at 25 °C but not at 20 °C. Zeroindicates no change in expression. Shift to the right indicates increased expression. Density reflects the number of genes at a specific expression level relativeto other segments. (D) Tiling array analysis indicates spermatogenesis genes that are up-regulated by spr-5 show higher expression in late- versus early-generationrsd-2mutants at 25 °C but nonspermatogenesis genes that are up-regulated by spr-5 does not. (E and F) RNA sequencing analysis shows wider spread of 22G-RNA reads, normalized to total library size, mapping with up to two mismatches to transposons (E) or tandem repeats (F) in late-generation rsd-2 strains at25 °C. (G) Expression of tandem repeats increases in late-generation rsd mutants, compared with control sequences of the same length drawn randomly fromnonrepetitive regions of the genome at 25 °C. (H) Expression of the 19 longest tandem repeat tracts in the C. elegans genome in late- versus early-generationrsd mutants analyzed by tiling arrays. (I) Tiling array data from UCSC genome browser reveals up-regulation of a 172-mer repeat tract in late- versus early-generation rsd strains grown at 25 °C but not at 20 °C, and also in late-generation rsd-6 versus late-generation wild-type RNA at 25 °C. (J) RT-PCR analysisconfirms results shown in I. E, early generation. L, late generation. M, size marker. act-1 PCR is shown as loading control. For RNA sequencing, tiling array, andRT-PCR, yp10 at generation F12, pk3307 at F10, pk3300 at F8, yp11 at F8, and wild type grown for the same number of generations in each experiment wereused for late-generation samples, and animals at F2 were used for early-generation samples for all of the strains tested.

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This up-regulation was not seen at 20 °C (rsd-2, P < 2E−16; rsd-6,P < 2E−16, Wilcoxon signed rank test) (Fig. 3C), and down-regulation of spermatogenesis genes occurred infrequently.Thus, in contrast to ALG-3/-4 and CSR-1, RSD-2/-6 are requiredto repress the expression of spermatogenesis genes, implying thatthe cause of transgenerational sterility in rsd-2 mutants is distinct.In support of this hypothesis, we found that fertility was rarelyrestored when mating sterile rsd-6 hermaphrodites with wild-typemales (n = 0/98, 2/132, 2/36, 1/48, and 1/40 sterile rsd-6 her-maphrodites mated with wild-type males gave rise to progeny in fiveindependent trials). Thus, the transgenerational sterility of rsdmutants primarily arises from more widespread germ-line dysfunc-tion than defects in spermatogenesis alone.Increased expression of spermatogenesis genes in rsd-2/-6

mutants is reminiscent of the phenotype of the spr-5 histone H3lysine 4 demethylase mutant, which shows varying levels of trans-generational sterility (27, 28). However, the spermatogenesis genestargeted by rsd-2 are not exactly the same as those targeted by SPR-5(Dataset S2); moreover, there was no up-regulation of non-spermatogenesis genes targeted by spr-5 (27) in late-generation(F10) rsd-2 mutants (Fig. 3D). This result implies that althoughRSD-2, RSD-6, and SPR-5 repress spermatogenesis gene ex-pression, SPR-5 regulates a distinct repertoire of targets. Thus,the transgenerational sterility phenotype of rsd-2/-6 mutants isdistinct from those of alg-3/-4, csr-1, and spr-5 mutants (29).

Desilencing of Repetitive Loci in Stressed Late-Generation rsd Mutants.In addition to targeting 22G-RNAs, vertebrate and DrosophilaTudor domain proteins are known to target repetitive regions of thegenome such as transposons (9, 30–34). We therefore mapped 22G-RNAs in rsdmutants against these repetitive loci. In late-generation(F10) rsd-2 animals grown at 25 °C, we found significantly widerdistribution of differences for 22G-RNAs mapping against trans-posons (Fig. 3E) and tandem repeats (Fig. 3F) such that someshowed increased 22G-RNA reads and some showed strongly re-duced 22G-RNA reads (both P < 2E−16, Kolmogorov–Smirnovtest). We also found that rsd-2 and rsd-6 showed highly comparablechanges at individual transposon loci (Fig. S3). Moreover, similarlyto rsd-2, the wider distribution of differences was seen for 22G-RNA reads against tandem repeats and transposons in 25 °C rsd-6late-generation (F8) animals (tandem repeats P < 0.05, transposonsP < 2E−16, Kolmogorov–Smirnov test) (Fig. S4 A and B). We alsomapped 22G-RNAs from previously published sequencing dataof rsd-2 mutants grown at 20 °C (11) to transposons and tandemrepeats. Although 22G-RNA reads against transposons showedlittle difference from wild type (Fig. S4C) and although a smallsubset of repeats showed reduced reads (Fig. S4D) at 20 °C, therewas no evidence of the widespread dysfunction that was seen at25 °C. Thus, RSD-2 and RSD-6 proteins promote accumulation of22G-RNAs targeting repetitive regions of the genome at thestressful temperature of 25 °C, an activity that is consistent witha silencing defect that promotes sterility in rsdmutants, as discussedbelow. Consistently, genome-wide, we saw a dramatic increase inthe expression of repetitive repeat regions compared with controlregions of the genome in both rsd-2 (F10) and rsd-6 (F8) late-gen-eration animals at 25 °C (Fig. 3 G and H and Fig. S4E), but not at20 °C (Fig. 3H and Fig. S4F) (P < 2E−16, Wilcoxon signed ranktest). The up-regulated loci included transposons (Fig. S5A) andshort direct tandem repeat tract loci, composed of 25- to 180-mer repeat tract and total lengths up to 50 kb (Fig. 3I and Fig. S5B and C), as confirmed by RT-PCR analysis of rsd samples (Fig.3J and Fig. S5D). Changes in the expression of repetitive elementswas associated with altered small RNAs as simple repeats showingboth increased and decreased 22G-RNAs in rsd-2 mutants weremore strongly up-regulated than all simple repeats (Fig. S5E)(both P < 0.05, Wilcoxon unpaired test). Thus, widespread dys-function in small RNAs from repetitive loci in rsd-2 mutants isassociated with failure to control expression of these elements.

Interestingly, although transposons with both increased and de-creased 22G-RNAs were up-regulated in rsd-2 mutants, alltransposons also showed up-regulation (Fig. S5F), thus suggestingthat there might be a more complex relationship between 22G-RNAs and transposon expression in rsd-2 mutants.Because the microarray analysis was performed by using RNA

from mixed stages of development, we examined the cellular lo-calization of repetitive RNA expression in adults and early em-bryos using RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Wedetected RNA from independent tandem repeat sequences inembryos for all strains examined at 25 °C (Fig. 4 A–C, G–I, andM–R and Fig. S6 P–R) and also at 20 °C for wild type, includingboth antisense and sense probes of CeRep59 (Fig. S6 S–U). Wedid not detect tandem repeat RNA in the adult germ line orsomatic cells of wild-type animals (Fig. 4 G–I and P–R, and Fig.S6 P–U) or in control midgeneration (F6) rsd-6 mutants at 25 °C(Fig. 4 M–O), suggesting that tandem repeats are silenced there.However, we saw a strong signal for tandem repeat probes inboth the germ line and somatic cells of late-generation (F8) rsd-2and rsd-6mutants grown at 25 °C (Fig. 4 A–F and J–I, and Fig. S6A–C and J–O). Control RNA FISH probes for repetitive loci thatexpress 26S ribosomal RNA were detected at high levels in thegerm line of all strains examined, and this signal did not changein late-generation (F8) rsd-6 animals (Fig. S6 D–I). Thus, RNAfrom repetitive regions accumulates in both somatic and germcells of rsd mutants concomitantly with the onset of sterility.Expression of RNA from both strands of repetitive loci during

embryogenesis could promote production of siRNAs that silencerepeats in the germ line and soma of wild-type adults (Fig. 4 G–Iand P–R, and Fig. S6 P–U). Although it was shown that the 26G-RNA class of primary siRNAs that target endogenous loci forsilencing are generated during embryogenesis by RDE-4 (35), wefound that deficiency for rde-4 did not result in progressive ste-rility at 25 °C (Fig. 1D and Fig. S1K). Thus, although deficiencyfor rde-4 has been shown to cause reduced fertility at 25 °C (36),we conclude that rde-4 is not necessary for long-term transgenera-tional maintenance of fertility at 25 °C. Therefore, 26G-RNAs aredispensable for germ cell immortality. Note that deficiency for somegenes required for 26G-RNA biogenesis results in immediate ste-rility at 25 °C (eri-1 and rrf-3) (35, 37–39), and freshly outcrossedmutations that disrupt secondary siRNA production, rde-2 andmut-7(40, 41), also result in rapid sterility at 25 °C (Fig. 1D) (n = 20strains propagated per genotype). Deficiency for an additionalRNAi gene, rde-1, which is required for responding to exogenousdsRNAs (42), resulted in negligible effects on transgenerationalfertility (Fig. 1D) (n = 8 strains propagated).Because repetitive elements including transposon loci were

desilenced in rsd-2 and rsd-6 animals, increased levels of trans-position might account for the progressive sterility phenotype.Transposition of a few DNA transposons can be scored based onestablished excision assays (42), but these tests represent a limitedanalysis of the diversity of RNA and DNA transposons present inthe C. elegans genome. We therefore used unbiased tests that woulddetect increased activity for any transposon and obtained three in-dependent lines of evidence that increased levels of transpositionare unlikely to occur in late-generation rsd mutants (Fig. S5 G–K).

RSD-6 Acts via Small RNA-Mediated Transcriptional Silencing. Be-cause RSD-2 localized to nuclei of adult germ cells (Fig. 1H)where tandem repeats were ectopically expressed in late-gener-ation rsd-2 and rsd-6 mutants grown at 25 °C (Fig. 4 and Fig. S6),we hypothesize that RSD-2 and RSD-6 promote germ cell im-mortality in nuclei of adult germ cells. It was reported that threegenes that promoteRNAi-mediated silencing at genomic loci withinnuclei are required for germ cell immortality (43). Mutation of oneof these nuclearRNAi genes, nrde-2, results in sterility if propagatedat 25 °C, similar to rsd-2 and rsd-6 (Fig. 1D), whereas deficiencyfor nrde-1 and nrde-4 compromises germ cell immortality at all

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temperatures (43). To determine how nrde-2 and rsd mutations in-teract in the context of germ cell immortality, we constructedrsd-6(yp11); nrde-2(gg95) double mutants, which displayed a trans-generational lifespan (6.66 ± 0.18 generations) that was slightlylonger than that of nrde-2mutants (5.72± 0.14 generations) (Fig. 1Dand Table S1). Lack of an additive fertility defect in rsd-6; nrde-2double mutants, compared with single mutant controls, indicatesthat these genes act in the same pathway to promote germ cell im-mortality. Consistently, late-generation (F12) sterile nrde-2 mutantadults grown at 25 °C expressed high levels of repeat RNA in bothgerm and somatic cells relative to fertile, early-generation (F2)controls, and this result was comparablewith rsd-6mutants (Fig. S7).

DiscussionWe demonstrate that rsd-2 and rsd-6 are required for germ cellimmortality at 25 °C, where strains display robust fertility for manygenerations and then yield a highly penetrant sterile phenotype.This mortal germ-line phenotype implies gradual accumulation ofa heritable defect. Our data argue that perturbed transgenera-tional maintenance of 22G secondary siRNA populations occursas rsd mutants are propagated at 25 °C (Fig. 3 E and F and Fig. S4A and B), resulting in a genome-wide failure of epigenetic si-lencing and infertility.

C. elegans harbors both prosilencing and antisilencing sec-ondary siRNA systems, where prosilencing 22G-RNAs associatewith WAGO-class Argonaute proteins and antisilencing 22G-RNAs associate with ALG-3/-4 and CSR-1 Argonaute proteins.Both these pathways have been implicated in transgenerationalsterility phenotypes (26, 44). Conine et al. reported that het-erozygosity for alg-3/-4 or csr-1 mutations in males can elicit atemperature-sensitive mortal germ-line phenotype, apparent onlyat 25 °C (26). This phenotype was accompanied by transgenera-tional depletion of antisilencing 22G-RNA populations associ-ated with CSR-1 and by reduced expression of spermatogenesisgenes. Further, late-generation sterility of alg-3/-4 or csr-1 het-erozygotes was caused by a highly penetrant spermatogenesisdefect that was frequently and strongly rescued by wild-typesperm (26). Our finding that rsd mutants lose 22G-RNAs againstspermatogenesis genes is reminiscent of this effect; however,rsd mutants show transgenerational increase in expression ofspermatogenesis genes rather than the reduced expressionpresumed to underlie the phenotype of csr-1 heterozygosity.Moreover, the fertility of rsd mutants cannot be rescued by wild-type sperm. Our data therefore suggest that RSD-2 and RSD-6do not act in the same pathway as CSR-1/ALG-3/-4 to maintainspermatogenesis gene expression. However, spr-5 mutants were

Cy5 mergeC


59 a








se p


adult germ cellS T


early embryo

repetitive RNA siRNA NRDE-2DNA




exogenous dsRNA

RNA interferencenuclear

RNA interference

endogenous dsRNA?



temperature-independent,immediate effect in one generation















































Cy5 mergeDAPI

transgenerational nuclear silencingof transposons and tandem repeats

Fig. 4. Germ-line and somatic expression of tandem repeats in late-generation rsdmutants. (A–R) Confocal images of Cy5-labeled RNA FISH probes (A, D, G, J, M,and P), DAPI-stained nuclei of the corresponding images (B, E, H, K, N, and Q), and merged images containing Cy5 and DAPI signals (C, F, I, L, O, and R) for animalsderived from strains grown at 25 °C. RNA FISH probes reveal expression of CeRep59 antisense tandem repeat (A–I) or CeRep59 sense tandem repeat (J–R) in late-generation (F8) rsd-2(pk3307) (A–C), rsd-6(yp11) (D–F and J–L) or control midgeneration (F6) rsd-6 (M–O), and control wild-type (G–I and P–R) two-day-old adults.All images were taken under the same condition. The germ line is outlined with white dashed line, and embryo is outlined with white solid line for merge images.(S and T) Models of RSD-2/-6 and NRDE-2 function in transgenerational silencing. RSD-2/-6 and NRDE-2 function via independent RNA silencing pathways withimmediate effects in response to exogenous dsRNA (S, Left). However, they function in a common transgenerational nuclear silencing pathway that responds toendogenous siRNAs and is revealed only at high temperature (S, Right). Expression of forward (purple) and reverse (red) strands of RNA from repetitive loci occursin early embryos (T, left cell), which may lead to siRNA production in the cytoplasm. In adult germ cells, RSD proteins translocate to the nucleus (T, right cell),where they may act with NRDE-2 to facilitate a temperature-sensitive process that promotes transgenerational siRNA-mediated silencing of repetitive loci.

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recently reported to display a fully penetrant temperature-sen-sitive progressive sterility phenotype similar to that of rsd-2 andrsd-6 (29), and it is possible that the transgenerational sterilityphenotypes of these mutants could result from related/over-lapping defects in 22G-RNA–directed histone methylation thatpromote transgenerational silencing of spermatogenesis genes.Our study suggests that a key function of RSD-2, RSD-6, and

NRDE-2 is to promote germ cell immortality via a commontransgenerational endogenous small RNA-mediated nuclear si-lencing process (Figs. 1D and 4S). Because rsd-2/-6 and nrde-2mutants only became sterile at 25 °C, RSD-6 and RSD-2 mayfunction in conjunction with NRDE-2 at the crux of an in-trinsically temperature-sensitive process that is essential for germcell immortality, possibly involving maintenance of prosilencingendogenous 22G-RNAs populations that promote maintenanceof heterochromatin (Fig. 4T). Such a model is reminiscent of smallRNA-mediated heterochromatin silencing in yeast, Drosophila, andplants (45).Despite the involvement of the nuclear RNAi pathway in si-

lencing repetitive sequences, we detected both forward and re-verse strands of tandem repeat sequences in the cytoplasm inwild-type embryos (Fig. 4 and Fig. S6). Thus, bursts of tran-scription from repetitive loci during embryogenesis may generateboth primary and secondary siRNAs against these sequences.These data suggest a developmentally regulated mechanism ofsiRNA production that promotes transgenerational maintenanceof prosilencing siRNA populations associated with heterochro-matin. Interestingly, RSD-2 was cytoplasmic in embryos, whereasin adults, we observed RSD-2 in the nuclei of germ cells. This ob-servation suggests that RSD-2 could couple cytoplasmic siRNAproduction with maintenance of NRDE-2–dependent nuclearsilencing in the adult germ line and soma (Figs. 1 F–H and 4 andFigs. S6 and S7), thus acting to link cytoplasmic and nuclearRNAi pathways. Alternatively, expression of repetitive lociduring embryogenesis may represent a developmentally con-served stage of reprogramming of silent chromatin that isseparable from the function of RSD-2/RSD-6 in siRNA main-tenance at repetitive loci, which could be restricted to nuclei ofadult germ cells (right cell of Fig. 4T), consistent with RSD-2localization (Fig. 1H).Our data imply that RSD-2 and RSD-6 promote transgenera-

tional maintenance of siRNA populations that repress expression ofrepetitive loci such as transposons and tandem repeats (Fig. 4 S and T).Despite increased expression of transposons, we found no evidencefor transposition in late-generation rsdmutants (Fig. S5G–K). Lackof a marked increase in transposon-induced mutations may be be-cause there are several layers of defense against transposons, soincreased expression of transposon RNA could occur without sig-nificant increases in transposition. However, even without increasedtransposition, increased expression of repetitive regions of the ge-nome including transposons or tandem repeats or associated effectson chromosome architecture may contribute to the transgenera-tional fertility defect of rsd mutants.Overall, our data indicate that spermatogenesis genes and

repetitive segments of the genome are targeted by 22G smallRNAs, and that these small RNA populations are disrupted inlate-generation rsd mutants. However, it is not clear whetherincreased expression of repeats or spermatogenesis genes, ormisexpression of other genomic loci, is sufficient to cause thefertility defects of rsd mutants. Thus, the causal connection be-tween small RNA dysfunction and germ-line mortality remainsunsolved, and our model represents one of several possiblescenarios based on our observations.One goal of studying germ cell immortality in C. elegans is to

create models for forms of stress that may be relevant to aging ofmammalian somatic cells as they proliferate (50–100 cell divi-sions). Although the overproliferation and underproliferationphenotypes of sterile rsd adult germ cells may appear to be effects

of an opposite nature (Fig. 2), proliferative aging of mammaliansomatic cells has potentially analogous consequences, where age-related stress can trigger senescence or apoptosis but can alsolead to inappropriate overproliferation in the context of tumordevelopment. Our data suggest that a malleable siRNA-basedrepeat silencing system in germ cells, which may be subject tostochastic, genetic, or epigenetic effects in human populations,could explain some of the transgenerational variation in thepenetrance of aging-related disorders.

Materials and MethodsStrains.Unless noted otherwise, all strains were cultured at 20 °C onNematodeGrowth Medium plates seeded with E. coli OP50 (46). Strains used includeBristol N2 wild type, dpy-5(e61) I, mut-2(r459) I, rde-2(ne221) I, unc-13(e450) I,unc-13(e51) I, rsd-6(yp11) I, rsd-6(pk3300) I, daf-8(m85ts) I, unc-29(e193) I,EG4322 ttTi5605 II (Mos1); unc-119(ed3) III, nrde-2(gg95) II, rde-4(ne301) III,sma-2(e502) III, sma-3(e491) III, unc-32(e189) III, mut-7(pk204) III, ced-4(n1162)III, unc-30(e191) IV, ced-3(n717) IV, unc-26(e205) IV, rsd-2(yp10) IV, rsd-2(pk3307) IV, dpy-4(e1166) IV, rde-1(ne219) V, dpy-11(e224) V, unc-58(e665) X.

RNAi mutants mut-2 and rsd-6 were outcrossed by using unc-13 as a marker.RNAi mutant rde-4 was outcrossed by using unc-32 as a marker. rsd-2 and rde-1were outcrossed by using unc-30 and dpy-11 as markers, respectively.

Mutator assays were performed at 25 °C with late-generation unc-58single mutant and rsd-6; unc-58 or rsd-2; unc-58 or mut-2; unc-58 doublemutants as described (47).

Germ-Line Mortality Assay and Brood Size Count.Worms were assessed for themortal germ-line phenotype by using the assay described (5).

Mrt assays were performed for Fig. 1D by using rde-4 animals that werefreshly outcrossed at 20 °C. These assays were initiated with six F4 L1 larvaefrom nonstarved F2 plates, and six L1 larvae were transferred to fresh platesonce a week (every two generations). For data shown in Fig. 1D, the “F2”generation refers the six 20 °C F4 L1 larvae placed at 25 °C.

Feeding-RNAi Assay. Feeding RNAi plates harboring host bacteria HT115(DE3)engineered to express pop-1, par-6, or pos-1 dsRNA were prepared from theAhringer RNAi library (48). L4 larvae were placed onto freshly preparedfeeding RNAi plates with dsRNA induced by 1 mM IPTG (isopropyl-β-D(-)-thiogalactopyranoside) and were transferred animals every 24 h (49). Assayswere performed at 20 °C.

Gene Silencing via Cosuppression. A fragment from 2 kb upstream to 1 kbdownstream of rsd-6 gene including the first and second exons was ampli-fied from N2 wild-type genomic DNA for the cosuppression experiment. Theamplified fragment was injected into N2 wild-type animals with pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)] marker, and animals with transgenes were distinguished bythe Roller phenotype of su1006.

DAPI Staining. DAPI staining was performed as described (5). L4 larvaewere selected from sibling plates, and sterile adults were single as late L4s,observed 24 h later for confirmed sterility, and then stained. The stainedanimals were observed by Nikon Eclipse E800 microscope.

RSD-2 Immunofluorescence. Adult hermaphrodites raised at 20 °C were dis-sected in M9 buffer and flash frozen on dry ice before fixation for 20 min inmethanol at −20 °C. After washing in PBS supplemented with 0.1% Tween-20(PBST), a rabbit polyclonal antibody against amino acids 581–730 of RSD-2(F52G2.2) (SDIX) at a 1/3,000 dilution in PBST was used to immunostainovernight at 4 °C in a humid chamber. Secondary antibody staining wasperformed by using an Alexa-Fluor 488-coupled mouse anti-rabbit, for 1 h at37 °C. Slides were visualized by using a Zeiss (Fig. 1 F, H, and I and Fig. S1 C–E)or Olympus Upright Confocal microscope (Fig. 1G). Staining was also carriedout in parallel on rsd-2(pk3307) animals and showed no reactivity of theantibody with embryos, germ line, or oocytes.

RNA Preparation and cDNA Synthesis. RNA for tiling arrays, RT-PCR, and RNAsequencing was prepared at each generation. Mixed staged animals werecollected with M9 buffer, and total RNA was purified by a guanidiniumthiocyanate-phenol-chloroform (TRIzol) extraction method (50). First-strandcDNA was synthesized by using Super Script II or III Reverse Transcriptase(Invitrogen). Second-strand cDNA for tiling array was synthesized by usingSecond Strand Buffer (Invitrogen), E. coli DNA ligase (NEB), E. coli DNApolymerase I (Promega), and T4 DNA polymerase (NEB). Synthesized cDNA

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were fragmented by sonication for tiling arrays. Animals harvested for RNApreparation were predominantly adults from the indicated generation, andembryos and larvae of the following generation.

Tiling Arrays. Tiling microarrays were performed as described (51). The de-tection platform was Roche NimbleGen Custom 2.1 M Tiling arrays, with50-mer probes, tiled every 50 bp for the WS170 (ce4) genome build, pro-viding even and almost gap-free coverage across the whole C. elegans ge-nome. Samples were amplified by using ligation-mediated PCR as described(52). Late-generation mutant samples were labeled with Cy5, and their inputreference late-generation wild type or early-generation mutant with Cy3following the methods was described (52). Single microarrays were per-formed for each early- versus late- or late- versus late-generation experi-ment, using RNA samples from independent alleles of rsd-2 and rsd-6, whichplay similar roles in RNAi and germ cell immortality, and whose geneproducts have been shown to physically interact (8).

Microarray Data Analysis. Unless otherwise stated, each mutant allele wastreated separately and the difference between late and early generationwas calculated. One array, for rsd-6(yp11), had to be discarded because ofabnormal background and was not used for further analysis. To test for ex-pression changes in expression of genes identified as expressed during sper-matogenesis (25), data normalized for gene bodies was analyzed by usingcustom scripts in R (25). Statistical testing for spermatogenesis gene expres-sion changes was performed by using the entire set of spermatogenesis genesas a sample so that a paired test could be carried out between changes at20 °C and at 25 °C, and an unpaired test between changes in spermatogenesisgenes and all genes. For rsd-2, this statistical test was carried out for bothalleles separately giving qualitatively similar data. Plots in Fig. S2Jwere drawnwith the mean of both alleles for rsd-2 and for pk3300 for rsd-6. Repeatexpression was analyzed by mapping probes to either repetitive regionsdownloaded from the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) genomebrowser website (, or to control regions randomlyselected from each chromosome to have the same distribution of lengths asthe repeats on the same chromosome. Statistical testing for repeat up-reg-ulation was performed as for gene expression changes. Nonparametricmethods were used in both cases to avoid assumptions of normality.

Analysis of Copy Number Changes. Z scores comparing comparative genomehybridization intensity from early- and late-generation rsd-6 animals grownat 25 °C were interrogated for regions annotated as transposons or tandemrepeats by using the ce6 genome (WS190) annotation. Each set was com-pared with control regions randomly selected with the same length distri-bution as the test set as described for microarray data analysis. Statisticaltesting for increased copy number analysis was performed by using non-parametric methods. This method was successful in identifying increasedcopy number of transposons in late-generation mutants lacking prg-1 (44).

Small RNA Sequencing Analysis. The 5′ independent small RNA sequencingwas performed as described (12), using one repeat for each time-point of N2WT, rsd-2, and rsd-6 at 25 °C. Custom Perl scripts were used to select dif-ferent small RNA species from the library. To map small RNA sequences togenes, reads were aligned to the C. elegans ce6 genome by using Bowtie,Version 0.12.7, requiring perfect matches. Data were normalized to the totalnumber of aligned reads, and 1 was added to the number of reads mappingto each gene to avoid division by zero errors. To map 22G-RNA sequences totransposons and tandem repeats, direct alignment to the transposon con-sensus sequences, downloaded from Repbase (Ver 17.05) or repeatsobtained from the ce6 genome (WS190) annotations downloaded fromUCSC as above, was performed by using Bowtie, allowing up to two mis-matches and reporting only the best match. Uncollapsed fasta files wereused for these alignments to compensate for the problem of multipleidentical matches. Data were normalized to the total library size, and 1was added to the number of reads mapping to each feature to avoiddivision by zero errors. To analyze data from rsd-2 mutants grown at 20 °C(11), Fasta files were downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus anduncollapsed by using a custom Perl script before aligning to transposonsor tandem repeats as above. Analysis of data was carried out by using theR statistical package.

RT-PCR Analysis. Total RNA was isolated as described above. RT-PCR wasaccomplished by using theAnchor T primer (ATACCCGCTTAATTTTTTTTTTTTT)with SuperScript III First Strand Synthesis System (Invitrogen). The resultingcDNA was then normalized by using serial cDNA dilutions with act-1 specificprimers with Ex Taq polymerase (TaKaRa), a 64 °C annealing temperature

and 30 PCR cycles. cDNA concentrations were normalized based on ethidiumbromide fluorescence of samples separated on 1% agarose gels. Tandem repeatswere then analyzed by using PCR amplification with a 65 °C annealing tem-perature and 28 PCR cycles. PCR primers used were as follows:


Genetic Mapping and Complementation Tests of sma-3 Lines. Each of the fivesma mutations was outcrossed away from the original rsd mutations toanalyze what might have caused the Small or Dumpy phenotype. To de-termine whether the Small/Dumpy phenotype occurred in the same gene forall five mutations, sma; unc-3 double mutants were created and crosses with F1sma−/+males that were generated from crosses of sma−/− hermaphrodites withwild-type males. Sma animals were observed in non-Unc cross progeny for allcombinations of the five independent sma alleles, indicated that they failed tocomplement one another, and are likely to be alleles of the same gene.

We used a SNP mapping approach (53) to genetically map the smamutations and found that they were located on chromosome III, between −7and +1.55 map units. Mutations in three genes within this genetic interval,sma-2, sma-3, and daf-4, are known to cause small body size (54). Hetero-zygous sma-2(e502)/+ or sma-3(e491)/+ males were crossed with each sma;unc-3 double mutant lines and progeny were scored for the Small pheno-type. All F1 cross progeny sired by sma-2(e502)/+ males were wild type whilea proportion of F1 cross-progeny sired by sma-3(e491)/+ males exhibiteda Small phenotype, indicating failure to complement sma-3. Primers weregenerated to amplify the entire genomic region of sma-3, and PCR productscreated with these primers were sequenced in both directions for each alleleand for wild type to clearly show that each sma mutation occurred as aconsequence of the same single nucleotide insertion. Primers used to amplifythe sma-3 coding region were AATTCAGGTGGTTGCGAGAAG and TTTCCG-CTCAGTTTACCCAC. Sequencing primers were AATTCAGGTGGTTGCGAGAAG,ACTTTGACCAGTGGCATGTTC, CGTTGAGCTTCCACTAGACTGC, AACTTTCATA-AGCGCGTCGAG, TTGAGCCTCCTTCCTCTTAGTC, TTTCCGCTCAGTTTACCCAC andAAGCTTCGAATCAGCAATTTTCA.

RNA FISH. DNA oligonucleotide probes coupled with a 5′ Cy5 fluorophorewere used to detect repetitive element expression. The four probes used inthis study were as follows:

tttctgaaggcagtaattct, CeRep59 on chromosome I (located at 4281435–4294595 nt);

agaattactgccttcagaaa, antisense CeRep59 on chromosome I;caactgaatccagctcctca, chromosome V tandem repeat (located at 8699155–

8702766 nt); andgcttaagttcagcgggtaat, 26S rRNA.Probes were diluted in RNase free TE buffer immediately before use to

produce a working 25 mM stock.The strains used for RNA FISH experiments were rsd-6(yp11), rsd-2(pk3307),

and N2 Bristol wild type. Mixed stage animals were washed off from nonstarvedplates into microcentrifuge tubes, then washed once in M9 buffer and threetimes in 1 mL of 1× DEPC-treated PBS. Fixation was performed by suspendingworms in 1 mL of fixation buffer [3.7% (vol/vol) formaldehyde in 1× DEPC-treated PBS] for 45 min rotating at room temperature. After fixation, wormswere washed twice in 1 mL of 1× DEPC-treated PBS. Fixed animals werepermeabilized overnight at 4 °C in 70% ethanol in DEPC-treated H2O. Fol-lowing permeabilization, worms were washed once in 1 mL of wash buffer[10% (vol/vol) formamide in 2× RNase-free SSC] then hybridized in 100 μL ofhybridization buffer (0.2 g of dextran sulfate, 200 μL of 20× RNase-free SSC,200 μL of deionized formamide, and 1.5 mL of DEPC-H2O) with 1.25 μMprobe. Worms were incubated at 30 °C overnight. These animals werewashed in 1 mL of wash buffer for 30 min at room temperature, and thenwashed again in 1 mL wash buffer with 25 ng/mL DAPI counterstain for 30 minat room temperature. Animals were mounted for imaging on glass slides byusing VECTASHIELD mounting media (Vector Laboratories) before epifluor-escence or confocal microscopy.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank L. Garwood for mapping yp10 and yp11;T. Zucchero, L. Shtessel, L. Wu, J. Mitchell, and L. Leopold for technicalassistance; J. Lieb for assistance with microarrays; and M. Tijsterman forstrains. Some strains used in this work were provided by the Caenorhabditis

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Genetics Center, which is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)National Center for Research Resources. This research was supported by NIHGrant GM083048 (to S.A.), by National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Grant K12GM000678 (to S.M.A), by a Cancer Research UK Programme Grant(to E.A.M.), an European Research Council starting grant (to E.A.M.), and bya Research Fellowship from Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge (to P.S.).

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